Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan & W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla (Sticky Rice with Coconut Milk Custard)

ketan srikaya glutinous rice pandan coconut milk custard pudding sticky rice puding santan pulutKetan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis PandanFla Vanilla W’dank Bajigur, a lovely Takjil W’dank Bajigur dessert from Palembang which derived from Srivijaya-Malay cuisine. Ketan means glutinous rice and srikaya or srikayo or sometimes also called sarikaya means coconut milk custard, so ketan srikaya is savoury glutinous rice pudding topped with sweet custard made of egg yolk and coconut milk. Srikaya is coconut custard usually flavoured with pandan leaves extract to give a nice green color & distinct pandan fragrance.

takjil wedank bajigurKetan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan is participating in blogging competition #TakjilWDankBajigur held by W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari. Glutinous rice  that priorly cooked with salt and coconut milk topped with coconut cream custard is definitely suits for my Moslem friend to recharge the body energy after more than 12 Hours of fasting.

glutinous rice coconut milk custard ketan srikaya coco cream vanila sauce pandan custard bajigur wedang nutrisari w'dankKetan sarikaya usually served in festive occation like wedding ceremony and also as a takdjil or break fasting dessert in the Ramadhan or Moslem fasting month here in Palembang. Ketan srikaya even one of the hantaran or a staple gift that given by the groom’s family to the bride’s family before the traditional Palembangnese wedding ceremony held.

ketan srikaya sticky rice pudding coconut milk custard wedank bajigur nutisari vanilla sauceresep ketan srikaya w'dank bajigur resep takjilKetan Srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan is my creation, instead using traditional pandan flavoured for ketan sarikaya, i also infused Wedang bajigur into the custard, so the custard had two different flavour; wedang  bajigur and pandan which is combined very well into upscale comforting duo. The fla also made from W’dank Bajigur that i’m infused with some genuine Indonesian vanilla bean.

ketan srikaya sticky rice topped coconut milk custard pandan wedang bajigur vanilla fla sauce w'dank nutrisariMy Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan served with W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla. My srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur custard is had two different color, the green is consist pandan extract flavour and the brown one contain W’dank bajigur. I try to layered the pandan and bajigur custard for a presentation purpose, you can create your own invention; marbled, overlapping or what ever technique you want, even you can pour it all the way as you wish.

ketan srikaya palembnag sticky rice pudding coconut milk custard saus wedang bajigur vanillaThe glutinous rice or sticky rice for the base or coconut cream custard usually savoury. The sticky rice cooked in thin coconut milk or santan with addition some salt to improved the taste. So the glutinous rice base for ketan srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur  cooked into slighly cooked first before flatened and pressed into the steaming mold for making ketan srikaya.

Nutrisari Wedang Bajigur w'dank indonesian traditional pandan santan coconut milk drinkNutrisari W’dank Bajigur launched on may 2013 to promoting the Indonesia traditional hot baverages in a sachet, simply to let the customer easier to access and made it what ever and when ever they want.Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur  is the brand  of modern healthy instant wedang bajigur drink that achived Cultural Award from Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia for preserving and promoting Indonesian Tradition and Cultures.What i really love the most about Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur, it’s LESS CALORIES then regular beverages, so don’t bother of it’s gonna ruined your perfect body image. Once pack of Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur contain only 80 kcal compare to the other junk beverages with tons of preservatives and other things you won’t known about which also contain double amount of calories then Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur.

vanilla bean coconut fla wedang bajigur nutrisari w'dankThis is the vanilla bean bajigur fla made of W’dank Bajigur. I made the bajigur vanilla fla using genuine Papua Island organic vanilla bean that i dissolved with water, W’dank bajigur and some maizena, simmer with a very gentle stove until slighly bubbly and thicken a little bit. The W’dank Bajigur vanilla sauce then ready to served with the Ketan srikaya once it chilled in the refrigerator.

coconut custard brulee blowtorch caramel sugar coco cream custard ketan srikaya pandanWant to upgrade the ketan srikaya ??? i put caster sugar over the the coconut milk custard then blowtorched it until caramelized and turn into browned and slighly burnt caramel crust. This simple cream brulee method made the coconut custard fancy and delicious even more, the burnt caramel give extra crisp texture into the ketan srikaya.

Sticky rice coconut pandan milk custard glutinous rice ketan srikaya puding wedank bajigur nutrisariThis is coconut cream creme brule with pandan and bajigur flavour.  Crème brûlée also known as burnt cream, crema catalana, or Trinity cream is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel. This torched caramel brulee coconut custard cream & glutinous rice puding is best served chilled.

coconut milk custard pandan caramel creme brule ketan srikaya wedank bajigur

I love savoury sweet on my dessert, so i also add some fine grain salt when i put the caster sgar before i blowtorch it until it caramelized. the interaction of salt and caramel is amazing, more than umami, salted caramel over ketan srikaya a.k.a coconut cream with pandan and bajigur flavoured custard is totally worth the effort!!!

pandan coconut milk custard sticky rice puding glutinous rice cream brulee caramel topping blowtorchThe key to make this smooth and silky coconut custard is the temperature of the steaming, use gentle medium flames as the custard set and cooked slowly. Too high heat will made the coconut custrd expand and let the water contest expelled from the stable custard and turned ito spongy and bubbly custard which had not nice texture. Also do not forget some cloth to cover the steamer to prevent the water dripping ruining your cucunot custard.

coconut custard pandan creme brule sticky rice pudding blowtorch caramel castor sugar

resep ketan srikaya pandan wedang bajigurSAVETY PRECAUTION!!!

You need to know about any food ingredients before you try to cooked it. W’dank bajigur contain Aspartam, aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener used in foods and beverages in more than 90 countries around the world, so Aspartam is TOTALY SAVETY for FOOD. The deal about aspartam is when you want to cooked it using heat, DO NOT COOK or HEATED ASPARTAM OVER 100ºC !!!

Dr. Roberts states in his book, Aspartame Is it Safe? said that exposing aspartam in prolonged high heat (MORE 100ºC) will  derived Diketopiperazine, a toxic metabolite that you don’t wanna know about, but the point this is bad for your health. beside, cooking aspartam too long resulting in a loss of sweetness, therefore, aspartame is not recommended for use in recipes requiring lengthy heating. It may, however, be added at the end of the cooking cycle in some recipes. SO you ONLY CAN WET COOKING ASPARTAM like Boiling, Steaming, Poaching,  and i’m NOT RECOMMENDED DRY COOKING ASPARTAM (conducted heat more than 100ºC) like baking, deep frying or grilling.

ketan srikaya sticky rice topped coconut milk custard pandan wedang bajigur vanilla fla sauce w'dank nutrisari

Recipe Ketan Srikaya Pandan W’dank Bajigur (Glutinous Rice with Coconut Milk Custard Recipe)

Ingredients :

A. Sticky Rice Layer

  • 300 gr glutinous rice/sweet rice, soaked for 1 hour, drained
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • 1 pandan leaves, tide a knot

B. Pandan Srikaya Custard (Green Layer)

  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 2 tbsp sweet condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • salt to taste
  • organic pandan leaves extract

C. W’dank Bajigur Srikaya Custard (Brown Layer)

  • 2 Sachets W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari
  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp sweet condensed milk
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • salt to taste

Directions :

A. How to Cooking Glutinous Rice

  1. Steam rice until half-cooked. Remove from steamer. Set aside.
  2. Mix coconut milk, salt and pandan leaf, stir well, bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
  3. Add coconut milk to the half-cooked rice. Stir until absorbed.
  4. Put the rice sticky back on the steamer. Steam for 30 minutes unti nearly done and cooked.

B. Mixing Coconut Custard

  1. In a separated bowl for the pandan and bajigur custard, mix all the coconut milk custard ingredients, you can processed it in the blender too to prevent any lump
  2. Sieve the coconut in a siever, set aside

C. Making the Pandan & Bajigur Ketan Srikaya

  1. Preheat the steamed in a medium heat, put some cloth to prefent the dripping water drop into the custard batch
  2. Put the cooked glutinous rice in the bottom of heatproof ramekin bowl, condensed it then pierced with fork a little bit in the middle to make the custard sticking well over the glutinous rice.
  3. Pour a quarter part of the pandan custard (A) then cover it to steam for about 3 minutes until the custard is set, then pour another quarter part of the W’dank Bajigur custard (B), let it steam for another 3 minutes and so on until all the custard set
  4. Chill and refrigerate the Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan, served with W’dank Bajigur Vanilla fla.

Recipe W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla:


  • 2 Sachets of W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari
  • 300 ml water
  • 1 tbsp corn flour
  • 1 vanilla bean, scrapped

How to Make W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla:

  1. Whisk W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari,vanilla bean,  water and cornflour in a mixing bown until smooth and no lump
  2. Put the mixture into heavy bottom sauce pan, simmer down with very gentle heat, keep stirring
  3. Once the fla mixture is slighly bubbly and thicken, turn off the heat and transfer the fla to refrigerator to chill
  4. Swrved the W’dank BajigurVanilla Fla with Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan