Resep Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah Khas Palembang (Three Ways)


Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

Mie Celor is Palembangnese curried prawn stock based noodle soup that served with hard boiled egg, scallion & sambal. Mie means noodle while celor means poached; so the egg noodle poached in hot water before dumped in a bowl and poured with the soup.


Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah, lengap dengan Kepiting, Kerang Bambu, Keong Macan, Telur Setengah Matang dan Bakmi Mewah DAGING AYAM ASLI

The broth for serving the mie celor is tick, gooey and made out of a curried prawn based stock with coconut milk and thicken with rice flout, some community also add some prawn or crab meat into the broth.


Mie Celor Palembang ala Bakmi Mewah with Lobster, Crab, Bamboo Clams, Sea Snail, Soft Boiled Egg & BAKMI MEWAH REAL CHICKEN MEAT

Mie Celor adalah hidangan mi yang disajikan dalam campuran kuah santan dan kaldu ebi (udang kering), dicampurkan taoge dan disajikan bersama irisan telur rebus, ditaburi irisan seledri, daun bawang dan bawang goreng.


Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

Hidangan Mie Celor berasal dari kota Palembang, Sumatera Selatan, Indonesia.Mie celor adalah salah satu menu sarapan populer di Palembang. Belum ke Palembang kalau belum mencicipi kuliner mie celor legendaris.


Bakmi Mewah

Bakmi Mewah, first ever premium instant noodle with REAL CHICKEN MEAT & REAL MUSHROOM topping inside. Bakmi Mewah adalah bakmi instant pertama dengan DAGING AYAM ASLI dan JAMUR ASLI sebagai toppingnya, benar-benar MEWAH !!!


Bakmi Mewah

When we open Bakmi Mewah box, there’s a flat style bakmi noodle, chili sauce, sesame & chicken oil, soy sauce and also dried scallion, and the most important THE REAL CHICKEN MEAT; taste really good indeed, REAL CHICKEN FILLET inside. Kemasan Bakmi mewah eksklusif, isinya juga komplit dan benar-benar Mewah untuk bakmi dengan harga terjangkau; ada mie, saus cabe, mintak ayam & nabari, saus cabe, kecap asin dan tentu saja Daging AYAM ASLI tanpa kulit yang sudah matang dan siap disajikan.


Bakmi Mewah Mie Celor Lobster Palembang

So Basicly, Bakmi Mewah is already taste Damn Delicious, then this is how i made Bakmi Mewah even beyond Tabo Nian; Mie Celor, traditionally from South Sumatra and this is really outstanding Indonesian dich with pretty much gonna be love by everyone. Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah recipe for Indonesian Food Blogger  Kreasi Bakmi Mewah Challange submission. So i made Mie Celor with Lobster & Seafoods in three ways, the authentic basic Mie Celor, the Cheesy Ifumie Mie Celor & The Cheesy Pizza Mie Celor

Kereasi Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah dengan 3 bentuk;  Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah Otentik, Ifumi Keju Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah dan Pizza Keju Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah


Basic Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah


Ifumie Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah


Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah Cheesy Pizza

Mie Celor Recipe

Resep dan Cara Membuat Mie Celor Palembang


  • 4 packs of Bakmi Mewah
  • 2 medium size lobster (about 300 gr/each)
  • 2 medium size crab (about 300 gr/each)
  • 200 gr bamboo clams
  • 200 gr tiger sea snail
  • 1/2 lemon juice

Broth :

  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1500 ml water
  • 2 tbsp rice flour, diluted with 1 tbsp water
  • ¼ tsp white pepper (sendok teh lada bubuk)
  • salt & sugar as needed
  • 1 tbsp cooking oil

Spice paste:

  • 6 shallots (butir bawang merah)
  • 3 cloves garlic (siung bawang putih)


  • soft boiled egg (boiled for about 5-6 minutes)

How to Make Mie Celor:

A. Making The Broth

  • Add the lemon juice to the lobster, crab, clams and sea snail, let it sit for about 5 minutes then rinse it with running clean water, set aside
  • Bring the water to boil, add the head of the lobster and let it boil until the lobster head color completely turned into red
  • Poached the lobster tail for about 3 minutes or so until it 3/4 cooked, set aside
  • Poached the crab for about 5-7 minutes or so until it 3/4 cooked, set aside
  • Poached the bamboo clams for about 2-3 minutes or so until it 3/4 cooked, set aside
  • Poached the sea snail for about 3-5 minutes or so until it 3/4 cooked, set aside
  • Sieve any foam that forming up above the broth surface, set aside
  • Meanwhile, heat up the oil in another saute pan, add the spice paste and saute it until fragrance
  • Pur the sauteed spice paste into the broth, add the Bakmi Mewah Real Chicken meat into the broth
  • Add the bakmi mewah Soy Sauce & Dried Scallion, add the white pepper, add more salt and sugar as needed
  • Add the coconut milk & thicken the broth with the diluted rice flour, set aside

B. Preparing The Noodle

  • Cook the Bakmi Mewah noodle as the package instruction, set aside
  • Toss the Bakmi Mewah oil to prefvent the noodle sticking to each other

C How To Assamble Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah


Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

1. Basic Palembang Style  Bakmi Mewah Mie Celor;

  1. Put the noodle, lobster tail, crab, clams & sea snail in a large sieving laddle, poached it in the broth and put it in the serving bowl
  2. Add the boiling hot broth, the soft boiled egg, scallion & fried shallots
  3.  Add some Bakmi mewah Chili Sambal if you like

Cheese Stuffed Ifumie Mie Celor Lobster bakmi Mewah

2. Ifumie Keju Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

Extra Ingredients: 50 gr mozarella cheese, cut into 2x2x2 cm cube and 1 tbsp all purpose flour, diluted in 2 tbsp water, pan fried quail egg


Ifumie Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

How To Make Cheesy Ifumie Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah;

  1. Get one pack boiled Bakmi Mewah noodle, grab about a nice quarter of a handful of noodle and then wrapped around the cheese
  2. Pour a little bit of diluted flour that act as the glue for the noodle to let it not puffed too much
  3. Deep Fried the cheese stuffed noodle
  4. Pat dry the noodle then served it with the Seafoods, the broth & the pan fried quail egg

Pizza Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah

Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah Cheesy Pizza

3. Pizza Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah

Extra Ingredients: 100 gr mozarella cheese, 1 beaten egg, pan fried quail egg, Bakmi Mewah Chili Sauce 7 tomato sauce or ketchup

How To Make Pizza Mie Celor Bakmi Mewah;

  • Get one pack boiled Bakmi Mewah noodle,mix with beaten egg, about 50 ml Mie Celor broth, add some scallion,  salt & white peppercorn to taste
  • Pan Fried or oven baked the base of the noodle mixture until it slightly browned
  • Spread some chili sauce & tomato sauce all over the noodle pizza base, add pan fried quail egg, Bakmi Mewah REAL CHICKEN MEAT topping, put the mozarella cheese over it
  • Broil until the cheese browned and melte


    Pizza Mie Celor Lobster Bakmi Mewah


Pempek Palembang, Makanan Representatif Kekayaan Bumi Sriwijaya Bagi Mata Dunia

jembatan ampera palembang ampera bridge Dua hal pertama yang anda pikirkan setelah melihat gambar diatas adalah PALEMBANG dan PEMPEK. Pempek begitu melekat dengan Kota Palembang dan tidak dapat dipisahkan satu sama lain. Anda belum resmi mengunjungi kota Palembang jika belum mencicipi pempek dari tanah Bumi Sriwijaya. freshwater fish musi river south sumatra ikan sungai musi palembang agya

Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) dianugerahi Sungai Musi dengan hasil perikanan yang melimpah. Hal ini menjadi salah satu faktor yang menyebabkan sebagian besar kuliner Bumi Sriwijaya menggunakan bahan utama ikan sungai. Hasil perikanan Sungai Musi yang melimpah pada saat musim panen membuat masyarakat tepian Sungai Musi (Palembang) terbiasa untuk mengolah ikan untuk meningkatkan nilai ekonomis dan membuat  daya tahan lebih lama dengan pengolahan diasinkan, diasap, serta dibuat menjadi pempek atau kerupuk ikan Palembang.

pempek palembang ikan tenggiri empek empek pempek campur lenjer adaan pistel kulit 1

Pempek atau Empek-empek adalah panganan khas Palembang (Sumatera Selatan) yang terbuat dari ikan dan tepung tapioka. Pempek dalam translasi bahasa Inggris umumnya disebut fish cake, sama seperti siomay ataupun olahan daging ikan lainnya; akan tetapi saus pencelup pempek bernama Cuko yang membuat pempek menjadi spesial dan berbeda dari hasil olahan ikan lainnya. Pempek memiliki rasa guri dan aroma seafood atau ikan yang sangat menggoda sehingga pempek sangat tepat disajikan sebagai appetizer atau hidangan pembuka karena dapat menggelitik indera pengecapdang neggugah selera makan.

cuko pempek

Cuko  atau saus pempek dibuat dari  cabe rawit, udang kering ebi, & bawang putih yang dihaluskan. Semua bahan saus cuko tersebut direbus bersamaan dengan air, gula merah dan asam jawa. Cuko didihkan dengan api kecil sampai rasa langu atau pedas menyengat cabe rawit hilang atau berkurang. Cuko memiliki rasa yang kompleks; pedas dari cabe, manis legit dari gula jawa , asam dari buah tamarind (asam jawa), asin dan gurih dari ebi serta garlicky dari bawang putih, semua menyatu menjadi saus cuko yang memiliki rasa memikat.

Sejarah pempek tidak terkonfirmasi dalam catatan literatur atau jurnal sejarah yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara ilmiah, akan tetapi dilihat dari kemiripan dari metode dan bahannya; pempek kemungkinan besar berasal dari negeri Tiongkok atau Cina ( terdapat hidangan mirip pempek seperti ke kien & bakso ikan). Hikayat asal kata pempek adalah cara memanggil masyarakat kepada penjual pempek keturunan Tionghoa (Apek) saat akan membeli adalah “pek….apek beli”, dan tercetuslah nama makanan empek-empek atau pempek.

pempek campur

Pempek adalah makanan yang sarat dengan nilai gizi karena bahan utamanya adalah daging ikan, tepung dan telur. Ikan dan telur adalah sumber protein, sedangkan tepung adalah sumber karbohidrat, sehingga pempek dalh camilan yang bergizi. Jumlah gizi dan kalori pempek ditentukan dari  bahan, pengolahan dan penyajian. Nilai gizi pempek standar(perbandingan berat tepung & tapioka 1:1) dalam 100 gr pempek rebus terdapat 182 kalori,  9,2 gr protein, 3,8 gr lemak, 27,8 gr karbohidrat, 401 mg kalsium,  116 mg fosfor, 2,4 mg zat besi, 13 IU vitamin A, serta 0,16 mg vitabin B1. Kalori pempek ini dapat bertambah dengan proses penggorengan sebelum disajikan.

Pengolah pempek yang direbus  atau dikukus adalh cara mempertahankan nilai gizi terbaik karena sebagian besar vitamin dan asam amino atau lemak baik esensial dari daging ikan segar dapat dipertahankan dan tidak rusak oleh suhu pemanasan yang tinggi seperti dengan menggoreng.

Pempek Palembang memiliki beberapa varian, mulai dari bahan, cara membuat dan cara penyajiannya; variasi pempek palembang:

pempek lenjer kecil

A. Pempek Lenjer

Pempek Lenjer adalah pempek berbentuk lonjong atau tubular tanpa isi. Jenis pempek ini adalah pempek yang paling mudah untuk dibuat karena hanya perlu dipulung dengan tangan di atas bidang datar agar diameter pempek lenjer merata. Pempek lenjer direbus sampai terlebih dahulu sebelum digoreng dan disajikan

pempek kapal selam

Pempek Kapal Selam

Pempek Kapal Selam Telur Besar

B. Pempek Kapal Selam.

Pempek Kapal Selam adalah pempek yang diisi telur mentah utuh, direbus sampai matang dan digoreng dalam minyak panas. Pempek ini dinamakan kapal selam karena bentuk pempek ini yang tebal pada bagian bawah dan pipih pada bagian atas yang menyerupai bentuk kapal selam. pempek kapal selam dapat berisi telur ayam ataupun teur bebek, keduanya tentu saja enak!

pempek keriting ikan tenggiri

C. Pempek Keriting.

Pempek berbentuk keriting berongga menyerupai kerupuk bulat sehingga pempek ini disebut sebgai pempek kerupuk. Pempek kerupuk dibuat dengan mennilas adonan pempek pada gilingan pempek atau pirikan ikan berbahan metal (kuningan) berongga kecil sehingga adonan menjadi panjang menyerupai mie lalu dibulatkan dan dikukus sampai matang. Sebelum dikonsumsi pempek keriting terlebih dahulu digoreng dan disajikan dengan cuko.

pempek telur kecil

D. Pempek Telok kecil (Telur kecil)

Pempek telok kecik adalah pempek yang menyerupai pempek kapal selam tetapi ukurannya lebih kecil dan diisi dengan sedikit kocokan putih dan kuning telur ayam atau bebek.

pempek pistel kates empek empek isi pepaya tumis ebi

E. Pempek Pistel Kates

Pempek pistel kates adalah pempek yang diisi dengan tumisan pepaya muda. Adonan pempek pistel memiliki rasio tepung dan air yang lebih banyak dibanding daging ikan agar elastis saat diisi adonan tumisa kates dan ebi, pempek ini ditutup dengan memilin ujungnya sehingga memberikan bentuk yang khas.


F. Adaan (Bulat)

Pempek adaan adalah pempek yang berarti dadakan atau dibuat dengan menggoreng langsung adonan pempek tanpa proses perebusan atau pengukusan terlebih dahulu. bentuk pempek adaan pada umumya adalah bundar menyerupai bakso. Variasi lain yang sering ditambahkan pada adonan pempek adaan adalah irisan dun bawang, bawang merah ataupun kucai.

Pempek Kulit crispy

G. Pempek Kulit Ikan

Pempek kulit ikan adalah pempek yang adonannya ditambahkan gilingan kulit ikan sehingga berwarna lebih gelap dari pempek yang lain. Pempek kulit dibuat dengan langgsung menggoreng adonan tanpa proses perebusan atau pengukusan terlebih dahulu. Pempek kulit ikan biasanya berbentuk bulat dan pipih.

pempek lenggang

pempek lenggang palembang

H. Pempek Lenggang.

pempek Lenggang adalah pempek yang dibuat dengan memasukkan adonan pempek ke dalam kocokan telur ayam atau bebek sehingga menyerupai omelet. Pempek lenggang dapat dibuat dengan digoreng pada panci anti lengket dengan dengan sedikit minyak ataupun dibakar diatas bara arang dan dialasi cetakan yang terbuat dari daun pisang.

pempek panggangI. Pempek Tunu (Panggang)

Pempek tunu adalah pempek yang dibuat dengan memanggang adonan pempek langsung diatas bara arang sampai matang. Pempek panggang disajikan dengan dibelah dua dan diisi dengan campuran cabe rawit giling, ebi dan kecap manis.

pempek tahu

J. Pempek Tahu

Pempek Tahu dibuat dengan melapisi adonan pempek ke tahu lalu digoreng sampai matang.

K. Otak-Otak

Otak-otak adalah adonan ikan yang ditambahkan santan agar lebih gurih, budungkus dengan daun pisang lalu dibakar diatas bara arang sampai matang.

Variasi Pempek modern :

pempek sosis

1. Pempek Sosis Adonan pempek lenjer yang diisi dengan sosis, pempek ini dipotong menjadi kecil dan digoreng sebelum disajikan agak isian sosis terlihat. IMG_6784 2. Pempek Crispy. Pempek crispy adalah pempek yang goreng garing yang dibuat dari adonan pempek adaan ataupun adonan pempek kulit. Baking soda ditambahkan ke adonan pempek agar pempek mengenbang dan garing saat disoreng dalam minyak panas. pempek keju 3. Pempek Keju Pempek keju adalah pempek berbentuk menyerupai penpek lenjer dengan isin batangan keju. Masakan Turunan Pempek; tekwan palembang sup ikan udang 1. Tekwan

Tekwan adalalah sup bening yang dibuat dengan adonan pempek yang dibulatkan kecil kecil dan direbus dalam kaldu udang atau seafood lainnya. Tekwan berasal dari kata “berkotTEK samo kaWAN”, yang dalam bahasa palembang artinya duduk mengobrol bersama teman. Tekwan sering dimasak dengan tambahan asinan bunga sedap malam, irisan bengkuang dan jamur kuping. Daging udang segar cincang juga sering ditambahkan ke dalam adonan tekwan. Tekwan disajikan dengan taburan irisan daun bawang, seledri, dan bawang goreng.

model pempek palembang tahu 2. Pempek Model Pempek model pada dasarnya adalah pempek yang diisi dengan tahu, digoreng sampai matang kemudian disajikan dengan kuah sup seperti tekwan. celimpungan pempek palembang kuah santan 3. Celimpungan

Celimpungan adalah pempek berbentuk bulat yang dimasak dalam kuah gulai kental bersantan tidak pedas menyerupai kuah opor. Rasio daging ikan terhadap tepung pada celimpungan harus lebih besar agar celimpungan lembut.

laksan pempek palembang santan merah cabe 4. Laksan Laksan adalah pempek berbentuk menyerupai pempek lenjer yang dipotong kecil dan dimasak dalam kuah gulai kental bersantan pedas berwarna kemerahan. Rasio daging ikan terhadap tepung pada laksan harus lebih besar agar teksturnya lembut. pempek crispy garing kulit ikan tenggiri 5. Pangsit Ikan Pangsit ikan adalah adonan ikan (ikan belida) yang diisikan ke dalam kulit pangsit dan disajikan dengan kuah kaldu udang atau kaldu seafood. Setelah mengetahui jenis-jenis pempek atau empek-empek Palembang, sekarang saatnya belajar bahan dan proses pembuatan pempek!

Ikan belida belido ikan pipih

Ikan sebagai bahan  dasar pembuatan pempek menggunakan ikan lokal perairan Sunai Musi seperti ikan belida (Notopterus chitala), akan tetap karena ikan belida semakin sulit ditemukan, ikan sungai lain seperti ikan gabus (Channa striata), ikan putak (Notopterus notopterus), dan ikan bujuk (Channa lucius) digunakan. Ikan laut berdaging putih seperti ikan tenggiri(Cybium commersoni), Tuna (Tunnus albacares) dan ikan parang-parang (Chirocentrus dorab) digunakan sebagai bahan pembuatan pempek karena ketersediannya di pasaran yang selalu konstan.

Resep dasar pembuatan pempek berbeda antara satu dapur dan dapur lainnya, perbandingan antara bahan dasar tepung tapioka dan ikan memegang peranan penting dalam menentukan rasa dan tekstur pempek. Semakin banyak tepung tapioka pada adonan pempek maka teksturnya akan menjadi semakin kenyal dan rasa ikan minimal, sedangkan semakin banyak ikan yang digunakan dalam adonan maka tekstur pempek akan semakin lembut dan rasa semakin enak. Perbandingan standar antara ikan dan tepung tapioka adalah 1:1-2. beberapa bahan berikut ini ditambahkan dalam pembuatan pempek;

  1. Bawang putih, digiling sampai halus untuk memberikan rasa dan aroma pada pempek.
  2. Tepung Terigu, ditambahkan pada adonan pempek agar tekstur pempek lebih lembut dan mudah digigit
  3. Putih telur, ditambahkan untuk membuat tekstur adonan pempek menjadi renyah dan membal ketika digigit.
  4. Air es, ditambahkan untuk membuat tekstur pempek lebih membal
  5. Air, ditambahkan untuk membuat tekstur adonan pempek lebih elastis walau menggunakan tepung yang banyak (pembuatan pempek pistel)
  6. Baking Powder, dibuat untuk membuat adonan pempek mengembang, renyah dan garing saat digoreng (pembuatan pempek crispy)

pempek ikan belida daging ikan belido empek empek asli palembangSebelum mebuat pempek, pastika daging ikan yang digunakan adalah daging ikan yang segar. Pisahkan daging ikan dari tulang dan kulit dengan dikeruk menggunakan sendok. Kali ini saya beruntung mendapatkan ikan belida dari Sungai musi di Pasar Cinde Palembang dengan harga Rp.180.000 per kg, cukup mahal tapi sebanding dengan rasanya.

ikan belida daging pempek empek empek palembang

pirikan ikan gilingan ikan kuningan

pirikan ikan gilingan ikan kuningan

Setelah daging ikan belida dipisahkan dari tulang badan dan kulitnya, duri kecil pada dagingnya harus dibuang terlebih dahulu menggunakan pirikan atau gilingan ikan bulat yang terbuat dari kuningan khusus berbolong-bolong pada bagian bawahnya.

Adonan pempek ikan belida belido empek empek ikan pipih palembang Untuk membuat pempek ikan belida (lenjer kecil) aku menambahkan putih telur dan bawang putih giling pada adonan pempek. Semua bahan duileni sampai dapat dibentuk dengan tangan. pempek lenjer palembang cara membuat empek empekAdonan pempek ikan belida dilapisi tepung tapioka tipis lalu dipulung atau digulung dengan tangan pad bidang datar sampai membentuk pipa tubular dengandiameter tang sama lalu sisihkan.

pempek ikan belida resep cara membuat empek ikan palembangPanaskan air sampai mendidih dengan api kecil (soft boiling) lalu masukan adonan pempek ikan belida didalamnya. Jangan tergesa-gesa untuk membesarkan api agar pempek lebih cepat matang karena panas berlebihan mebuat adonan pempek mengembang dan pecah atau retak seketika.

Cara membuat pempek ikan belida empek palembangIngat selalu merebus adonan pempek dengan api kecil agak pempek matang dengan merata. Pempek ikan telah matang ditandai dengan terapungnya pempek tersebut di air. Angkat dan dinginkan adonan pempek, dapat disajikan langsung atau dipotong-potong sebelum disajikan dengan cuko

Pempek ikan belida adalah pempek dengan rasa, tekstur dan penampilan terbaik, daging ikan belida putih alami dengan rasa gurih ikan yang intens serta tekstur membal alami. Seiring dengan semakin berkurangnya ikan belida liar di Sungai Musi, saya secara pribadi tidak menyarankan untuk melanjutkan konsumsi ikan belida.

Tips dan trik

Pada dasarnya pembuatan semua pempek  baik ikan bahkan udang  sama saja dengan pembuatan pempek ikan belida. Untuk pembuatan pempek udang, rasio perbandingan daging ikan + udang:tepung tapioka tetap 1:1 akan tetapi jika jumlah tepung ingin ditambahkan maka dapat diakali dengan menambahkan telur utuh (putih dan kuning) agar tekstur pempek tidak terlalu kenyal. Tepung terigu juga dapat ditambahkan agar adonan menjadi lebih lembut dan lebih mudah digigit.

cara membuat pempek udang empek empek tenggiri belida palembang

Adonan Pempek Ikan Tenggiri & Udang

cara membuat pempek palembang empek ikan belida tenggiri

Pempek Udang Kapal Selam & Lenjer

pempek ikan belida belido telur udang

Pempek Udang Matang yang Mengapung

pempek udang ikan tenggiri belida cara membuat empek palembang

Pempek Udang Kapal Selam & Lenjar Didinginkan Sebelum Digoreng & Disajikan dengan Cuko

Untuk pembuatan cuko, rebus gula merah, asam jawa, bawang putih halus, ebi sangrai dan cabe rawit halus sampai matang dengan api kecil dan jumlah air berkurang sepertiga sampai setengah volume awal. Setengah bagian cabe rawit dibiarkan bertangkai sebelum dihaluskan untuk mencegah diare sat mengkonsumsinya, penulis tidak dapat mendukung dengan fakta ilmiah tapi hal ini dipraktekkan sebagai rahasia mencegah diare saat mengkonsumsi cabe rawit.

jelajah gizi sari husada

Kesimpulan dari tulisan ini adalah betapa kayanya khazanah kuliner Indonesia, pempek adalah salah satu panganan pusaka kuliner dari bumi Sriwijaya yang merepresentasikan keragaman rasa dan budaya Indonesis di mata dunia, seperti rasa Pempek dengan Kuah Cuko yang kompleks dan pastinya enak! Selain itu yang terpenting pempek adalah makanan yang penuh cita rasa serta bergizi tinggi!

Recipe Lobster Rendang Indonesian Spicy Curry

recipe lobster rendang grilled crayfish spicy curryLobster Rendang Curry Recipe. Spinny lobster or tropical rock lobster pan grilled with spicy rendang sauce. Rendang or mostly known as rendang daging or beef rendang is typically Indonesian spicy beef curry that cooked slowly with constant gentle stirring for several hours until the spices got dark brown color when it well caramelized. Dentist Chef had ever post the Ultimate Beef Rendang Step by Step Recipe  if you want to test the damn delicious CNN NO. 1 World’s 50 Most Delicious Foods’ list.

grilled lobster spicy chili curry rendang coconut milk braised prawn rock lobster crayfish dentist chef

lobster rendang recipe dentist chef rendang udang bakarLobster with the spicy rendang curry sauce, i want made it right so it simply means i need to made the spicy rendang sauce and the coconut cream caramelized and browned before the lobster tail meat overcooked and turned into unedible dried and tough.

lobster spicy grilled curry rendang lobster

lobster rendang grilled spinny lobster spicy curry barbeque sauce recipeBefore we takling about rendang, i should acknowledge you that In Minangkabau culinary tradition, there are stages of Rendang spice doness. Rendang doness category is according to the liquid content in cooked coconut milk, ranges from the soupy most wet to the most dry: Gulai Kalio Rendang. The  spices ingredients of gulai, kalio and rendang is almost identical with the exceptions that gulai usually uses less red chilli pepper and got more turmeric, while rendang uses more varieties of  spices.

rendang lobster udang pedas padang kari lobster bakarWhen you making rendang and you stop to cooked it right when the meat is done and the coconut milk has reached its boiling point, you have gulai. If the process continues well until the coconut milk is partly evaporated with brownish colored meats, then you have kalio. When the process continued hours more until the liquid completely evaporated and the color turns to dark brown almost black in color, then you have rendang. According to this notions, the real rendang is those with less liquid contents.

lobster rendang indonesia recipe dentist chefThe colors also indicate of rendang spices doness; rendang is dark brown while gulai have light yellow color and  kalio is brown, and  However, today there are two kinds of rendangs commonly found: dried and wet. Dentist Chef Beef Rendang  show the step by step pictorial of Indonesian rendang doness.

resep rendang udang lobster pedas padang lobster bakar kari pedas padang

pan fried lobster spicy curry rendang sauce lobster rock prawn spicy chili

Making rendang lobster is kinda tricky; you need to USE THE HIGEST HEAT of your stove to fasten the caramelisation of the rendang curry sauce, USING NON STICKY SHALLOW & WIDE GRILLING PAN also made the evaporation of the liquid even better, using non sticky pan also help prevent the rendang spices sticked in the bottom and burned out because you using very high heat while cooking it. USING THICK COCONUT CREAM instead of thin coconut milk it’s a must if you want to make lobster rendang curry because too much liquid on the coconut milk made it boil instead of “fried” the spices and the spices need more time to caramelized, in the other hand the liquid vapour steam the lobster meat insde and made it tent to be overcooked even more. If you attemp to made prawn rendang, shrimp rendang or other seafood rendang this tips is also applied!

Now, let’s we begin to make LOBSTER RENDANG CURRY!!!

lobster pan fried grilled crayfishFirst  you need to cut the lobster into  two equal pieces and seasoned it with, lime juice, salt and white peppercorn.  Heat up some oli in the shallow & wide grilling pan then sear the meat side down until it slighly chareed in the outside. Hear the nice sizzling sound of it when you sear the lobster meat.

recipe pan grilled lobster crayfish pan fried curry rendang lobster crayfish

Turn the lobster meat side up and then sear the shell side down for another 1 minutes. You should need a sizzling sound  and you know you’re doing it right!

lobster curry recipe spicy coconut spinny lobster curried chili garlic turmeric grilled lobsterPour the rendang curry spices, oven the lobster, basting the lobster with it then let the spices sauteed with the oil and completely evaporated with nice sizzling sound. Keep stirring the spices to let it cooked evenly.

lobster curry coconut cream braised crayfish spinny lobster rendang udangTurn down the heat a little bit then pour the heavy coconut cream to the lobster and rendang spices. Keep stirred the rendang spices to let it distributed evenly and let the water evaporates even better. You will see the coconut cream made the rendang spices had whitish creamy color

lobster pan grilled crayfish rendang curry grilled spinny lobster crayfish pan searedThe lobster rendang sauce color now slowly turned out darker when the coconut cream renderred into coconut oil and “fried” the spices once it evaporated. This process is the key of success of lobster rendang, when you see the cream rendered into oil, you need to turn the heat into medium unless you burned out the spices. Keep stirring and distributes the rendang sauce into the lobster meat and stop the cooking process once your lobster meat is perfectly cooked. Making lobster rendang is much more quickl only take about 15-20 minutes for medium size lobster (350-500grams) compare to beef rendang that takes 4 hours.

lobster rendang indonesia recipe dentist chef

Lobster Rendang Recipe:


  • 1 Medium Size Lobster (350-500 grams)
  • 1 medium size lemon or lime, squeezed out the juice
  • 200 ml thick  coconut cream
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil (minyak sayur)

Indonesian Rendang Spice Paste  Recipe:

  • 12 red shallots (bawang merah)
  • 6 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
  • 30 gr red chillies or cayenne pepper (cabe merah)
  • 10 bird eye chilies
  • 1/2 tsp HOMEMADE GARAM MASALA SPICE MIXTURE (bumbu rendang/ bubuk kari)
  • 1 lemongrass (sereh), get the soft part in the middle
  • 4 cm ginger (jahe)
  • 3 cm galagal (laos)
  • 2 cm turmeric (kunyit)
  • 2 candlenuts (kemiri)
  • 1/4 nutmeg
  • 1 cm cinnamon
  • 2 cloves (cengkeh)
  • 1 green cardamon (kapol/kapulaga hijau india)
  • 1/4 tsp white pepeprcorn
  • salt to taste
  • 20 ml water

Instruction :

How to Make Indonesian Beef Rendang:

  • Put all the rendang spice paste in a food processor, then process it until smooth, set aside
  • Kill the lobster, clean, cut it in the middle into two equual part, pat it dry
  • Season the lobster all over, with lime or lemon juice, salt and peper, set aside
  • Heat up the oil in a in the shallow & wide grilling with high heat, pan then sear the lobster meat side down until it slighly charred in the outside.
  • Flip the lobster shell side down and sear the shell side.
  • Pour the rendang spice paste, then saute the spice paste with high heat until the spices is throughly cooked. Visual aspect is the key! the oil is slowly separated and formed in the edge.
  • Keep stirring and basting the lobster with the rendang spice paste to let it evenly cooked
  • Lower the heat into medium then pour the heavy coconut cream, stir it and  let it boil and slightly evaporated
  • Continue stirring the rendang mixture until the oil is separated or driven off from the mixture
  • Keep basting the lobster meat with the rendang curry spices and let it caramelized evenly
  • Continue stirring the rendang sapices and flipping the lobster until you’ve got rendang  lobster with a nice caramelized dark brown color
  • Keep doing this until the lobster meat is perfecty cooked, add more water if necessery to prevent the rendang spices burned out.
  • Serve the lobster rendang with steaming hot rice

Indonesian Food Festival at Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang

restoran cerenti grand zury bsd city hotel nusantara food festival

Indonesian Food Festival at Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel.

In saturday night (15/08) i had an invitation to join the Nusantara (Indonesian) Food Festival  in Grand Zury Hotel BSD City. Actually i was invited by the event coordinator Arie from Catatan si Goiq, after some weekend brunch at Signature Restaurant Kempinski Hotel Indonesia we rushed our cab to meet at FX Sudirman where the Luxury shuttle van picked us. Me and several food blogger then had a one our drive to BSD City.

Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD Hotel

Celebrating the 70th Indonesian Independence day on 17 Agust 2015, Cerenty restaurant bring the authentic Indonesian dishes into their buffet menu. The restaurant interior also decorated with red and white and many Indonesian Flag to remember the fallen heroes.

Roby Mardeta Executive Chef Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel

We are kindly welcomed byGrand Zury BSD Hotel Executive Chef Roby Mardeta. He is such a humble and warm person, expertised for years or experience in proffessional kitchen, he kindly explained all the Nusantara Food Festival Buffet menu to the starving and curious foodies attended at the event.

Lets begin to explore the Menu of Cerenti Restaurant Indonesian Food Festival!

The Appetizer

tahu gimbal fried tofu peanut sauce kacang tanah Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang

tahu gimbal bumbu kacang tanah pecal gado gado grand zury bsd city hotel

Chef Roby served Tahu Gimbal and Pecel as the appetizers. Tahu Gimbal is an Indonesian street food from Semarang, Central Java. Tahu gimbal is consist of shrinp fritter that cut down into bite pieces, tofu, beansprout and then drizzled with sweet savoury peanut sauce. Pecel is a mix of vegetables that dressed with the same peanut sauce just like Tahu Gimbal

The Main Course:

nasi kuning tumpeng Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Chef Roby Had a Nasi Kuning Tumpeng. Tumpeng is a Cone shaped yellowish rice mountain that served with  vegetables and meat in the bottom. The rice is basically colored and flavoured with turmeric based seasoning and cooked with or without coconut cream.
nasi goreng kampung fried rice spicy chili grand zury bsd city
The other rice dish is plain steamed rice and Nasi Goreng Kampung. A spicy kind of fried rice that resembles of Mother’s home cooking to let the Hotel’s guesses felt comfort & homey while staying and dinning at the hotel. The spices and the hotness of the kampung fried rice is quite kicking with generous ammount of chopped chilies, my Indonesian licking very lovin it!
mie goreng jawa yogyakarta javanese stir fry noodle with kecap manis sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
This is Mie Goreng Yogya, a stir fry noodle with kecap manis or Indonesian sweet soy sauce. I recently had 2 Days 3 Night culinary adventure in Yogyakarta and i pretty sure this Mie Goreng Yogya is quite authentic; kids and those who can’t handle spicy food must be lovin. A little bit attention is the amount of oil using to stir fry the the noodle, it’s a little bit oily or greasy for my licking.
rendang daging sapi padang beef rendang curry Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Beef Rendang Daging from the Sumatra Island, this is the highlight of the whole menu for me, the beef is cooked for 4 hours until the spices and the coconut milk caramelized until dark brown and rich rendang spices. I guess it’s worthed since Chef Roby invited the native rendang cook from the Minangkabau Land in West Sumatrab to get the authenticity of the rendang.  Check Dentist Chef Indonesian Beef Rendang for the authentic recipe.
terik ayam semarang yellow chicken curry Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
 Terik Ayam  from Semarang, a yellowish kind of Opor or thick chicken curry. Terik Ayam is cooked in so rich spices and coconut broth and usually shredded into ieces over nasi uduk or coconut milk enriched steamed rice, but today the chicken cut into individual pieces.
Tahu Aci tegal deep fried tofu stuffed with tapioca fish Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Tahu Aci Tegal, a lovely side dich made of deep fried tofu stuffed with tapioca and fish paste batter. Lovin it hot and fresh from the deep fryer, never served it cold unless you had a hard and very chewy piece of tahu aci.
Tumis Genjer Oncom pedas yellow sawah lettuce stir fry grand zury bsd
Tunis Genjer Oncom Pedas. Genjer (Limnocharis flava), yellow sawah lettuce  or yellow burr head lettuce is not a common veggies served in a Hotels restaurant bufffet so i appreciate the effort of Chef Roby and team to represent the Indonesian culinary treasure. The tumis genjer is cooked into perfection with nice charred shallots, garlic and green chilli flavour on it.
ikan bakar woku menado spicy grilled fish Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Ikan Bakar Woku Menado from the Sulawesi Island is a lovely rich spicy dish from Minahasa Descent Culinary.  The fish fillet mixed with rich and spicy seasoning with fragrance kemangi or lemon basil leaves on it. The spices for woku ikan in authentic menado or Minahasa cuisine  is used to be sauteed until a little bit undercooked with pungent raw chilies flavour (local called “langu”) but the Woku ikan by chef roby spices is tad overcooked or sauteed until well done, maybe he adjust the flavour to the common Indonesian licking that didn’t like “langu” flavour. Chef Roby using gindara fish or Pacific black cod fish fillet for this recipe, i wish he used our local fish instead to support our local firsherman. To get the authentic recipe; ypu can check Dentist Chef Ikan Woku Belanga Recipe.
soto betawi cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd
Soto Betawi is the only soup dish we had tonight. Soto Betawi is  Jakarta’s treasure of mild spiced beef soup with fresh milk dressed broth. Authentic Soto Betawi using Minyak Samin or ghee butter for the soup but Chef Roby decided not because he want the soup healthier and taste lighter.
soto betawi jakarta spicy beef soup milk cerenti restaurant hotel grand zury bsd
The Soto Betawi served inthe soup station with variety of condiment; cubed potato’ tomato, scallion, bawang goreng deep fried shallots, and kaffir limes wedges. You can choose the beef for the soup, either the lean topside or fatty brisket, i choose both for my soto betawi and i let the staff prepare the soup for me.
cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd smoking area ourdoor berbeque station
Cerenti Restaurant in Grand Zury Hotel also had outdoor dining area for the smokers. The restaurant barbeque and grill station also located in the outdoor area, you can choose your selection of fresh beef, chicken and fish  to cooked and the staffs gladly prepare it for you!
fresh dory fish fillet grille hotel buffet Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
ayam bakar ungkap bumbu kecap hotel buffet grand zury bsd
sate maranggi beef satay kecap manis javanese skewered beef sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel TangerangSate Maranggi is the highligh of the barbeque station tonight. Sate Maranggi is skewered beef satay from Purwakarta, West Java. Sate Maranggi made of cubed beef of mutton meat marinated in kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) and cuka lahang or traditional rice vinegar that made it taste sweet and tangy. Sate Maranggi drizzled kecap manis, chopped green bird eye chili & red shallots.
sate maranggi semarang grilled beef skewer satay kecap manis sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The Sate Maranggi is well marinated and spiced with nice beefy flavour on it. Chef Roby using local breed cattle for this recipe so the  beef meat is quite chewy even the overall rate is still nice.
grilled dory fillet ikan bakar dori kecap manis Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The chicken and the dory fish fillet is also grilled into perfection, nice, tender and not overcooked. The grilled chicken called ayam unglep bakar, the chicken is cooked priorly  with it’s natural juices and spices, so the grilling is basically to reheat it before ready to be served and eaten. The grilled dory fish fillet goes well with Sambal Colo-Colo.
indonesian sambal variety Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Moving to the sambal station; Chef Roby present variety of Sambals from all over the Indonesian Archipelago. The sambal galore consist of Sambal Cabe Ijo (green chili) from West Sumatra, Sambal Terasi (Fermented shrimp) from West Java. Sambal Matah (Shallots & Chili) from Bali Island, Sambal Colo-Colo (Chopped Sambal with Kecap manis) from Molluccas Island,  and Acar (Pickled Cucumber with Green Bird Eye Chilies). They all taste really good!!!
sambal ijo green chili sambal Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The Sambal Cabe Ijo caught my attention because it’s using udang rebon or tiny little dry shrimp on it. It’s very lovely and unique because the sambal taste briney and had the natural sweetness of the sea.
masakan indonesia cerenti restoran grand zury bsd city hotel
This is my plate, a little bit of this and that ended with a lot !!! This damn delicious dishes is worthed the effort of one hell of 30 minutes cardio workout thou, lol

 The Dessert;

indonesian dessert sweet bites kue tradisional jajan pasar Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Chef Roby bring the Jajanan Pasar or selection of Indonesian sweet bites that used to be sold in the Traditional market, hence the jajan pasar or literrary translated as market snack name derived. Jajan pasar started from variety of pudding, cake and beyond.
wedang cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd
This is Wedang, a Javanesehot and sweet beverage native to the Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. Wedang Bajigur made of coconut milk and Palm sugar  with a little bit hint of of ginger and pandan for flavouring and some a small pinch of salt to improved the taste. The wedang served with deep fried peanut and sliced kolang-kaling or arenga palm fruit.
colenak tape uli ketan bakar tape ubi singkong Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Colenak, a traditional dessert made of tape or fermented cassava that grilled or pan fried until a little bit charred or had brown caramelized skin served with unti or palm sugar swetened dessicated coconut tat cooked slowly until a little bit caramelized too. The colenak is beautifully plated with dots of strawberry syrup.
This is
dessert western hotel restaurant buffet Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
tropical fruit buffet hotel Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel also served several kind or western and International sweet bites at the event, otherwise you can choose fresh tropical fruit to finished your damn delicious Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD Hotel buffet dinner!!!
Indonesian Food Festival Buffet IDR 150.000/nettCerenti Restaurant – Grand Zuri BSD City
Jl Pahlawan Seribu Kavling Ocean Walk
Blok CBD Lot.6 BSD City. Serpong
Tangerang Selatan 15322, Banten- Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 2940 4955

Mushrooms Crusted Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Sous Vide Steak with Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

beef steak mushrooms crusted matsusaka wagyu beef porcini mushrooms butter sous vide beef chanterelle mushrooms powder

Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef with Gourmet Mushrooms Crusted & Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef with Gourmet Mushrooms Crusted & Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter, A5 Matsusaka beef ribeye from Japan dusted and marinated with medley of gourmet mushrooms (porcini, morel, kulat pelawan/local chanterelle and shiitake) then sous vide cooked in 60°C waterbath for 1 hours, drained, dusted with extra porcini mushrooms powder then seared, carved and served with porcini mushrooms powder infused butter.

beef ribeye steak mushrooms butter powder porcini crusted matsusaka wagyu beef sous vide

Matsusaka Beef Ribeye Steak & Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

beef steak porcini mushrooms butter infused matsusaka recipe crusted sous vide kobe beef premium cut

Porcini Mushrooms Crusted Matsusaka Beef Steak  Topped with Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

Matsusaka beef is a black hair Japanese cattle (wagyu), also known as Kuroge Washu or “Japanese Black”, the cattle come from the Matsusaka region of Mie, Japan. It is one of the most famous beef types within Japan and internationally, with a high fat-to-meat ratio. Within Japan, Matsusaka beef is generally considered one of the three top brands (known as Sandai Wagyu, “the three big beefs”), along with Kobe beef and Omi beef or Yonezawa beef.

beef steak porcini mushrooms powder marinated matsusaka wagyu beef butter mushrooms

A5 Matsusaka Wagyu Beef with Massive Marbling Fat Marinated with Gourmet Mushrooms Medley Powder

Matsusaka beef is got the top marbling fat ratio (BMS 12 out of 12) so you won’t taste it unless you willing to reach deep into you your pocket. Yup, look out the massive fat within the meat of the sous vide matsusaka beef above. Matsusaka marbling fat is a promise of succulent, juicy, tender and flavourful beef steak. Matsusaka wagyu beef raised in Mie perfecture japan, a wagyu catttle sanctuary of quiet, serene area, feed with the best nutritious diet including ground wheat, ground corn, tofu lees or soy pulp and fresh grass.

sous vide wagyu beef mushrooms crusted translucent fat well marbling wagyu matsusaka steak

Massive Marbling Fat Matsusaka Beef (BMS 12 out of 12)

Matsusaka wagyu beef also got it’s massive marbling fat because the cattle once had a very happy live.  The Matsusaka beef farmer even  improving the cattle appetite with sake rice wine and beer. Matsusaka cattle got daily massage all over the body to get a well distributed fat and then exposed with classic music to improved the dopamine hormones release to make the cattle calm and happy. One single thing that i hate about this precise Matsusaka beef raising procedures is it definitely cost you  a lot, here in Indonesia imported Japanese matsusaka beef cost about IDR 3.600.000 (360 USD) for a kilo.

porcini mushrooms crusted steak beef kobe wagyu matsuzaka bms 12 mushrooms infused butter

Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Steak with Mushrooms Butter

matsusaka wagyu beef steak mushrooms butter powder porcini morel chanterel

Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef with Mushrooms Crust, Served with Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

Premium beef such Matsusaka wagyu need a prescise method to cooked it; i prefer sous vide for any prime beef meat since my previous SOUS VIDE KOBE BEEF Served with Kaffir Lime Ponzu is turned out really good,  even sous vide method make choice grade or cheap SOUS VIDE BEEF BRISKET with Roasted Pepper & Pine Nuts Romesco Sauce delicious too.

sous vide beef kobe wagyu bms 12 melt tender steak porcini mushrooms powder butter chanterelle morel

Sous Vide Matsusaka Beef

Sous-vide is the French term for “under vacuum”, a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bath or in a temperature-controlled steam environment for longer than normal cooking times for up to 96 hours, in some cases; at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 50°C (131 °F) to 60 °C (140°F) for meats and higher for vegetables.

porcini mushroom crusted beef steak recipe matsusaka ribeye wagyu mushrooms infused butter

Porcini Mushrooms Medley Crusted Wagyu Beef with Mushrooms Butter

The sous vide Matsusaka beef marinated with porcini and other gourmet mushrooms powder. The dried mushrooms powder is a mixture of dried porcini, morel, kulat pelawan and shiitake mushrooms that thinly sliced and then toasted with low heat until a little bit browned and crisp. The toasted dried mushrooms medley then processed with blender until become a fine powder.  You can use any of your favourite mushrooms for the mushrooms powder medley.

dried porcini mushrooms risotto cepes

Dried Porcini Mushrooms

This is dried Porcini mushrooms (Boletus edulis), also called cepes, penny bun, porcino, or king bolete. Porcini is gourmet mushrooms and prized for its flavour and aromas and high regard in many cuisines, and is commonly prepared and eaten in Porcini Mushrooms Risotto, as a crust seasoning for meat like my Porcini Mushrooms Crusted Pan Seared Lamb Chop or as a stuffing for my Porcini Mushrooms Stuffed Chicken Ballontine

kulat pelawan jamur bangka lempah darat

Dried Pelawan Mushrooms, Bangka Island Endemic Chanterelle Mushrooms

This is Jamur  Pelawan or Pelawan mushrooms, Bangka Island endemic wild mushrooms that symbiotically grown under Pelawan Tree (Tristaniopsis merguensis).  Fresh  jamur pelawan got a burgundy color and it’s turn out reddish-brown once it dried and aged. Kulat pelawan hand-picked one by one in the pelawan tree forest and carefully covered with some cloth and then exposed with heat or sun ray until the mushrooms dried, it’s prized for its earthy, smokey and woodsy flavour, even a professional French Chef in Jakarta Thought Kulat Pelawan is Genuine French Wild Chanterelle Mushrooms in a Blind Tasting Test.

porcini mushrooms butter infused recipe beef steak porcini mushroom powder chanterelle morel

Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

The porcini mushrooms infused butter for serving my sous vide Matsusaka beef steak is pretty simple to made.I mixed powder of toasted porcini mushrooms and the remaining mushrooms powder mixture for the beef marinade with  softened butter. All the ingredients must be chilled before mixed, then after the butter and mushrooms powder mixed well i put it in a cling wrapping plastic and then rolled it to assemble a cylindrical log. Wrapping the mushrooms butter once more with aluminium foil made it chilled even better in the fridge. The porcini mushrooms infused butter log then cut into a thick coin and place over the hot seared Matsusaka beef steak, melt a little bit and there you go to enjoy it.This mushrooms butter using clarified butter that really had a lower temperature melting point compare with the regular butter, so easy to melt as you see in the photograph, hence  i need to keep it chilled before serving instead it’s spreadable rather than palatable. You can use regular butter for a better presentation, it’s hold it’s form and pretty easier to photograph as well.

recipe mushrooms cust beef steak wagyu kobe beef  sous vide porcini mushrooms powder butter infused

Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef with Mushrooms Crust, Served with Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter

wagyu ribeye matsusaka beef steak mushrooms butter recipe porcini powder marinated sous vide kobe beef prime steak mushrooms powder crusted

Melting Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter Over Matsusaka Beef Sous Vide Steak

The Matsusaka beef marinated in porcini mushrooms mixture actually cooked in sort of sous vide because i using rice cooker as the heater to my water-bath, so no fancy equipments; sousvide water bath circulator and vacuum sealed pack machines involved.  Instead, this sort of sousvide method using amateur kitchen tools, ever since  i take care all the basic principles of sousvide on this recipe.Since this is Matsusaka beef is cooked in sort of-sousvide, the beef sirloin is vacuum packed with ziplock manually without any vacuum machine by simply submerged the ziplock package under water partially to pushed away the air. The ziplock package silicone seal then zipped once the air removed from the bag. This ziplock bag submerging method is quite efficient to pushed away the air from the bag. Choose the heat-proof and food grade ziplock bag with a good sealing feature, cheap ziplock bag may burst out while cooking and ruined your entire Matsusaka beef batch.

sous vide matsusaka wagyu beef steak porcini mushrooms powder crusted butter rice cooker

Sous Vide Beef Steak with Rice Cooker Waterbath

As you can see from the photograph, my water bath temperature was 60°C , but it’s actually fluctuated from 60 to 61°C if i  put the lid partially on. I adjust the temperature of the rice cooker water bath with covering the metal pot, the more you cover hence the temperature will get closer to the maximum temperature when you put the lid on completely. I let the Matsusaka beef sit in the rice cooker water bath for about 1 hours, don’t get hesitate to leave it longer in the water bath because it’s not a single chance your beef will overcooked, but definitely no further than 2 hours or it turn into mushy because the fat is totally rendered.  The heat source of my rice cooker is on the bottom of the metal pot, so the temperature in the bottom and the surface of the the water bath is different with about 0.5°C range, so it’s necessary to flip it every 20-30 minutes to made the Matsusaka beef evenly cooked. Do not forget to submerged the vacuum packed beef sirloin completely on the water bath during the sous vide cooking, i’m putting some glass plate for that purpose.

matsusaka beef porcini mushrooms crust sous vide steak chanterelle morel powder muhrooms

Sous Vide Matsusaka Beef with Gravy

Right after i sous vide the porcini mushrooms powder marinated matsusaka beef for 1 hour in 60°C rice cooker water bath, i take it out of the ziplock bag, then drained the precious Matsusaka beef little bit. The gravy or natural juice from the sous vide bag is separated. The gravy from the sous vide bag then  reduced it a little and served the with the beef steak. I also added the reduced gravy into the Porcini mushrooms infused butter to give extra beefy flavour into it.

porcini mushrooms powder coated matsusaka beef steak wagyu beef sous vide mushrooms crusted pan seared

Mushrooms Powder Dusted Sous VIde Matsusaka Beef

While the gravy from the sous vide Matsusaka wagyu beef ziplock bag reduced, i dust the precious beef with extra gourmet mushrooms powder to make a nice mushrooms crusted on it once it properly seared. Make sure you dusted the mushroom powder evenly to make a nice and even mushrooms crust on it.

porcini mushrooms crust beef steak wagyu ribeye kobe beef sous vide powder mushrooms chanterelle morel

Mushrooms Crusted Matsusaka Beef Steak

matsusaka beef recipe sous vide stek porcini mushrooms crusted butter

Nice Gourmet Mushrooms Crust with Juicy Sous Vide Matsusaka Beef

I drizzle some olive oil and give a gentle massage on the mushrooms crust and then seared it with blowtorch until the outside layer of mushrooms crust on the beef steak is slightly charred and browned all over. The seared mushrooms crusted Matsusaka ribeye beef steak is beautifully pink and very juicy ever since sous vide method is slow cooking process which the best way to retain the moisture within the steak. Almost none of the moisture loss during the sous vide method, there’s only earthy mushrooms and beef flavour exchanged inside the vacuum packed ziplock bag.

matsusaka beef steak mushrooms crusted porcini infused butter morel chanterelle

Matsusaka Beef Ribeye Steak with Mushrooms Infused Butter

matsusaka beef steak porcini mushrooms butter infused morel shiitake chanterelle crust beef steak sous vide

The Next Day Patients Gonna Get The Best of Mr. Dentist Chef!!!

Now is the moment of truth, carefully carved and enjoy your Gourmet Mushrooms Crusted Sous Vide Matsusaka Beef Steak with  Gourmet Mushrooms Infused Butter. If you like beef, this is the heaven kind of beef,trust me !!! All the investment you’ve let go to purchased the gourmet mushrooms is definitely worth once you taste this. I gladly announced that if i had this Matsusaka Beef Ribeye Steak, ALL THE PATIENTS IN THE NEXT DAY WILL GET THE BEST OF MR.DENTIST CHEF!!!

recipe beef steak wagyu porcini mushrooms crust sous vide japanese matsusaka beef with mushrooms powder

Recipe Sous Vide Matusaka Wagyu Beef Ribeye with Gourmet Mushrooms Powder Medley

Recipe Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef  with Porcini, Morel, Chanterelle & Shiitake Mushrooms Powder Medley:

Serving (2-3)


  • 1 piece of 500 grams A5 Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Ribeye Steak
  • 3 Tbsp Gourmet Mushroom Powder for Marinade (Mixture of dried porcini, morel, chanterelle & shiitake mushrooms)
  • 1 Tbsp extra Gourmet Mushroom Powder for the mushrooms crust
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Ziplock plastic bag

How to Make Sous Vide Matsusaka Wagyu Beef Ribeye Steak Using Rice Cooker:

  • Season the Matsusaka beef  with salt, pepper and gourmet mushrooms powder generously, set aside
  • Put the porcini mushrooms powder mixture marinated Matsusaka beef steak and the butter in the ziplock bag.
  • Submerged the ziplock bag in the water partially to pushed the air out of it.
  • Secure the ziplock seal once the air removed from the bag, let it sit marinated  in the fridge for at least 6 hours or overnight.
  • Place ziplock packed Matsusaka beef ribeye  in the preheated rice cooker water bath in 60°C for medium well done (i’m using my rice cooker with the lid cover partially on)
  • Let it sit in the water bath for 1 hour, flip it every 20 minutes and put some weight to let the bag completely submerged.
  • Take away the sous vide Matsusaka beef  bag from the rice cooker waterbath, set aside
  • Pop out the Matsusaka beef ribeye steak from the ziplock bag, drain and set aside the gravy.
  • Dust the Matsusaka beef with the remaining porcini mushrooms mixture
  • Drizzle some avocado oil (or any high smoke point oil) to the mushrooms crust
  • Sear the sous vide Matsusaka beef steak until the mushrooms crust is perfectly browned for about 1 minute each side, set aside
recipe porcini mushrooms butter powder chanterelle morel powder recipe

Porcini Mushrooms Butter Recipe

Porcini Mushrooms Butter Recipe:

  • 2 tbsp Porcini mushrooms powder (you can combine with morel, chanterelle or any kind of gourmet mushrooms you want)
  • 1 tbsp reduced matsusaka beef gravy (from the ziplock sous vide bag)
  • 100 gr butter
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
  • Plastic cling film for wrapping and rolling the porcini butter
  • aluminium foil for wrapping the porcini butter

How to Make Porcini Mushrooms Infused Butter :

  • Lay a  plastic cling film in a table, set aside
  • In a glass bowl, mix the butter, porcini mushrooms powder and the reduced beef gravy until well blend
  • Put it in over the cling film and then roll it to made a cylindrical log
  • Wrap it with aluminium foil and let it refrigerate until set
  • Serve the porcini mushrooms butter  with the Mushrooms Crusted Matsusaka Beef Ribeye Steak

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Resep Daging Se’i Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur, Hot Smoked Cured Meat (Beef, Pork, or Venison Deer)

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Daging Se’i, Indonesian Hot Smoked Cured Meat Bacon from East Nusa Tenggara Island

Daging Se’i is an Indonesian style bacon from East Nusa Tenggara Island, an authentic dish of Rote descent people. Daging sei derived from the word daging which is meat and se’i that means thin strip sliced, so daging sei is  thinly slide meat strip that hot smoked until dried and throughly cooked. Daging se’i mostly made from a pork or beef, but the anchester used to made daging se’i from wild boar or games venison deer.

resep daging sei babi asap ntt kering warna merah hot smoked cured pork tenderloin recipe

Daging Sapi Sei Asap, Indonesian Hot Smoked Cured Beef

Daging sei babi or hot smoked pork meat is iconic food souvenir from Kupang City, you ain’t travelling to East Nusa tenggara Island unless you give daging sei babi a try. Daging babi se’i also the most popular food souvenir people expecting if you’ve got a chance to travelling there. For those who can eat pork such local moslem tourist, you can taste the daging sapi sei or hot smoked beef instead the pork because there’s also several halal daging sei restaurant there.

resep daging sei sapi asap kupang ntt cara membuat daging asap bow to make hot smoked beef meat recipe

Homemade Hot Smoked Beef

Daging se’i  or hot smoked beef, pork or venison meat  traditionally only contain with salt and salt petre as seasoning, that’s it!. The smokey flavour is what made it taste specials. Nowdays, manufactured bacon usually stuffed with tons of preservatives and stuffs you even don’t wanna know about, but this traditional daging sei asap is usually remain contains that simple ingredients, the only additional ingredients usually added is mono sodium glutamat (MSG) and i bet it’s still much more healthier than the store brough smoked bacon.

hot smoked pork tenderloin recipe cured meat resep daging asap sei kupang nusa tenggara timur

Daging Sapi Sei, Cured Hot Smoked Lean Beef

Daging sei making is begin with the selection of the meat first; what ever kind of meat you want to made daging sei; beef, pork or venison, make sure  you choose the lean cut. The loin, the eye round or the silverside of the beef, pork or venison usually using for this recipe. Removed any silver skin, fat or sinew because it’s will not be rendered  from the low temperature hot smoking. The meat then sliced into 1 inch maximum thickness then seasoned and cured with spices, salt and salt petre. Traditionally, the seasoned meat is hung first in a perforated sack to let the dripping liquid running out off the meat during the curing process for at least 6 hours. Once the cured meat had a firmer and dry texture, the meat then hung and exposed with air to develop a pellicle for another 4 hours before ready to hot smoking.

resep sei babi kupang daging babi asap ntt hot skomed pork tenderloin cured from indonesia

Beef Tenderloin Hot Smoked Meat, Daging Sapi Sei Asap Has Dalam

Sei daging asap usually using native wood called kayu kosambi (Schleichera oleosa). Kayu Kosambi is called Ceylon oak in English, Malay lac tree or Macassar oil tree contain essential A number of wood smoke compounds act as preservatives. Phenol and other phenolic compounds in wood smoke are both antioxidants alongside other formaldehyde, acetic acid, and other organic acids,, which slow rancidification of animal fats, and antimicrobials, which slow bacterial growth. But i can’t find any of kosambi wood nearby, so i’m using mangoo wood instead .

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Damn Delicious Daging Se’i or Hot Smoked Cured Meat from East Nusa Tenggara

For hot smoking you need to inisiate the fire first and let the block of dry wood turned into charcoal first. Never let the fire had any contack with the meat you want to hot smoked, so i keep enough distance beetween the meat with the firing wood. Once the wood turend into red charcoal, you can put it in the smoking chamber or a simple grill  like me.  Put the meat in a metal net with at least 15 inches from the charcoal, you want the smoke that cooked the meat, not the direct heat from the charcoal.

cara membuat daging sei se'i asap ntt babi sapi rusa

Starting the Charcoal by Firing the Wood Block Away from The Meat, DO NOT LET THE DIRECT HEAT from CHARCOAL CONTACT the Meat

Once your charcoal is ready, now let’s begin  to make the smoke, shall we ? The smoke can be initiate by putting some dry wood chips that priorly soaked in water for about 10 minutes to enchanced the smoke formation. The other method is using fresh green leaves, you can lay the green leaves over the charcoal and let the magic happen.

hot smoked cured meat beef strip grilled barbeque pork tenderloin venison recipe resep daging asap sei babi sapi ntt

Once the Charcoal Ready, Scatter The Soaked Woodchips to Generate the SMOKE and let the SMOKE Gently Cook The Cured Meat

Hot smoking process is between 165 and 1850 Fahrenheit (73-85C) and this temperature is definitely cooked the meat .”Hot smoking exposes the foods to smoke and heat in a controlled environment.. Although foods that have been hot smoked are often reheated or cooked, they are typically safe to eat without further cooking. Within this temperature range, foods are fully cooked, moist, and flavorful, if you let the temperature raised more than 185 °F (85 °C), the meat will shrink excessively, buckle or even burned.

resep daging sei babi asap sapi khas ntt kupang pembuatan daging asap hot smoked meat cured pork tenderloin beef meat

Homemade Hot Smoked Beef or Daging Sapi Sei Asap

My brother in law is running a Pentacostal Church in Sungai Lilin, about 3-4 hours drives from my place in Palembang City. My sister’s house  had a very wide yard so nobody will probably complain about the smoke if we held a barbeque party there, so i love to practice my barbeque skills there. Several members of the church congregation had Nusa Tenggara descent, so i’m lucky to practice making daging sei with their family secret recipes and techniques.

resep daging sei babi asap ntt kering warna merah hot smoked cured pork tenderloin recipe

Recipe Hot Smoked Meat or Daging Se’i from Kupang City

I’ve try making daging sei or hot smoked meat bacom from beef, pork and also venison deer meat and it’s turned out really good. My favourite is the venison or daging sei rusa. I love the flavour and the texture, smokey and natural mild gamey flavour of venison deer meat is really got my taste buds.

resep sei daging rusa asap hot smoked venison meat dear cured tenderloin

16 Pounds Hot Smoked Beef, I kinda Nailed it !!!!

This is hot smoked beef or daging sapi sei, my big sister “trick” me to made this for her gathering party. This is 16 pounds of beef that i cured with a very simple salt, sugar, garlic and red coloring agent. I’m using red yeast rice powder for the curing marinade. I’m not using any salt petre for my hot smoked beef because it won’t be last for more than next 2 hours and definitely did’t need to be preserved with salt petre or other nitrate preservatives.

resep sei daging sapi asap kupang ntt recipe hot smoked beef tenderloin cured meat

Daging Babi Sei or Hot Smoked Wild Boar Meat

This is daging babi sei or hot smoked pork that i made several days after making the daging sapi sei or smoked beef. I’m using wild boar tenderloin meat for this recipe and i kinda like this even more compare to the commom farm raised pig. Hot smoked wild boar is taste nutty, sweet and very succulent and tender, i’m not a fans of lean meat but i’m really digging this .

resep sei daging babi asap kupang nusa tenggara timur smoked pork meat cured dry

Daging Rusa Se’i, Hot Smoked Cured Venison Deer Meat

This is daging rusa se’i asap or hot smoked venison deer meat. This smoked venison deer bacon made from wild Sambar Deer meat (Cervus Unicolor), Sumatra island native large deer with large and rugged antlers with uniform brown to dark grey colour. Sambar deer meat is considered as delicacy and also healthy choice of meat because it high in protein and low in cholesterol and trans fat. I like the venison deer steak simply because i like it’s natural light gamey flavour and if you lucky enough the traditional market in Sungai Lilin  provide venison deer meat occationally.

resep sei daging asap babi sapi rusa khas nusa tenggara timur ntt recipe hot smoked pork beef venison deer cured meat

Daging Se’i Masakan Daerah Khas Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur

Daging Se’i atau Se’i adalah daging asap tradisional suku Rote di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Daging sapi, babi ataupun rusa dibumbui dengan garam dan sendawa, digantung selama 6 jam (kyuring) didalam karung berpori agar cairan dapat keluar dari daging, lalu diasap dengan kayu bakar yang berjarak cukup jauh sehingga panas dari asap yang mematangkan daging tersebut bukan lidah panas api secara langsung. Daging sei dapat dimakan langsung, tapi  jika sudah disimpan beberapa hari, harus digoreng lagi, atau dimasak dalam tumisan bunga pepaya ataupun sayuran lainnya.

daging sei asap ntt babi asap hot smoked pork recipe cured tenderloin

Resep Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur/Kupang

Resep Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur/Kupang :

Homemade Hot Smoked Meat Bacon (Beef, Pork, Venison) Recipe:


  • 1 kg lean meat (beef or pork or venison deer)
  • wood block, for making charcoal (you can use charcoal )
  • woodchips, soaked in water for 10 minutes for generate the smoke

Homemade Curing Smoked Beef Recipe:

  • 1/4 tsp *sendawa/ salt peter/ curing salt
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar*optional
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder*optional
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg*optional
  • 1/2 tsp cardamon*optional
  • 1/2 tsp rosemarry*optional
  • 1/2 tsp blackpeppercorn*optional
  • 1/2 tsp  caraway*optional
  • 1/2 tsp red food coloring (i’m using red yeast powder)*optional

Cara Membuat Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur :

How to Hot Smoked Meat Bacon from Scratch:

  • Mix the meat with the curing ingredient, let it rest in fridge for at least 12 hours, discard the dripping liquid, patted dry.
  • Once the meat is already cured, the texture will be firmer and the color turned darker
  • Hung or exposed the meat with fan, let the it the outside layer form a dry pellicle before hot smoking process
  • Meanwhile, fire the wood block or charcoal until ready, put the wire netat least 45 inches above the charcoal, so the direct heat won’t too much contact the meat (you want the heat of the smoke touch the meat)
  • Scatter the soaked woodchips or sawdust, springkle with a little bit of water if necessary, let the smoke released
  • Put the meat above the wire net, do not overloded and kept some space beetween the meat so the heat of the smoke have a greater contact with the meat
  • Keep the heat constant, let the smoke generate gently, ass more soaked wooodchips if necessary and cooked the meat until dry and the internal temperature reach 200 F (90 C), it takes above 3-4 hours for 1 inch thickness with gentle heat hot smoke
  • Now your Daging Se’i or Hot Smoked Meat Bacon is ready to eat, sliced thinly and enjoy with some chili sambal.

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