Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Violino di Capra) Dry Cured Whole Leg or Ham of Mutton with Natural Nitrate

homemade goat prosciutto capra dry cured mutton whole leg ham goat charcuteria from scratch

Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Air Dry Cured Whole Goat Leg or Ham)

Homemade Goat Prosciutto, Prosciutto di Capra  or Violino di Capra Recipe. Prosciutto is Italian ham made of bone-in hind leg (usually pork) which marinated in spiced and salt cured then hung to air-dried cured for several months. Capra is Italian word for goat or mutton; so Prosciutto di Capra is air-dried and salt cured (cold smoked) goat leg or ham. This homemade goat prosciutto is also cured without any preservative or curing salt (NO pink salt or salt petre)

goat prosciutto ham violino di capra mutton lamb leg smoked dry cured hung homemade charcuterie fridge dry chamber amateur kitchen

Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Air Dry Cured Whole Goat Leg or Ham)

how to make prosciutto recipe  goat ham from scratch dry cured goat leg violino di capra

Unpopular Delicacy Goat Prosciutto di Capra

Goat prosciutto is not as well-known as the pork prosciutto, even in Italia it’s rarely served nowdays.  I’ve never seen any deli store here in Indonesia sold any goat prosciutto before and it’s challenging me even more to made it. Eversince I’ve made several whole meat muscles charcuterie before, i think finding the right goat leg for making the prosciutto di capra is my only issue.

homemade prosciutto goat ham violino di capra mutton leg cold smoked dry cured hung in refrigerator dry chamber

Homemade Goat Prosciutto, Nicely Cured Mutton Ham!

dry cured goat hind leg ham muttom prosciutto violino di capra

Goat Prosciutto a.k.a Violino di Capra

Homemade Goat Prosciutto isn’t that hard to made if you got the passion on home curing charcuterie, i mean any amateur kitchen can made it, but sure it need some patients and precision steps to made the goat ham prosciutto edible. A little bit of passion can create a far better delicious prosciutto than any professional deli store products ever sold. Homemade charcuterie or dry curing is so easy; salting, washing (sometimes cold smoking) and then the final air dry curing. This is some of my previously charcutterie project;

violino di capra recipe goat prosciutto smoked ham mutton lamb dry cured homemade charcuterie cold cut

Goat Prosciutto (Salt Cured , Cold Smoked, Air Dried Whole Goat Ham)

recipe goat prosciutto violino di capra mutton leg whole goat ham dry cured homemade charcuterie

Prosciutto di Capra

Goat prosciutto is considered delicacy for its mild gamey, sweet and yet tender delicious because it’s made from very young or junvenile goat that unless the prosciutto will be tough and rubbery. Prosciutto di capra usually made from about 6 months to 1-year-old goat hind leg weighed about 1 to 1.5 kg and no more than 2 kg each. Goat prosciutto will be hung to air curing for about two to three months untill it lost about 30% its original weight after salt cured. Goat prosciutto can enjoyed  for a long day since it can last for months or even years. Some would love to inoculate a good white mould in the exposed meat to make it last longer.

homemade prosciutto recipe goat violino di capra ham whole leg dry cured smoked mutton dry charcuterie

Goat Prosciutto; Nicely Vivid Red, Well Done Curing Celery Seed & Juice!!!

To maintain the red meat color and prevent spoiling and poisoning from botulism, prosciutto cured with nitrites like salt peter (sendawa) or potassium nitrit. The nitride oxide bonded and reacted with the remaining myoglobin in the flesh and make a red pigmentation. These process get even better when the water is drained out from the flesh. I used to used salt petre to my charcuterie project, but eversince i’m concerning about the health hence I’m using the natural form of nitrate from celery juice & celery salt for making this goat ham prosciutto.

prosciutto di capra goat ham dry cured whole mutton goat lamb leg homemade charcuterie

Vivid Red Sliced Goat Prosciutto, Cured with Natural Nitrate of Celery Seed & Celery Juice

Measure the weight of your beef then calculate the sea salt weight (3 %) and the pink salt weight (0,1%) needed to curing the goat leg prosciutto di capra . If  you using salt petre for making prosciutto  it’s recommended ammount is 500 ppm (part per million) or 500 mg for one kg of meat. Unfortunately, i didn’t know about the correct ammount of nitrate on celery salt and juice for properly cured this prosciutto but judging from the satisfying result i guess my recipe is quite correct.

homemade prosciutto goat violino di capra salted cured whole goat ham leg smoked

Homemade Goat Prosciutto

how to slice prosciutto goat ham violino di capra afumisata smoked ham mutton dry cured carved like violin

Sliced Goat Prosciutto

I mention before that home curing goat prosciutto need a precision; simply because improperly curing process can lead to food bourne poisoning called Botulism and possibly causing death, no kidding!!!. Before you considering to made your homemade lamb pancetta or any other air dry cured meat, you should know about the safety about curing  first. You NEED NITRATE, that’s for sure because it’s the only known additive that effective to prevent the Clostridium botulinum growing.

thin sliced prosciutto homemade goat violino di capra dry cured smoked goat mutton lamb ham

Prosciutto di Capra, Salt Cured Cold Smoked and Hung Dried Whole Goat Hind Leg

thin slice prosciutto recipe dry smoked goat ham violinodi capra

Thinly Sliced Goat Prosciutto

Making homemade goat prosciutto is very fun to me, if you ask me why I’m curing my own goat prosciutto, my simple answer is; why not ? Beside the fact it’s must be very expensive to purchased and imported  genuine Italian prosciutto di capra, i also simply can control all ingredients and adjust the taste according to your own personal licking. For example, i add a little bit Szechuan peppercorn to my homemade prosciutto to satisfied my asian descent taste buds and you won’t get any of it in the store.

homemade prosciutto salad lettuce vinegar dressing

Thinly Sliced Goat Prosciutto with Lettuce Salad

Properly prepared goat prosciutto is  save to eaten raw as thinly sliced appetizer on charcuteries platter alongside other homemade cold cut charcuterie. Goat prosciutto  usually served uncooked or raw with greens leaves  salad and vinegar or lemon juice dressing. Beside that, prosciutto can be served as sandwich filling, rolled in the veggies and roasted and many more.

bruchetta goat prosciutto capra cheese lettuce mustard leaves pink peppercorn

Bruchetta with Goat Prosciutto, Mild Cream Cheese , Kalamata Olives Puree, Preserved Artichoked, Mustard Leaves and Blossom, Crab Clawn Herbs, Pickled Garlic & Green Pepercorn, & Crushed Pink Pepeprcorn

I also made some bruchetta whith my homemade goat prosciutto. Crispy oven toasted french baguette, spread with some mild cream cheese and kalamata olives puree, then topped with  preserved artichoked and finished with some micro greens mustard leaves and blossom, micro crab clawn herbs, pickled garlic & green peppercorn, & crushed Pink pepeprcorn

crispy fried prosciutto bruchetta mayonaise goat ham fried violino di capra My grandma won’t eat any uncooked meat, not even my raw delicious cured goat prosciutto, so she decided to crisp up the goat prosciutto by fried it up with some avocado oil and enjoy the crispy proscoutto like a fried goat bacon, lol

violino di capra prosciutto goat leg dry cured mutton ham

Violino di Capra a.k.a Violin of Goat

Violino di Capra or literary translated as violin of goat is the Italian names for goat prosciutto. It ‘a leg of ham made from goat and the name derives not so much from the cured ham shape as from the characteristic way of holding it for slicing. It is placed on the arm like a violin and sliced thinly using the knife as a bow

goat prosciutto violino di capra how to slice carved thinly goat mutton leg ham dry cured

Slicing Goat Prosciutto

Slicing a goat prosciutto or violino di capra is quite challenging for me. First you need to sharpen your knive to get a thinner sliced prosciutto. I’m using small boning knives, i sharpen it using automatic knife sharpener and it’s almost as sharp as surgical scalpel knives. If you had the prosciutto holder, use it to secure and fixation it, but if you didn’t have any, use your left hand to hold it tight while  you slicing the prosciutto horizontally. Slice the prosciutto as thin as possible with a gentle and confident movement, well my grandma gladly do this job for me; at least for the photograph session, lol

carving prosciutto homemade violino di capra italian goat ham smoked mutton leg

Thinly Carving the Goat Prosciutto

Now this is How I Make My Goat Prosciutto or Violino di Agnello from scratch!!!

fresh goat leg recipe prosciutto di capra dry cured whole hund leg mutton goat

Young Goat Leg from 8 Months Old Goat Leg Weighed About 1 Kg, The Best Ingredients for Making Goat Prosciutto

1. Select the Goat Leg;

Prosciutto di capra usually made from young goat, i personally order 8 months old goat leg weighed about 1 kg for each of it. DO NOT EVER WASHED THE GOAT LEG WITH WATER or it will be had a very strong gamey aromas. Properly trimming the sinew as much as possible is essential to the rich taste and properly cured prosciutto. Clean the goat leg from any debris or remaining fur and trimmed the remaining blood debris or stain. You can pushed the leg a little bit to drain remaining blood then wipe it out with paper towel.

2. Salt Curing the Goat Leg

prosciutto recipe homemade curing celery juice natural nitrate celery seed homemade goat prosciutto charcuterie without pink salt curing salt

Young Goat Leg, Celery Seed-Spices-Salt & Celery Juice = Homemade Goat Prosciutto

The spices and herbs used for making the goat prosciutto differ according to the traditions and your personal preferences. For making my homemade prosciutto do capra i’m using a combinations of nutmeg, celery seed, Szechuan peppercorn, fennel seed, cumin, cardamon, sage, tarragon, juniper berries, black pepper, bay leaf, cloves, thyme, oregano, and rosemary. For the salt, i’m using homemade sea salt that i processed with the spices and herbs until fine powder to made it penetrate better to the meat. The natural nitrate preservatives source for making this goat prosciutto is the celery seed and the celery juice that i added into it.

3. Salt-Dry Curing (Plus Cold Smoked) The Goat Leg

making prosciutto goat celery juice seed natural nitrate charcuterie amateur kitchen recipe violino di capra

Salt Curing Goat Leg with Natural Nitrate

The hind leg or ham of the goat salted and cured with the celery juice, salt and seasoning for about 14 days, depend on your goat leg size. During this time the goat leg ham is sit in the refrigerator and gently pressed to drain all the blood that remains  in the meat and flipped over every day.  After the curing process, the goat leg is carefully washed in running water,  patted dry and hung in a dark, good-ventilated environment.  At this point, you can cold smoked the cured goat leg a little bit to improved the taste and induced the smokey flavour on it before hung it to air cured. The  humidity and temperature of the enviroment is the key success of making a good quality of goat prosciutto. The best environment for making cured meat is cold climate with low humidity. The goat prosciutto  is then left until dry and loosen  30 percent of it’s weight, so make sure you notes the weight of the cured beef before you hung it and calculate the 30 percent loss from the freshly cured goat leg weight. When you lived in a tropical country with high temperature and humidity, don’t worry about it, as long as you can set your refrigerator in “dry mode” you can made your own dry cured meat or prosciutto.

how to make prosciutto recipe  goat ham from scratch dry cured goat leg violino di capra

Recipe Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Violino di Capra)

Recipe Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Violino di Capra) with Natural Nitrate Preservatives (Celery seed & Juice) :

  • 1 small goat hind leg (about 1 kg)
  • 3% sea salt (30 grams) *add more if necessary
  • 1 tsp celery seed
  • 50 ml celery juice (from about 1 1/2 cups celery leaves and little stem)
  • 1/2 tbsp freshly grounded black peppercorn
  • 1 tsp of rosemary
  • 1/2 tsp of Szechuan peppercorn *optional
  • 1/2 tsp juniper berry, coarsely ground
  •  2 tbsp of mix italian herbs
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar

How To Make Homemade Goat Prosciutto (Violino di Capra):

  • Clean the goat leg from any debris, pushed out the remaining blood and patted it dry with paper towel
  •  Rub the celery seed, spices and salt mixture to the goat leg, make sure all the surface is coated with salt mixture evenly
  • Pour the celery juice over the goat leg and massage it all over the surface, put it in a ziplock bag and pushed out the air to sealed it properly
  • Let the salted goat leg cured for about 14  days, in the refrigerator flip it over every  day.
  • Gently press the cured goat leg by putting some weight over the ziplock bag.
  • When the curing process is done, your goat leg should be slightly flattened and firm to touch
  • Washed the cured goat leg gently in running cold water to dissolved the remaining curing salt
  • Pat it dry with clean paper towel
  • Washed it a little bit with red wine vinegar*optional
  • Rub it with a freshly ground black peppercorn*optional
  • Measure and note the weight of your cured goat leg
  • Hang it in your refrigerator (make sure you set it in dry mode)
  • Ater hung 1 day in the fridge, you can cold smoked for about 2 hour *optional
  • Let the goat leg dry cured into prosciutto for about 2 months up to 12 months
  • Make sure you watch the weight loss
  • Your goat prosciutto or violino di capra  is ready when it loosen 30 percent of it’s freshly cured leg weight, but if you want it develop more flavour let it cured for longer period of times.
  • You can either serve it raw on salad or cook it in your pasta, your choice

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Resep Daging Se’i Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur, Hot Smoked Cured Meat (Beef, Pork, or Venison Deer)

resep daging se'i asap sapi babi ntt hot smoked beef pork venison meat strips

Daging Se’i, Indonesian Hot Smoked Cured Meat Bacon from East Nusa Tenggara Island

Daging Se’i is an Indonesian style bacon from East Nusa Tenggara Island, an authentic dish of Rote descent people. Daging sei derived from the word daging which is meat and se’i that means thin strip sliced, so daging sei is  thinly slide meat strip that hot smoked until dried and throughly cooked. Daging se’i mostly made from a pork or beef, but the anchester used to made daging se’i from wild boar or games venison deer.

resep daging sei babi asap ntt kering warna merah hot smoked cured pork tenderloin recipe

Daging Sapi Sei Asap, Indonesian Hot Smoked Cured Beef

Daging sei babi or hot smoked pork meat is iconic food souvenir from Kupang City, you ain’t travelling to East Nusa tenggara Island unless you give daging sei babi a try. Daging babi se’i also the most popular food souvenir people expecting if you’ve got a chance to travelling there. For those who can eat pork such local moslem tourist, you can taste the daging sapi sei or hot smoked beef instead the pork because there’s also several halal daging sei restaurant there.

resep daging sei sapi asap kupang ntt cara membuat daging asap bow to make hot smoked beef meat recipe

Homemade Hot Smoked Beef

Daging se’i  or hot smoked beef, pork or venison meat  traditionally only contain with salt and salt petre as seasoning, that’s it!. The smokey flavour is what made it taste specials. Nowdays, manufactured bacon usually stuffed with tons of preservatives and stuffs you even don’t wanna know about, but this traditional daging sei asap is usually remain contains that simple ingredients, the only additional ingredients usually added is mono sodium glutamat (MSG) and i bet it’s still much more healthier than the store brough smoked bacon.

hot smoked pork tenderloin recipe cured meat resep daging asap sei kupang nusa tenggara timur

Daging Sapi Sei, Cured Hot Smoked Lean Beef

Daging sei making is begin with the selection of the meat first; what ever kind of meat you want to made daging sei; beef, pork or venison, make sure  you choose the lean cut. The loin, the eye round or the silverside of the beef, pork or venison usually using for this recipe. Removed any silver skin, fat or sinew because it’s will not be rendered  from the low temperature hot smoking. The meat then sliced into 1 inch maximum thickness then seasoned and cured with spices, salt and salt petre. Traditionally, the seasoned meat is hung first in a perforated sack to let the dripping liquid running out off the meat during the curing process for at least 6 hours. Once the cured meat had a firmer and dry texture, the meat then hung and exposed with air to develop a pellicle for another 4 hours before ready to hot smoking.

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Beef Tenderloin Hot Smoked Meat, Daging Sapi Sei Asap Has Dalam

Sei daging asap usually using native wood called kayu kosambi (Schleichera oleosa). Kayu Kosambi is called Ceylon oak in English, Malay lac tree or Macassar oil tree contain essential A number of wood smoke compounds act as preservatives. Phenol and other phenolic compounds in wood smoke are both antioxidants alongside other formaldehyde, acetic acid, and other organic acids,, which slow rancidification of animal fats, and antimicrobials, which slow bacterial growth. But i can’t find any of kosambi wood nearby, so i’m using mangoo wood instead .

recipe beef hot smoked cured meat red resep daging sapi asap sei merah khas kupang nusa tenggara timur

Damn Delicious Daging Se’i or Hot Smoked Cured Meat from East Nusa Tenggara

For hot smoking you need to inisiate the fire first and let the block of dry wood turned into charcoal first. Never let the fire had any contack with the meat you want to hot smoked, so i keep enough distance beetween the meat with the firing wood. Once the wood turend into red charcoal, you can put it in the smoking chamber or a simple grill  like me.  Put the meat in a metal net with at least 15 inches from the charcoal, you want the smoke that cooked the meat, not the direct heat from the charcoal.

cara membuat daging sei se'i asap ntt babi sapi rusa

Starting the Charcoal by Firing the Wood Block Away from The Meat, DO NOT LET THE DIRECT HEAT from CHARCOAL CONTACT the Meat

Once your charcoal is ready, now let’s begin  to make the smoke, shall we ? The smoke can be initiate by putting some dry wood chips that priorly soaked in water for about 10 minutes to enchanced the smoke formation. The other method is using fresh green leaves, you can lay the green leaves over the charcoal and let the magic happen.

hot smoked cured meat beef strip grilled barbeque pork tenderloin venison recipe resep daging asap sei babi sapi ntt

Once the Charcoal Ready, Scatter The Soaked Woodchips to Generate the SMOKE and let the SMOKE Gently Cook The Cured Meat

Hot smoking process is between 165 and 1850 Fahrenheit (73-85C) and this temperature is definitely cooked the meat .”Hot smoking exposes the foods to smoke and heat in a controlled environment.. Although foods that have been hot smoked are often reheated or cooked, they are typically safe to eat without further cooking. Within this temperature range, foods are fully cooked, moist, and flavorful, if you let the temperature raised more than 185 °F (85 °C), the meat will shrink excessively, buckle or even burned.

resep daging sei babi asap sapi khas ntt kupang pembuatan daging asap hot smoked meat cured pork tenderloin beef meat

Homemade Hot Smoked Beef or Daging Sapi Sei Asap

My brother in law is running a Pentacostal Church in Sungai Lilin, about 3-4 hours drives from my place in Palembang City. My sister’s house  had a very wide yard so nobody will probably complain about the smoke if we held a barbeque party there, so i love to practice my barbeque skills there. Several members of the church congregation had Nusa Tenggara descent, so i’m lucky to practice making daging sei with their family secret recipes and techniques.

resep daging sei babi asap ntt kering warna merah hot smoked cured pork tenderloin recipe

Recipe Hot Smoked Meat or Daging Se’i from Kupang City

I’ve try making daging sei or hot smoked meat bacom from beef, pork and also venison deer meat and it’s turned out really good. My favourite is the venison or daging sei rusa. I love the flavour and the texture, smokey and natural mild gamey flavour of venison deer meat is really got my taste buds.

resep sei daging rusa asap hot smoked venison meat dear cured tenderloin

16 Pounds Hot Smoked Beef, I kinda Nailed it !!!!

This is hot smoked beef or daging sapi sei, my big sister “trick” me to made this for her gathering party. This is 16 pounds of beef that i cured with a very simple salt, sugar, garlic and red coloring agent. I’m using red yeast rice powder for the curing marinade. I’m not using any salt petre for my hot smoked beef because it won’t be last for more than next 2 hours and definitely did’t need to be preserved with salt petre or other nitrate preservatives.

resep sei daging sapi asap kupang ntt recipe hot smoked beef tenderloin cured meat

Daging Babi Sei or Hot Smoked Wild Boar Meat

This is daging babi sei or hot smoked pork that i made several days after making the daging sapi sei or smoked beef. I’m using wild boar tenderloin meat for this recipe and i kinda like this even more compare to the commom farm raised pig. Hot smoked wild boar is taste nutty, sweet and very succulent and tender, i’m not a fans of lean meat but i’m really digging this .

resep sei daging babi asap kupang nusa tenggara timur smoked pork meat cured dry

Daging Rusa Se’i, Hot Smoked Cured Venison Deer Meat

This is daging rusa se’i asap or hot smoked venison deer meat. This smoked venison deer bacon made from wild Sambar Deer meat (Cervus Unicolor), Sumatra island native large deer with large and rugged antlers with uniform brown to dark grey colour. Sambar deer meat is considered as delicacy and also healthy choice of meat because it high in protein and low in cholesterol and trans fat. I like the venison deer steak simply because i like it’s natural light gamey flavour and if you lucky enough the traditional market in Sungai Lilin  provide venison deer meat occationally.

resep sei daging asap babi sapi rusa khas nusa tenggara timur ntt recipe hot smoked pork beef venison deer cured meat

Daging Se’i Masakan Daerah Khas Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur

Daging Se’i atau Se’i adalah daging asap tradisional suku Rote di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Daging sapi, babi ataupun rusa dibumbui dengan garam dan sendawa, digantung selama 6 jam (kyuring) didalam karung berpori agar cairan dapat keluar dari daging, lalu diasap dengan kayu bakar yang berjarak cukup jauh sehingga panas dari asap yang mematangkan daging tersebut bukan lidah panas api secara langsung. Daging sei dapat dimakan langsung, tapi  jika sudah disimpan beberapa hari, harus digoreng lagi, atau dimasak dalam tumisan bunga pepaya ataupun sayuran lainnya.

daging sei asap ntt babi asap hot smoked pork recipe cured tenderloin

Resep Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur/Kupang

Resep Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur/Kupang :

Homemade Hot Smoked Meat Bacon (Beef, Pork, Venison) Recipe:


  • 1 kg lean meat (beef or pork or venison deer)
  • wood block, for making charcoal (you can use charcoal )
  • woodchips, soaked in water for 10 minutes for generate the smoke

Homemade Curing Smoked Beef Recipe:

  • 1/4 tsp *sendawa/ salt peter/ curing salt
  • 2 tbsp salt
  • 1 tbsp brown sugar*optional
  • 1 tbsp garlic powder*optional
  • 1/2 tsp nutmeg*optional
  • 1/2 tsp cardamon*optional
  • 1/2 tsp rosemarry*optional
  • 1/2 tsp blackpeppercorn*optional
  • 1/2 tsp  caraway*optional
  • 1/2 tsp red food coloring (i’m using red yeast powder)*optional

Cara Membuat Daging Sei Asap Khas Nusa Tenggara Timur :

How to Hot Smoked Meat Bacon from Scratch:

  • Mix the meat with the curing ingredient, let it rest in fridge for at least 12 hours, discard the dripping liquid, patted dry.
  • Once the meat is already cured, the texture will be firmer and the color turned darker
  • Hung or exposed the meat with fan, let the it the outside layer form a dry pellicle before hot smoking process
  • Meanwhile, fire the wood block or charcoal until ready, put the wire netat least 45 inches above the charcoal, so the direct heat won’t too much contact the meat (you want the heat of the smoke touch the meat)
  • Scatter the soaked woodchips or sawdust, springkle with a little bit of water if necessary, let the smoke released
  • Put the meat above the wire net, do not overloded and kept some space beetween the meat so the heat of the smoke have a greater contact with the meat
  • Keep the heat constant, let the smoke generate gently, ass more soaked wooodchips if necessary and cooked the meat until dry and the internal temperature reach 200 F (90 C), it takes above 3-4 hours for 1 inch thickness with gentle heat hot smoke
  • Now your Daging Se’i or Hot Smoked Meat Bacon is ready to eat, sliced thinly and enjoy with some chili sambal.

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grilled ribeye steak with peppercorn crust  saladChicken betel leaves wrapped vietnamese recipepaella valenciana recipe chicken rabbit snails spanish rice

marlin fish steak fillet black garlic lemongrass sauce dentist chef recipesirloin steak recipe how grill sirloin meat saffron mashed potato tempeh saladbruschetta venison avocado pesto recipe

Braised lamb shank with navy bean and red bean recipe how braise lamb recipehow to make roasted peking duck wrap in pancake hoisin plum scallion spring onion cucumbersalmon meatball recipe cheese stuffed salmon fish

Schweinshaxe reciperecipe veal scalloppine mushrooms wine cream sauce green peppercornvenison bresaola recipe homemade cured deer loin

roasted lobster butter garlic ginger soy sauce recipepan seared lamb chop tomato concase butteren couscous recipebraised venison ribs wine tomato saffron recipe

braised beef shank recipe hot and sour beefsweet sour lobster chilli tomato sauce spicy singapore sauceGrilled Beef Tenderloin Steak with Roasted Garlic Sauce filet mignon recipe

How Recipe braised beef ribs red curry coconut milkgrilled roasted beef ribs green chilli spicy sauceResep kalio daging sapi rendang padang indonesian beef rendang brown color

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Recipe Salt Crusted Roasted Beef (Salted Meringue & Herbs Wrapped Sirloin) and Dealing with Allergic Friedly Gluten Free Snack: Tropikana Slim Alergon Cookies

recipe roasted beef in salt crust baked striploin beef rosemarry thyme sirloin steak oven

 Roasted Beef Sirloinin Wrapped in Salt & Herbs Crust. Herbs marinated beef sirloin roast wrapped in a herbs-salted meringue crust then baked in the oven until the salt crust harden and the meat reached the desireable doneness. This is one simple method with a stunning results; juicy, tender and flavourfull roasted beef.

beef roasted herbs salt crust sirloin steak striploin baked in salt tender moist meat recipe

Roasted Beef sirloin in salt herbs crust moist tender roasted beef baked striploinThis Salt crust meringue wrapped beef roast is inspired by the ancient Spanish dish Lomo al Trapo or coarse salt wrapped grilled beef tenderloin in a cloth. This version or sirloin or solomillo al trapo using salted whipped egg whites meringues as the insulating agent instead of wet cloth and coarsed salt.

roasted beef salt herbs crust sirloin steak salted meringue baked striploin

Salt crust beef sirloin baked oven roasted thyme rosemarry striploinRoasting beef on salt crust is an ancient technique of cooking that applied by our ancestors. This salt crust using a whipped egg whites meringes instead of salted dough that i’m using for my Salt Crusted Roasted Chicken Ayam Betutu (Balinese Style Spiced Whole Chicken) which is turned out really good. The salted dough crust creating an “oven” inside the oven while i’m roasting it, resulting the most tender and moist roasted chicken i ever had; all the flavour and aromas also preserved, superb!

roasted beef herbs salt crust tender moist sirloin striploin beef oven baked on salt meringueBeef Sirloin baked in salt crust roasted striploin with salt herbs meringueDespite the delicious looking meringues that wrapped the roasted beef sirloin, it’s totally inedible because it’s obviously too salty, hence therefore it’s named salt crust meringues. This is the cheaper version of salt crust because using fine salt instead of tons of coarse salt in common salt crust recipes. For a presentation purpose, i blakened the salt crust meringues with blowtorch further more after it’s popped ot from the oven,

sirloin steak herbs salt crusted roasted beef striploin rosemarry oregano thyme

Making salt crust beef striploin starting by selecting a nice striploin, mine was about  one and half inches thick striploin weighed about 400 grams, you can use bigger chunk of beef too for this recipe for sure. The meat was marinated overnight with herbs; rosemarry, thyme, oregano and bayleaves. Freshly ground black peppercorn, fennel and cumin also lovely too for flavouring the beef. Do not add any salt to your beef because the salted meringue crust is very salty and just perfest to salting the beef.

Searing beef steak blowtorch herbs crust sirloin striploin salt crust beef roast

The beef need to be seared first before rosted in a salt crust. You can use a mad smoking hot sizzling skillet for do the tricks, b ut i’m using the blowtorch instead. You don’t want to cook the meat to the middle section, searing the beef means just want the other layer nicely browned.

Salt Crust Beef Roast sirloin steak in Salt baked sirloin salted eeg white puff meringue

The salt crust consist of one egg white from a very large egg or two (medium size egg) which is mixed with about 1/2 cup salt then whipped until stiff peak. This salted meringues crust is sufficient for about one pound (500 grams) of beef, You can add any  herbs or other flavouring agent too into the salted eringues as a seasoning that give flavour into the beef meat while  roasting it in the oven.  Put the whipped egg in the bottom of the roasting pan as a base, then put the herbs marinated and seared beef sirloin over it, after that apply another salt crust meringues to cover the beef completely  and evenly to sealed the moisture and make an even cooked roasted beef.

Beef Cover salt crust roasted eeg meringues herbs moist sirloin striploin steak caveman ancient lomo el trapo

This is the salted whipped egg wrapped beef sirloin after i compeletely done my job, i’really put myself into it feeling #PicassoWannaBe. Just make sure you didn’t missed a spot of uncovered beef. I also put some black mustard leaves over the salt crusted meringues for a presentation purpose.

Roasted Beef salt crust herbs oven baked sirloin steak rosemarry meringue striploin steakThe salt and herb wrapped beef sirloin then popped into preheated 220 C oven for about 20 minutes for about 400-500 grams of beef roast or until the internal temperature reached desireable doness.Eversince you can use a visual or tactile method for examine the roasted beef doneness, hence using the meat gauge or meat thermometer for do this job. The Internal temparature medium rare roasted  beef with warm pinkish red center & juicy tender texture is about 55–58 °C, 60 -65°C for medium well with firm less pink center and  more than 70°C for well done with firm gray center, but i really recomend the medium rare for the best juicy and tender roasted beef

roasted beef herbs salt crust sirloin rosemarry thyme oregano basil salted meringue oven baked steak

The salt crusted roasted beef is taken out of the oven after the internal temperature reach 58 °C because the internal temperature still increase about 3–5 °C (5–10 °F) after it is removed from an oven.  The salt crusted beef roast meat should be allowed to “rest” for at least 5-10 minutes before being served, which makes the meat easier to carve and its structure firmer and more resistant to deformation; its water-holding capacity also increases and less liquid is lost from the meat during carving to the guess.

baked beef in salt crust roasted sirloin herbs salted crusted striploin

roasted beef sirloin salt crust with red pepper sauce burnt chili pesto

Salt Crust Wrapped Roasted Sirloin with Chili Pepper Sauce

After the salted meringues wrapped roasted beef sirloin for about 10 minutes, the beef can be carved and served with your favourite sauce, mine paired well to my favourite Red pepper and Chili Sauce. i also had several selection of Sauce for Roasted Beef :

  1. Beef Rendang Sauce
  2. Simple Gravy or Brown Sauce
  3. Spicy Romesco Sauce with Grilled Chili Pepper and Pine Nuts
  4. Savoury Chocolate Sauce for Steak, Bbq and Grill
  5. Blue Cheese Butter with Chili Basil Caramelized Shallots
  6. Roasted Garlic Sauce
  7. Creamy Mushrooms Sauce
  8. Roasted Pepper Sauce
  9. Creamy Green Peppercorn Sauce
  10. Spicy Balsamic Vinegar and Shallots Jam
  11. Salsa Verde Sauce
  12. Sambal Matah (Balinese Raw Shallot and Chillies Spicy Salsa)

Oven Roasted beef sirloin salt crust herbs striploin steak oven bakedsalt crust beef steak roasted sirloin lomo trapo oven baked striploin with herbs thyme rosemarry

Recipe Herbs Salt Crusted Roast Beef Sirloin:


  • 2 pound whole Beef Sirloin Roast
  • 1 Tbsp dry rosemarry
  • 1 Tbsp thyme
  • 1/2 Tbsp oregano
  • a sprig of tarragon, finelly chopped
  • 2 Tbsp freshly ground black peppercorn
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp mix Italian herbs *optional

Recipe Salted Meringue (whipped egg white for wrapping the roasted beef)

  • 4 egg white from 4 medium size eggs
  • 1 cup fine salt
  • a pinch of lemon juice/cream of tartar #optional (using for stabilized the meringues)

How to make Salted Meringues for Wrapping the Beef Roast:

  • Mix all ingredients in a mixing bowl
  • Whipped the egg whites with medium speed until stiff peak
  • Fold in the herbs (if you using)

How to Make Salt Crust Wrapped Beef Roast with Salted Meringues:

  • Mix the beef sirloin roast with olive oil, peppercorn and herbs, rub the beef all over , let it marinted for at least 1 hour or overnight in the fridge
  • Take out the sirloin beef roast and let it reach room temperature
  • Seared the beef in all surface with blowtorch or skillet, set aside and let it rest for about 10 minutes
  • Spread some of the salted meringues in the bottom of the pan, about 1 inch thick as a base for the beef roast
  • Put the seared beef sirloin roast over the meringues, then apply the rest of the meringues all over the beef
  • Roast in a preheated oven 220 C until the internal temperature reach 57 C for medium rare (remember the internal temoerature will raised 3-5 C after out of the oven)
  • Let the salt meringues wrapped roasted beef sirloin rest at least 10 minutes before carving to mantain it’s juice
  • Served the salt crust roasted beef sirloin with  your favourite sauce

Now were talking about Alergic, an allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that’s harmless to most people. But in someone with an allergy, the body’s immune system treats the substance (called an allergen) as an invader and overreacts, causing symptoms that can range from annoying to serious or life threatening. In an attempt to protect the body, the immune system of the allergic person produces antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE). Those antibodies then cause mast cells and basophils (allergy cells in the body) to release chemicals (including histamine) into the bloodstream to defend against the allergen “invader”.

alegon biskuit gluten free cookies

Tropicana Slim Alergon Cookies : Gluten Free!!!

alergon cookies biskuit anak alergi autis berkebutuhan khusus non gluten free

Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free: Less Calories!!!

The tendency to develop allergies is often hereditary, which means it can be passed down through your genes. However, just because you, your partner, or one of your children might have allergies doesn’t mean that all of your kids will definitely get them, too. And someone usually doesn’t inherit a particular allergy, just the likelihood of having allergies. But a few kids have allergies even if no family member is allergic. And a child who is allergic to one substance is likely to be allergic to others. It’s really painfull to see my niece who suffer from gluten, eeg, peanut and sesame allergy who always be craving for snack that she couldn’t stand for, hence no worried now; Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit gluten free cookies!

tropicana slim alergon biskuit gluten free alergi

Allergen Free Healty and Tasty Cookies: Tropicana Slim Alergon Gluten Free Cookies

Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free  is Gluten Free, organic and alergen free (nuts & eggs), made of selected best quality ingredients.  Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free is free of preservatives and unhealty junk ingredients you don’t even wanna known about. Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free packed with flavours and fibers  and save for alergic person even for any children with special need like autism, ADHD and down syndrome who need a gluten free diet. Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free also save for elders and imuno compromised person. What i love the most about Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free, it’s LESS CALORIES, one single portion of FIVE cookies only  100 Kkal, and it’s also DAMN DELICIOS!!!

Tropikana Slim Alergon Cookies Gluten Free biskuit aman alergi anak autis adhd

Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free Displayed on Supermarket

Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free available in any supermarket or mini market in your city in Indonesia, but you also can  purchased it online on Nutrimart and the next thing you’ll know that Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free delivered to your front door. Tropicana Slim is leading in healthy and less calories food product, you really wanna chech their stuffs, and it’s also taste goo, so you don’t worried sick about your weight while snacking.

micro herbs holy basil growing in window with salad plastic box cookies

Holy Basil Micro Herbs Sprouting in the plastic box of Tropikana Slim Alergon Gluten Free Cookies

The Tropicana Slim Alergon Biskuit Gluten Free cookies plastic box is really handy too. I even grown my holy basil micro herbs on it. Simply poke some holes in the bottom of the box, add dirt and holy basil seed, place it in indirect sunlight spot and watering it every two days, then the next thing you know is your gourmet micro herbs for Michelin Gourmet wannabe food presentation plating will be sprouting in the next 7 days.

Recipe Venison Deer Steak 36 Hours Sous Vide Served with Gravy Brown Sauce

venison sous vide steak deer meat brown sauce slow cooked rice cooker

Venison Steak Sous Vide (36 Hours ) Served with Brown Sauce

Venison Steak 36 Hours Sous vide with Brown Sauce or Gravy. The Venison or wild Sambar deer meat is packed with spices and then vaccum packed in ziplock then slowly cooked until tender and succulent in a rice cooker pot waterbath in low temperature (around 57-58C) for 36 Hour, pan seared in a sizziling skillet until crusted and browned in both surface and then served with gravy or brown sauce made from the liquid and spices on it’s ziplock bag. Pretty much a very basic slow and low temperature cooking can turn a game wild meat into some finest steak restaurant quality dish.

sous vide venison steak deer pan fried brown sauce

Venison Deer Sous Vide (36 Hours ) Served with Brown Sauce

pan fried venison steak sous vide brown sauce reindeer wild game deer meat slow cooked

Pan Seared Venison Steak Sous Vide (36 Hours ) Served with Brown Sauce, Micro Herbs and Edible Flower

I’m not sure what kind of venison cut that i’m used for this recipe since i get it from my oldest big sister and she even didn’t noticed it. My sister purchased the game deer meat from the local fresh market in Sungai Lilin, South Sumatra, but she pretty sure that the venison cut from the deer hind quarter. I notices there’s a tought sinew in the middle of the venison meat, so i assume it’s considered to cooked it as a tought cut. My grandma said this is maybe the deer venison blade steak, i couldn’t agree more because there’s a sinew in the middle of it.

recipe deer steak sousvide venison reindeer meat brown sauce micro herbs edoble flower

Tender and Succulent Venison Deer Steak Sous Vide (36 Hours ) Served with Brown Sauce

Sous-vide is French term for “under vacuum”, a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bathor in a temperature-controlled steam environment for longer than normal cooking times for up to 96 hours, in some cases; at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 50°C (131 F) to 60°C (140 F) for meats and higher for vegetables. I’ve been try to Black Angus Striploin Sous Vide and it turn out good, even tought cut of Beef Brisket Sous Vide created a tender and succulent meat. Sous vide also used to pasteurized egg, beef and other meat to made it save to be eaten raw without cooking it. I pasteurized my beef tenderloin to make Yukhoe (Raw Korean Seasoned Beef Steak Tartare with Asian Pear).

venison steak sous vide wild deer meat 24 hours reindeer steak game meat recipe steak

Sambar Deer Venison Steak Sous Vide (36 Hours ) Served with Brown Sauce

This is actually Sambar Deer meat (Cervus Unicolor), Sumatra island native large deer with large and rugged antlers with uniform brown to dark grey colour. Sambar deer meat is considered as delicacy and also healthy choice of meat because it high in protein and low in cholesterol and trans fat. I like the venison deer steak simply because i like it’s natural light gamey flavour. Deer meat and  antler is also believed had aphrodisiac effect, especially in chinese-Indonesian comunity. I’m not buying the myth actually, the liquor or arak that used to served withi it is had a vasodilatation effect that allow more blood enter the corpus cavernousa on Mr.P and let it stand just like on “the price is right” commercial, lol

venison steak brown sauce sous vide deer meat tender moist

Rice Cooker Waterbath (56°C for 36 Hours) Sous Vide Deer Venison Steak Served with Brown Sauce

venison deer sous vide steak reindeer meat brown sauce micro herbs

Sous Vide Venison Deer Steak, Grilled Eggplant, Gravy Brown Sauce, Mustard Blossoms, Micro Green Black Mustard and Red Amaranth


As usual, i’m using my old rice cooker for sous vide this venison, rice cooker is a very cheap consistance tools to mantain the waterbath temperature. As you can see from the photograph, my rice cooker sous vide waterbath temperature was 56.6°C , but it’s actually fluctuated from 56 to 58°C if i didn’t put the lid on and lighly cover 2/3 of the metal pot  mouth with alumunium foil. This is learning by doing things, if you had a thermometer, you can adjust the temperature of the rice cooker waterbath.

sousvide venison rice cooker waterbath deer meat slow cooker rusa sambar game meat reindeer

Sous Vide Venison Deer on Rice Cooker 56-58°C Waterbath for 36 Hours

If you think you can control the waterbath temperature in your rice cooker for sous vide, you’re wrong! You should notice the maximum temperature of your waterbath if you put the lid cover. Let the waterbath had a stable temperature for at least 10 minutes and note the temperature a.s.a.p before the temperature drop down slowly when you open the lid, then leave the rice cooker alone without it’s lid cover for another 20 to 30 minutes until it reached the constant temperature, note the temperature and it’s the lowest temperature of your waterbath, now you’ve got the range of your sous vide waterbath temperature. Mine was 51°C (without the lid) and 62°C (with the lid on). You can adjust the temperature to your preference in by covering the metal pot mouth with alumunium foil partially; the more you cover the pot, the temperature will be nearer to the maximum temperature. The heat source of my rice cooker is on the bottom of the metal pot, so the temperature in the bottom and the surface of the the water bath is different with about 0.5°C range, so it’s necessary to flip it every 20-30 minutes to made the sous vide steak evenly cooked. Do not forget to submerged the vaccum packed beef sirloin completely on the waterbath during the sous vide cooking, putting some weight may help.

venison reindeer meat sous vide venison 24 hours meat slowcooked

Tender, Moist and Succulent Venison Deer Sous Vide Steak

venison steak sous vide deer recipe slow cooked reindeer brown sauce

Venison Deer Steak with Simple Gravy or Brown Sauce

I let the venison  sit in the rice cooker waterbath on 56-58°C for about 24 hours first, but when i open the ziplock bag i niticed the sinew is translucent but it’s still chewy so i put the bag back in the waterbath for futher 12 hours. So, the total period for sous vide the venison is 36 Hours. and don’t get hesitate to leave it longer in the waterbath because it’s not a single chance your venison deer meat will overcooked.

recipe venison steak sousvide tender deer meat sous vide slow cookedgame sambar deer

Greyish Pink Color, Due 24 Hours Delayed Searing Process ?

recipe venison sous vide 36 hours slow cooked reindeer meat tender moist

Tender and Succulent Sous Vide Venison Deer Steak

After the venison steak sit for 36 Hours sous vide in the 56-58°C waterbath, the venison is tender and succulent. The tough membranne that passing through is translucent and completely tender too. Unfortunatly, i almost forgotten and let the sous vide venison bag sit in the refrigerator for a day due to a hectic day. Before searing the venison steak, i should bring it the whole bag to room temperature first, so i submerged the bag on 40°C for about 30 minutes priorly to searing it in a skillet. After cut the venison steak, i  notice the color is greyish pink, i’m not sure why, maybe because i let it sit 24 hours in the refrigerator and the sous vide meat is oxidized because the ziplock bag is not vaccumed 100%. Fortunately, the texture and the juiciness of the venison steak sous vide is not afected.

recipe venison steak sousvide deer meat reindeer slowcoooked low temperature brown sauve micro green herbs

Venison Deer Steak Sous Vide with Gravy or Brown Sauce

recipe venison deer steak sousvide brown sauce 24 hours tender reindeer elk meat

Recipe Venison Deer Steak Sous Vide with Gravy or Brown Sauce

Recipe Venison Deer Steak Sous Vide with Gravy or Brown Sauce:

Sous Vide Venison Steak Recipe :

  • 1 Pounds (1/2 kg) venison blade steak
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 chili pepper, deseeded, roughly chopped
  • 6 cloves garlic, roughly chopped
  • 2 shallots, roughly chopped
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • Ziplock plastic bag

Garnish : Black Mustard Blossoms, Micro Green Herbs and Red Amaranth

How to Make Sous Vide Beef Brisket Steak Using Rice Cooker:

  • Season the venison steak generously with salt, pepper, chili, garlic and shallots., set it sit in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  • Put the venison steak in the ziplock bag, then add the butter into it
  • Submerged the ziplock bag in the water partially to pushed the air out ouf it.
  • Secure the ziplock seal once the air removed from the bag
  • Place ziplock packed seasoned venison steak in the preheated rice cooker waterbath in 56-58°C for medium done steak (i’m using my rice cooker without the lid cover and i cover 2/3 of the pot mouth with alumunium foil)
  • Let it sit in the waterbath for 36 hours(until tender enough, loin cut need less time), flip it every 20 minutes and put some weight to let the bag completely submerged.
  • Take away the sous vide venison steak bag from the rice cooker waterbath, set aside until it reach room temperature
  • Pop the venison deer steak out of the ziplock bag, set aside the liquid, keep it warm (you served it later as a sauce)
  • Heat up 1 tablespoon avocado oil in a skillet, sear the sous vide deer venison steak until perfectly browned for about 1 minute each side, set aside

Recipe Venison Gravy or Brown Sauce:

  • 1 tsp  all purpose flour
  • All the liquid and remaining garlic, shallots and chili in the sous vide ziplock bag
  • 2 tbsp butter
  • about 1 cup venison or beef stock

How to Make Venison Deer Brown Sauce or Gravy:

  • Put all the liquid and remaining garlic, shallots and chili in a food processor and blend it until smooth, set aside
  • Heat the butter in a heavy bottom sauce pan until melted, then add the flour
  • Stir it and let is slighly bublly and slighly brown, lower the temperatur then add the mashed garlic, shallot and chili liquid and the stock into the saucepan
  • Stir it completely until no lump on it, bring it to boil and turn off the heat

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Recipe Veal Scalloppine with Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn (Scaloppina di Vitello con Funghi e Pepe Verde)

recipe veal scalloppine mushrooms wine cream sauce green peppercorn

Recipe Veal Scalloppine with Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn

Veal Scaloppine is Italian dish consist thinly sliced veal meat that pounded (or flatenned), dredged in wheat flour, sauteed until browned, then heated and deglazed (or served) with wine- or tomato-based sauce. Scalloppine also called scaloppini, scallopini, scalloppa (plural), instead of using veal, you could other tender and lean meat like chicken  breast, turkey breast or pork tenderloin. The word scalloppine is derrived from French word escalope that means clam shell because the thinly sliced meat is curled like a clam shell after sauteed.Veal scalloppine recipe is an easy and quicky dish to prepare, since the thin slices of meat require very little cooking time.

veal tenderloin

Veal Tenderloin for Making Scallopine (Daging Sapi Muda)

Veal is the meat of young cow/cattle (calf). Veal is a popular and fancy ingredients in Italian and French cuisine  for it’s tender texture and mild flavour. Veat cut is usually served sauteed like French escalopes, Germany wiener schnitzel or another Italian dish like vitello parmigiana. Raw veal got a pale pink color, almost like a pork tenderloin color. Getting veal is not easy here in Indonesia. I’ve been searching veal all over from one to another gourmet supermarket during my visit to Jakarta (Indonesia capital) several months ago and unfortunately i’ve never seen once.  Luckily, several days ago my fellow church choir friends seen the veal in supermarket in Bali during she’s vacation. Guess what, i told her don’t you ever dare to came back to Palembang (3 hours flight from Bali) without bring the veal for me. The veal tenderloin is vaccum sealed and weighed about 300 grams and cost me about 16 US$.

veal scalloppini with mushrooms shiitake porcini almond mushroom recipe

Veal Scalloppini Recipe with Shiitake , Almond & Porcini Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn

fresh green peppercorn recipe

fresh green peppercorn recipe

green peppercorn pickled vinegar

Pickled Green Peppercorn Recipe

Veal scallopine recipe is usually listed capers as an ingredients, but i can’t find any of it. That’s what i replace capers with green peppercorn. You could use either fresh or dried green peppercorn for this recipe, but the dried should be soaked to rehydrated prior to cooking. I had a jar of pickled green peppercorn that i preserved before when i get a bunch of fresh green peppercorn. Pickled green peppercorn is got a refeshing fruity and tangy flavour that burst when you bite and pop out the peppercorn in the mouth. It’s like chewing caviar sensation, superb!

Scaloppine di Vitello con Funghi e Pepe Verde

Scaloppina di Vitello con Funghi e Pepe Verde (Veal Scalloppine with Porcini, Almond Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn

Scaloppina di Vitello con Funghi e Pepe Verde is the Italian name for this mushrooms and green peppercorn veal scallopine. I’m using three kind of mushrooms; porcini or cepes mushrooms, almond or brazilian mushrooms and shiiitake mushrooms. Since i’m using the dried stage, i need to rehydrate it by soaking in water prior to cooking, then using the soaking liquid to flavoured the broth. The combo of those mushrooms blended and infused to the veal that actually got a mild beefy flavour. Some people like to add sweet marsala wine into the dish, but i using regular white wine. White wine is added to the pan once the meat is removed to deglaze the pan and make a light brown sauce. Other common liquid ingredients added within scalloppine recipe is lemon juice, tomato juice or heavy cream, but i’m only add the heavy cream. Beside,vary range of veggies is commonly add to scalloppine too, including carrot, bell peper, fennel  or celery stalk.

almond mushrooms brazillian Mushrooms

Almond Mushrooms a.k.a Brazillian Mushrooms for Veal Scalloppine

veal scalloppini mushrooms recipe Scaloppine di Vitello con Funghi

Veal Scalloppini with Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn (Scaloppine con Funghi)

Perfectly cooked veal scalloppine is got a very crunchy and yet tender flesh. I’ll share some of the tips for cooking the veal cutlet, commonly veal scalloppine recipe instruct the reader to prepounding the veal cutlet before cooking. Then i’ve made a little experiment to proved that, i sauteed pre-pounded or pre-flatenned veal and compare it with the unprepounded, i found that the one without prepounding  got a scallop-like texture, a blend of bounhy, crunchy and yet tender or easy to chew. Veal tenderloin itself is a very tender cut, that’s why the prepounding step is not necessary. The texture of prepounded veal lose the crunchy and bounchy texture, almost like a chicken breast, and i guess i won’t paid a lot for veal. That’s why i highly recomended not to prepounding the veal tenderloin before cooking if the thickness is less than 1 cm. Ather secret of making a delicious veal scalloppine always spiced up the  flour for dredging with a few Italian herbs, salt and pepper.

veal scalloppini mushrooms wine cream recipe

Recipe Veal Scalloppine with Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn

Recipe Veal Scalloppine with Mushrooms and Green Peppercorn:


  • 1 pound veal tenderloin, thinly sliced (about  1 cm thick)
  • 1 tablespoon green peppercorn (pickled or fresh, already soaked if using dried green pepeprcorn)
  • 1/3 cup almond mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1/3 cup shiitake mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 1/3 cup porcini mushrooms, thinly sliced
  • 2  cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/4 tsp dried thyme
  • 1/4 tsp dried oregano
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg powder
  • 1 cup white wine
  • 1 cup or more all purpose flour, season with salt, pepper and mix italian herbs
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup beef broth (1’m using the mushro0ms soaking liquid)
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream


  • Pat dry the veal cutlet, pounding or flatenning your veal using  meat hammer (i’m using 1 the veal loin and i’m not doing this)
  • Season the veal with salt and pepper
  • Dredge the veal with the seasoned all purpose flour
step by step recipe veal scalloppini dredge flour pounded

Step by Step Veal Scallopine Recipe: Dredge the Veal Tenderloin in Seasone Flour

  • Repeat until all veal is coated with seasoned flour, discard the excess flour
recipe veal scalloppine dredged flour coated

Step by Step Veal Scallopine Recipe: Finish Coating, Discard the Excess Flour!

  • Heat up the olive oil and butter in a skillet pan, saute the veal until it got a nice brown crusted in the surface, flip it to brown another side
veal scalloppini recipe brown veal tenderloin escallop

Step by Step Veal Scallopine Recipe: Sautee and Browned the Veal in Butter

  • Removed the meat from the skillet and put the garlic, onion and green peppercorn to the remaining butter, sautee until slightly browned
  • Pour the wine, scrape the skillet button and bring it to boil
veal scalloppine mushrooms recipe glaze wine

Step by Step Veal Scallopine Recipe: Deglaze with White Wine and Scrape the Bottom!

  • Add the mushrooms soaking liquid and put the veal back into the skillet, season with all seasoning ingredients
  • Add the heavy cream once the liquid is evaporated, stir well
veal scalloppini mushroom recipe cream

Step by Step Veal Scallopine Recipe: Add the Heavy Cream!

  • You could add chopped parsley if you like
  • Serve your veal scalloppine immediately!

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