Recipe Tonkotsu Ramen (Japanese Pork Bone Noodle Soup) with Chashu Pork Belly & Shoyu Tamago Soy Sauce Marinated Soft Boiled Egg

recipe tonkotsu ramen pork bone broth soup homemade chashu pork belly shoyu soft boiled egg

Homemade Tontkotsu Ramen Recipe

Japanese Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Recipe. Tonkotsu ramen soup is made from stock based on pork bone, combined with a variety of seasoning  such as garlic, onion, shiitake mushrooms stalk and sometimes kombu (kelp/seaweed) and then flavored with salt, miso, or soy sauce. Ramen itself is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese noodle called lamian. Tonkotsu ramen was probably the most earthy and well known Japanese pork noodle soup around the world.

recipe tonkotsu ramen

Japanese Tonkotsu Ramen with Sliced Chashu Pork Belly and Shoyu Tamago

Tonkotsu is (豚骨, “pork bones) while ramen is a thin wheat flour and egg noodle.  Tonkotsu ramen noodle soup usually has a cloudy white colored with a thick gooey broth consistency. The taste of many many hours of boiled pork bones it’s too obviously taste slurping delicious. The tonkotsu soup made of colagenous and cartilageous pork parts that boiled slowly and gently until it’s transform it’s colagen into gelatin. Gelatin is the thickening agent for the tonkotsu broth while the bone marrow, caltilageous bone, soft tissue and meat is the flavour sources. Most people adore gelatinous hearthy soup, especially asian. The gooey gelatin texture is what high end and expensive Chinese Budha Jump Over The Wall, Braised Shark Fin Soup Recipe, Braised Fish Maw Recipe and Braised Sea Cucumber Recipe all about

tonkotsu ramen with chashu recipe japanese pork bone noodle with braised pork belly soy sauce egg soft boiled

Perfect Bowl of Tonkotsu Ramen with Chashu, Char Siew and Shoyu Tamago and Sweet Corn

I want to share how i made my perfect bowl of tonkotsu ramen. The basic recipe for making a delicious Japanese tonkotsu ramen soup is PATIENCE, lots and lots of it, not to mention you should be a generous with your gas or electric bills too. I can asure you all the effort for making this homemade tonkotsu ramen will be paid off  when you slurrping the ramen noodle within the broth. You can called me a cheap person,  but i kinda tricked my pregnant oldest sister to made this in her kitchen. She just a lil bit a shocker once i said i want to made a tonkotsu ramen or Japanese style pork bone noodle soup, “i thought you’ll gonna made something fancy recipe like Peanut Crusted Roasted Whole Beef Tenderloin with Gorgonzola and Spinach Stuffing“she replied. “Well,  what made it’s special then ?” she asked me again, it’s gonna take 16 hours all the way to break the pork colagen into gelatin and it’s for real damn 16 hours i replied. “You better be made the tonkotsu pork bone soup right “” she made her final statement.

Recipe Tonkotsu Ramen DIY Homemade pork bone soup japanese pork ramen noodle

Homemade Tonkotsu Ramen Recipe From Scratch

Homemade tonkotsu ramen recipe is a foolproof recipe, no need to fancy all the professional ramen kitchen steps if you didn’t bother about how your tonkotsu broth look a like. Tonkotsu ramen gonna be taste SLURRPING DELICIOUS, by throw all the ingredients into the pot and add lots of water, boil and let’s the time do the magic. If you gor a little bit more patience and passionate about making a perfect and authentic tonkotsu soup with it’s all  thick, whitish creamy, slurrpy, and flavoursome distinct characteristics, you should following my of easy tips and tricks for making tonkotsu ramen soup. This are the three basic component of tonkotsu Ramen:

Part 1: The Tonkotsu Ramen Broth or Pork Bone Soup

pork bone broth recipe tonkotsu broth recipe japanese ramen stock meaty wild boar bone tonkotsu

Pork Bone (Ham/Leg Bone and Back Bone), Wild Boar Meaty Ribs for Delicious Tonkotsu Ramen

First you should choose the best quality of pork bone for making your homemade tonkotsu ramen broth. I’m using a combination of a very meaty wild boar ribs and backbone and also farmed raised pig leg bone for this recipe. Wild boar or wild pork leg bone is more preferred for tonkotsu broth because it’s got more rich and complex flavour and also less fat than the regular pork. But my batch of pork leg is made me happy thou, simply because the butcher is too generous to let a lot of meat attached to the bone. I replace the pig trotter with chicken feet because the butcher already run out of it even i’m stopping by at 10 a.m. Beside, you can use other  collagenous and cartilageous parts of the pig like skin and any pork bones including the compact and the flat bone. The bone marrow would be dissolved and released it’s natural umami glutamic flavour. Authentic japanese style pork broth using pork back fat, but  i think this “lean” version is sinsfully delicious enought, instead  i reduce the floated rendered fat on the tonkotsu ramen broth later on.

step by step recipe tonkotsu ramen broth pork bone stock japanese style

Boiled Pork Bone for Tonkotsu Ramen Broth

Once you had the pork pone, now you ready to making tonkotsu ramen broth. Plenty of cold water poured into a large pot, and bring  to boiled.  All the bone (pork bone, wild boar ribs, and chicken feet) throwed into the hot boiling water then cook for 1 minute. The heat was turned off and  the pork bone and chicken feet drained. The water discarded and the pot was cleaned.  Any bloody stain and black vein in the pork bone trimmed off then rinsed under cold running water. The  pork bone, chicken feet, few bulbs of garlic, white part of spring onion quartered onions and sliced ginger into the pot then plenty of clean water  poured and the mixture  boiled with high heat.

how to make tonkotsu ramen broth pork bone stock recipe

Skimmed Off Tonkotsu Ramen Broth Soup from Scum and Foam

The tonkotsu ramen broth needed to simmer into a low heat once it boiled. All the floating scum and foam gently skimmed off from the both surface with a soup ladle. If you skipped this step the final tonkotsu broth gonna be dirty. Just look at the photograph, the scum looks really gross eventhough it didn’t much effect the taste of the broth. The best way to observed that you boiled your tonkotsu broth correctly is to only few bubble comes out once in a time from the broth. The boiled pork bone broth stop bubbled gas out after you open the lid for about 1 minutes.

tonkotsu ramen broth 2 hours pork bone soup chicken feet stock

Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 2 hours boiled (thin and translucent)

After 2 hours boiled in a very low heat, the tonkotsu ramen broth already look like a broth. The texture and the consistency  didn’t changed much and there’s a noticeable floated fat on it. The 2 hours wild boar tonkotsu ramen broth color is still translucent and very pale whitish creamy.

recipe pork bone soup tonkotsu ramen 4 hours broth homemade pig ribs stock

Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 4 hours boiled (slighly thick and opaque)

The tonkotsu ramen broth with wild boar ribs, regular pork bone and chicken feet got a slighly thicker consistency and a little bit opaque right after boiled for about 4 hours. Almost all the surface of the tonkotsu ramen broth covered with rendered fat.

recipe tonkotsu ramen soup boiled 6 hours pork bone ribs broth chicken feet

Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 6 hours boiled ( thicker and opaque)

After 6 hours boiled, the homemade tonkotsu ramen broth from scratch now looks much more opaque and the gelatine was partially released from the pork bone and chicken feet. I you want to continue to boil the tonkotsu broth, you definitely need to add more water to replace the evaporated water. The smells of pork bone the broth is  now really heavenly and the texture of the dissolved gelatin made the consistency even thicker. I stop boiling the tonkotsu ramen broth because it’s already 1 a.m and then 1 put the broth in the fridge.

homemade tonkotsu ramen broth pork bone from scratch boiled 12 hours

Chilled Tonkotsu Ramen Broth, Remove the Solid fat!

The 6 hours of boiled tonkotsu ramen broth taken out from fridge firstly in the morning. The chilled broth looks like a firm jelly and covered with white fat.  The fat is really easy to be removed from the pork bone broth because it’s still very firm solid.

recipe tonkotsu ramen pork bone broth boil for 16 hours

Clear 6 Hours Gently Boiled or Simmered Tonkotsu Ramen Broth

This is what you got from 6 hours boiled tonkotsu pork bone soup. The  tonkotsu broth jelly looks really clear because i boiled it gently, istead it’s gonna be more opaque. I was very careful to maintain the tonkotsu broth heat simmer so low that only a few bubbles at a time would break the surface.

recipe pork bone broth tonkotsu ramen homemade stock pork chicken feet

Crack Open Pork Leg Bone to Expose the Bone Marrow for Rich and Creamy Tonkotsu Ramen

I craked open the pork bone leg to expose the bone marrow to make sure all the goodness flavour of the pork infused into the tonkotsu ramen broth. I think i’m glad that i previously removed the fat from the broth because it already got more delicious fat once the bone marrow fat rendered. i using a stone pestle to crack open the compact pork leg bone and i guess you should really put your back into it, thinking about my ex-girlfriend really helped too! lol

recipe tonkotsu ramen soup 10 hours broth homemade pork bone stock

Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 10 hours boiled (thick and opaque, the meat still attached to the bone)

This is 10 hours boiled tonkotsu ramen pork bone stock look a like. The texture and the consistency  is very thick and there’s a renderred bone marrow fat on top of it. The chicken feet was very tender and few of the meat still attached in the pork bone. Please Be carefull when you handle the boiling tonkotsu ramen broth because it’s really freaking hot.  The dissoved gelatin is non-volatile substance that made fewer water molecules at the broth surface which made fewer amount of water can escape.  This effect is called reducing the vapor pressure and increasing the boiling point of the broth,  you know actually i can’t even believe that i still remember the high schools chemistry class lesson.

Tonkotsu ramen broth 12 hours boiled pork bone broth recipe

Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 12 hours boiled (thick and opaque, the meat is compeletely fallen off the bone)

The 12 hours tonkotsu ramen broth even more opaque  and very-verythick. All the meat is fall off fhom the pork bone and i can even recognize the garlic, onion and chicken feet. I also add about one  and half of water and bring it to boil and simmer for another 4 hours.

tonkotru ramen broth recipe 16 hours japanese pork bone soup noodle recipe

Done Tonkotsu Ramen Soup Broth: 16 hours boiled (rich, creamy and slurrping delicious)

The final 16 hours  tonkotsu broth  is done now. It’s really a devine and superb whitish tonkotsu stock got rich, creamy, and all the savoury goodness on it. I drained and sived the broth from the solid ingredients and literrary cross my finger above my head. Two things i really happy about my tonkotsu broth, first i done it right and the second fact that  i didn’t paid for the gas bill, lol

recipe tonkotsu ramen broth recipe 16 hours homemade pork bone soup noodle stock

The Remaining Bone and Meat from Making Tonkotsu Ramen Broth: Soft Enough to Crushed with finger

After 16 hour boiled gently the pork bone is literrary soft and crushable with fingers. All the meat was falen off the bone and i can barely seen any chicken feet on it. The tonkotsu broth was sieved with cheese cloth and then i enjoyed the remaining solid ingredients. The remaining meat can be added to flavoured savoury fritter  or pancake like my Homemade Zuchinni Pancake Recipe istead of thrown out into the garbage can.

how to make thick tonkotsu ramen broth recipe japanese pork bone noodle with chashu pork belly gelatin soup

Thick and Perfect Tonkotsu Ramen with Distict Gelatin Film on the Surface of the Broth

The perfect consistency of tonkotsu ramen is thick and slighly gooey. The boiling hot tonkotsu ramen soup form a very thin gelatin once you poured it into a serving bowl. This thin film is dissolved right away once i stirred it and it’s the guaranty of slurrping delicious tonkotsu ramen Japanese pork bone noodle soup.

tonkotsu ramen topping recipe tamago soft boiled egg soy sauce pork belly chashu japanese noodle pork soup

Tonkotsu Ramen Topping Chashu Pork Belly, Barbequed Char Siew Pork, Soy Marinated Soft Boiled Egg, Pork Intestine, Sweet Corn, Mayu Oil, and Spring Onion

Part 2: Tonkotsu Ramen Topping

The tonkotsu pork topping is the generally chashu pork belly, shoyu tamago or soy sauce soft boiled egg, Chinese Style Char Siew Barbequed Pork, mayu oil or blackened garlic infused sesame oil, chopped spring onion and sweet corn.. Beside that i also add some thousand layer pork intestine because i had leftover pork intestine from making Homemade Chinese Sausage or lap Cheung. If you interesting to made your own chinese thousand layer braised pork intestine, you can prepare it with Annielicious Pork Intestine Recipe. The shoyu tamago made the soft boiled egg by boilling egg in 5-6 minutes and then put it into ice water to stop the cooking process. The soft boiled egg then soaked in dark soy sauce until used as tonkotsu ramen topping.

recipe chashu braised pork belly soy sauce shoyu tonkotsu ramen topping

Chashu Japanese Braised Pork Belly Roll

The recipe of chashu pork for tonkotsu ramen broth is really simple. The pork belly is rolled into a cylindrical tube and then tide up with sewing twines. Choose the same thickness of pork belly to make a really fine rolled chashu pork. The rolled chashu pork belly than braised slowly in a shoyu or Japanese soy sauce broth, mirin and sake. I also seasone the chashu pork with chili, five spice powder, ginger and garlic. I also braised my thousant layered pork intestine on it too

Part 3: The Tonkotsu Ramen Noodle

tonkotsu ramen with chashu and tamago soft boiled egg japanese pork broth noodle

Tonkotsu Ramen with Less Calories Egg Noodle

Any kind of ramen noodle is suits for this tonkotsu ramen recipe. Ramen comes in various shapes and lengths. It may be thick, thin, or even ribbon-like, as well as straight or wrinkled, so be creative! I using a think less calories fresh organic egg noodle in the supermarket, this made me feeling less guiil for slurring this fatty tonkotsu ramen.

recipe tonkotsu ramen with pork chashu shoyu tamago soft boiled egg and red roasted pork char siu

Tonkotsu Ramen Recipe

Tonkotsu Ramen Recipe:

A. Recipe  Homemade 16 Hours Tonkotsu Ramen Broth:

  • 1.5 kg pork leg bone
  • 1.5 kg wild boar or pork ribs (choose the meaty one)
  • 500 gr chicken feet
  • about 8 L water (and extra)
  • 50 gr dried  shiitake mushrooms stalk, sliced *optional
  • 1 onion, quartered
  • 2 whole bulbs garlic
  • thumb size ginger, bruised
  • Salt and pepper to taste

How to Make 16 Hours Tonkotsu Ramen Broth :

  •  Clean the pork bones and chicken feet thoroughly to get rid of the extra blood.
  • Put plenty of water, just enough to cover the pork bones and bring it to boil for about 2 minutes.
  • Throw this water completely and clean all the cooked bones under running water once again, remove any bloody stain and blackish vein from the bone.
  • Add the cleaned pork bones, chicken feet, onions, bulbs of garlic and ginger and add  to 8 L of water and boil under high heat, turn the heat into simmer once it boiled.
  • Skim off the foam scum from the surface with soup ladle.
  • Simmer and boil the tonkotsu broth for about 6 hours with lid cover, stirring once every 30 minutes.
  • After 6 hours, transfer the tonkotsu broth to chilled in the fridge until firm, removed the fat from the broth.
  • Cracked open the pork leg bone with stone pestle to expose the bone marrow.
  • Boiled the tonkotsu broth with low heat for another 10 hours
  • Adjust the amount of water until the finish soup volume is about 5 Litre
  • Strained the tonkotsu soup with cheese cloth to separate the tonkotsu broth from the solid ingredients.

B. Recipe Chashu (Japanese Style Rolled Braised Pork Belly):

  • 1 kg skin-on pork belly (choose the same thickness)
  • ½ cup shoyu/Japanese Soy sauce
  • ½ cup sake
  • ½ cup mirin
  • 2 tbsp brown Sugar
  • Spring onion greens (white part only)
  • 5 cm ginger, thinly sliced
  • 6 cloves of garlic, bruised
  • 1/2 tbsp chinese five spice
  • 6 chillies, roughly choppped
  • about 2 cup of water
  • salt and pepper to taste

How to Make Chashu Japanese Style Braised Pork Belly:

  • Roll the pork belly and tie it properly with sewing twines, so that the roll doesn’t open up.
  • Put all the chashu pork belly ingredients in a pot.
  • Bring it to boil and braised it until tender for Bout 45 minutes.
  • Remove the chashu from the pot and let it cool at room temperature.
  • Remove the twines and cut the roll into circles of desired thickness.

C. Shoyu Tamago Recipe (Japanese Soy Sauce Marinated Soft Boiled Egg)

  • 10 eggs, room temperature
  • water
  • ice water
  • 1 cup light soy sauce
  • 1/4 cup dark soy sauce

How to make Shoyu Tamago Japanese Soy Sauce Marinated Soft Boiled Egg:

  • Bring the water to boil with high heat
  • Turn the heat into low and then put the egg
  • Boil the egg for about 5-6 minutes for gooey soft boiled egg and more for firmer boiled egg< turn the egg around every minutes to make sure the egg cooked evenly
  • Put the soft boiled egg in ice water to stop the cooking process
  • Peel the egg then put it in a shoyu soy sauce mixture
  • Incase the egg didn’t compeletely submerged, add some cloth to cover the egg to made the shoyu absorbed to the cloth and all the unsubmerged  egg surface.

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