Mantis Shrimp with Black Pepper Sauce Recipe (Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam)

mantis shrimp recipe black pepper mantis prawn

Mantis Shrimp with Black Pepper Sauce Recipe

Mantis shrimp or mantis prawn is exotic edible sea creatures that rarely seen on my daily menu. Mantis shrimp had several name around the world, it’s called Udang Ronggeng (It moves similiar to Ronggeng dancer) , Udang Sentadu or Udang Lipan (It looks like a centipede) in Indonesia. In Japan, mantis shrimp called shako (蝦蛄),in Italia, it’s called Canocchie, in Vietnamese it’s known as tôm tít or tôm tích, (攋尿蝦, Mandarin pinyin: lài niào xiā, modern Cantonese: laaih niu hā)”pissing shrimp” and in Philippines, the mantis shrimp is known as tatampal, hipong-dapa or alupihang-da ga.

mantis shrimp mantis prawn

Mantis Shrimp, Mantis Prawn

udang ronggeng udang lipan alupihang daga

Udang Ronggeng, Udang Lipan, Udang Kertak, Alupihang Daga, Shako

Foraging over Jakarta’s Muara Angke fish market driven me to a mantis shrimp on a large icy batch that looks like a giant bugs for me. The seller convinced me that the mantis shrimp are as fresh as possible by picking one of the mantist shrimps arm, squeese out the meat and eat it like a sashimi. Well, the tricks works for me. Since my nephew told me to bargain it radically due to the sellers incorrect weight scale, i can take it home for about 5 USD a kilo (not true weight though) from the first 7 USD offer.

udang ronggeng muara angke udang lipan

Udang Ronggeng at Muara Angke Fish Market

resep udang ronggeng saus lada hitam masak udang lipan

Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam

How to cook mantis shrimp ??? thats’s what i thought right away when i purchased it in Muara Angke Seafood Market, Jakarta. Internet search calls for either boiled, roasted, deep fried, stir fried or even eaten raw as sashimi. I choose too stir fry the mantis shrimp with humbe black pepper sauce to let the sea bugs introduced to my taste buds. How does mantist shrimp taste like ??? i think it’s similiar to lobster and prawn, but the texture is more like a crab since it fleshy and  stick’in to the shell.


Mantis shrimp meat taste almost like a lobster ! Sweet, Firm and Succulent !

how to cook mantis shrimp prawn

Tiny Mantis Shrimp Clawn Meat

You can deep fried the shrimp for about one minute or even two, before tossing is with the sauce, but i did’t since i like to simply stir fry it first with a little of oil and cooked it in the blackpepper sauce. This is the secret how to cook mantis shrimp to prevent it got overcooked.


Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam (Recipe Mantis Shrimp in Black Pepper Sauce)

Mantis Shrimp in Black Pepper Sauce Recipe :

  • 3 udang rongeng/mantis shrimp (about 1 kg),cut into 3 segment,  cleaned throughly, drizzle with a little of lime juice, drained
  • 1/2 bell pepper, jullienned
  • 1/3 tsp freshly grounded  black peppercorn
  • 1/4 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tsp of oyster sauce, i use Lee Kum Kee Brand
  • 3 cloves garlic , chopped
  • 2 cm ginger, finelly chopped
  • a pinch of salt and sugar to taste
  • 2 tbs of premium light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp of chinese cooking wine
  • 1 tsp kecap manis/sweet soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp corn flour, dissolve with 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp of sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil for stir frying
  • 1/2 cup water
  • shaved spring onion for serving

Instruction How to Cook Mantis Shrimp on Black Pepper Sauce :

  • Heat up the vegetable oil in a large wok pan, saute the garlic, ginger and the onion until slightly brown
  • Add the grounded black peppercorn and mantis shrimp, stir fry another 2 minutes
  • Add the oyster sauce, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sweet soy sauce and water to deglaze the bottom, stir well and close with glass lid and bring it to boil
  • Nearly done, add the sesame oil and dissolved corn flour to thicken the sauce
  • Serve black pepper sauce mantis shrimp with shaved spring onion

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23 thoughts on “Mantis Shrimp with Black Pepper Sauce Recipe (Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam)

    • Hehehe, buanyak tempat kak…
      hampir smua gourmet market di Jkt aku jabanin, food hall, kem chick, grand lucky, ranch market, hero dll
      klo chinese food, aku bli di pasar sayangan (palembang), petak sembilan(Jkt) sm Glodok
      sbagian besar bli online jg….
      bali deli, dijon bali jg pernah…….

      • Kan jarang ke jkt. Aku lg liat2 nih bali deli yg km kasih. Nyari vegetable oil aja susye dimedan. Daun mint ampe diubek2 supermarket gak ada. Ughhh

        Ded, req resep minuman dong + foto dong pasar palembang. Pengen liat

      • masak sih medan yg notabene lbh besar dr Palembang gak ada daun mint…
        di palembang, daun mint ada terus di diamond sama superindo kak…..
        ntar aku ksi resep minuman plus foto palembang yah……

  1. Your recipe look fantastic – I particularly like the pictures from the fish market, so very interesting. And that black pepper sauce sounds utterly divine, dear friend!
    Hope you are having a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!

  2. The only time I’ve heard or seen mantis shrimp is on television programs about the creatures of the ocean. I’d no idea they could be caught and eaten. They sure do look good here and your pepper sauce sounds delicious. Very nice. 🙂

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