Yukhoe Recipe Plus Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia Application Review

recipe yukhoe korea raw beef steak tartare pear sesame oil pine nuts garlic

Yukhoe (Korean Raw Spicy Seasoned Beef with Asian Pear-Asian Steak Tartare)

Recipe Yukhoe (Korean Raw Spicy Seasoned Beef with Asian Pear-Asian Steak Tartare) & Review of Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia Application. This post is featured in I Love Korean Food Challenge as a collaboration event of Indonesian Food Blogger with Korean Food Foundation.

yukhoe recipe raw beef tenderloin korean steak tartare pear sesame oil gochujang pine nuts egg yolk

Yukhoe Korean Raw Seasoned Beef


korea ff

I Love Korean Food Challange- Review of Korean Restaurant Guide Indoneia Malaysia

Who love Korean cuisine??? that’s one heck of a silly question because it’s too obvious to answer as “who doesn’t???” Korean Food Foundation launched Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia Application on December 2014. Korean Food Foundation is an official, legally goverment registered civil institution which goals was promotion and expansion of Korean food through out the worlds. KFF impoved the image of Korea throughout better oppotunities for business related to restaurant, travelling and cultures. KFF advertises  the excellence of Korean Food, both in the domestic and international food industries, develops, identifying the history and keeps the traditions, the cultural aspect and to discover, recover, sustain, and develop the original form of Korean Food.

korean restaurant guide indonesia review indonesian food blogger challange i love korean food

Korean Restaurant Guide App on My Android Smart Phone, Where’s Yours ???

korean restaurant guide indonesia malaysia

Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia

Yes i love Korean food. I made my own Homemade Samgyetang (Korean Chicken Ginseng Soup Stuffed With Sticky Rice & Medicinal Herbs), Homemade Maeuntang (Spicy Fish with Vegetables Soup), Pajeon (Korean Scallion-Green Onion Pancake) and the most comforting and all favourite Jeonbokjuk (Korean Abalone Rice Porridge). Korean food spread throughout the word within it’s cultures, K-POP, K-Movies and also culinary. Thus, the booming of Korean Fever made Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia is a great guidance for those who seeking for authentic Korean cuisine, beyond bulgogi, bibimbab, samgyetang kimbab, ttokpokki and many more. This application contains each all the best of selected 20 Korean restaurants  menu review by culinary experts as Bondan Winarno and Alice Yong as the authors and testimonial of Wiliam Wongso and Lidia Poetry and many more. Korean Restaurant Guide ID-MY application is available in 4 languages; Indonesian, Malaysian, Korean and English with adjustable font size.

korea yukhoe

The Pdf Pocketbook  Preview of Korean Restaurant Guide, All Review Well Explained in Indonesia, Korean, English and Malaysian Language.

This Korean restaurant guide in Indonesia and Malaysia also available in a pocketbook which is a summaries of the main book to ensure it’s more easy to carry for.This Korean restaurant guide in Indonesia and Malaysia also available in a pocketbook which is a summaries of the main book to ensure it’s more easy to carry. Simply search for “koreanrestaurantguide” in playstore, there’s free application of Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia in a iOS and Android platform smartphone. This application is also available in Pdf and E-Book in Korean Cultural Centre Indonesia website http://id.korean-culture.org.


Main Page of Korean Restaurant Guide (Indonesia-Malaysia) App

The main page of this app have Indonesia and Malaysia logo that refers to each 20 alphabetically listed restaurant in Indonesia (Jakarta) and Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur). So, be ready for yummylicious experience, once you tab either Indonesia or Malaysia, it will bring you to the authentic Korean cuisine restaurants.


The List of Selected Indonesia (Jakarta) Authentic Korean Restaurants

This is the preview of all selected and trusted 20 authentic Korean Restaurant, it’s kinda embarrased me because i honestly had only visited 4 of the 20 restaurants. I definitely gonna visit the other 16 authentic Korean Restaurants because i trust this appplication. The restaurants in this app must be passed a serial high standarts approval of their food, service, hygiene and interior design and location range from hundreds of Korean restaurant in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. In this app preview, all restaurant also well presented and photograph with it’s iconic entrance or bill board so you won’t be confused once you do your visit. You also can select the type of dining in the Korean restaurant; either bbq; casual, formal or family style dining.

korea 5

The Review of Restaurant; Diner Testimonial, Address, Capacity, Estimated Cost etc

Each  authentic Korean restaurant had a short review or testimonials from diners about the restaurant and their favorite or signature dishes. The information also include restaurant restaurant address and phone number, business hours, seating capacity, and menu’s price range or estimated cost per person for a meal. The address refers to a GPS or google maps direction, while the estimated price also refers to a currency converter once you tab it.  In Indonesia (Jakarta), the restaurant located in Dharmawangsa, Central Jakarta, Kapuk, Kuningan, Panglima Polim, Pejaten, South Jakarta, Kelapa Gading, Pantai Indah Kapuk and Lippo Karawaci.

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Listed Korean Menu with Fine Photograph and Explanation

The app also had an alphabetically listed 52 authentic popular Korean dishes that georgeously photograph, complete with the explation and description about the basic ingredients, how it made or prepared and how it taste lile completely in 4 languages. So if you really blind about Korean cuisine, you better be download this application right away, i means NOW guys. Come on, LETS INSTALL THE KOREAN RESTAURANT GUIDE INDONESIA-MALAYSIA, it’s free, it’s hips and damn delicious presented. This is all in recomended app of what you need to know about authentic taste of Korean cuisine in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur. Many of DENTIST CHEF reader comes from around the world, don’t be hesitate, Korean Food Foundation also released restaurant guide in other major cities around the world; Los Angeles, New York & Atlanta (USA), Paris (France), Tokyo & Osaka (Japan), Qingdao, Yanbian & Shanghai (China), Bangkok (Thailand), Hanoi &Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam),Hongkong, Sidney (Australia), Auckland (New Zealand), (Greece/Italy/Spain), (Austria-Belgium-Denmark-Netherland-Switzerland), Germany and many more, don’t forget to search “koreanrestaurantguide + Your City or Country” in Playstore.

Well, honestly i recommend this application to my fellow collegues and most of them are moslem. My moslem friends is a little bit concern about the halal-ness label on the restaurants and ask me about it, unfortunately halal-ness is not review or available on this app, even i personally can eat pork and have no problem with it but i suggest it’s better to add halal-ness label on the restaurants for helping our moslem friends.

recipe yukhoe raw beef tenderloin recipe korean steak tartare korea pear sesame oil pine nutsyukhoe recipe raw steak tartare tenderloin seasoning korea pear soy sauce

Now were going to yukhoe recipe. Yukhoe [jukʰwe] is a variety of hoe (raw dishes in Korean cuisine), which are usually made from raw ground beef seasoned with various spices or sauces. It is basically a Korean steak tartare. Usually the most tender part of beef will be used; tenderloin or filet mignon. The lean beef is trimmed from it’s fat , sinew or silver skin, julienned, then mixed with seasoning soy sauce, sugar. The yukhoe seasoning or marinade usually contains; salt, sesame oil, minced spring onion, minced garlic, sesame seeds, honey, black pepper, and gochujang. The salted and spiced yukhoe marinate not only infused flavour, but also cured and preserved the raw beef by creates an salt ion solute-rich environment where the salted marinade osmotic pressure draws water out of microorganisms (bacterias & parasites) and slowing down their growth.

yukhoe korean raw beef pear salad marinade gochujang soy sauce, chili sesame oil pine nuts

Yukhoe Marinated Sous Vide Raw Beef Tenderloin with Julienned Korean Pear, Micro Herbs, Silchogu (Korean Chili Strand), Crispy Garlic, White and Black Sesame Seed, Pine Nuts and Quail Egg Yolk

yukhoe raw beef tartare tenderloin sousvides asian pear beef salad

Yukhoe Marinated Sous Vide Raw Beef Tenderloin with Julienned Korean Pear, Micro Herbs, Silchogu (Korean Chili Strand) and Quail Egg Yolk

 Julienned bae (Korean pear or Singo pear) are used. Raw egg yolk is usually added, either on top of the dish or served separately. Pine nuts may be added, as well.The shredded beef is then marinated in a mixed sauce of chopped spring onion, minced garlic, pepper, oil, honey, pine nuts, sesame, and salt.

yukhoe recipe raw beef steak tartare korean beef  asian peer salad

Yukhoe Korean Style Beef Steak Tartare

recipe yukhoe korean raw beef tenderloin salad pear egg yolk pine buts gochujang bean paste

Yukhow Raw Spicy Seasoned Beef with Asian Pear Salad

Yukhoe or Korean steak tartare uses raw beef, freshness is the most important criteria. Freshly slaughtered  preferred or it is recommended to use no more than one day after defrosting from the vaccum packed, and traditionally should not be aged more than one day after slaughtering. Regular Korean yukhoe customers are often patrons of trusted restaurants or butcher’s shops which have well-known, high-quality beef distributors, so no way making yukhoe with cheap clearance stock supermarket meat for sure. So i asked my butcher to save my beef tenderloin in a vaccum packed right after slaughtered and kept the meat in the freezer before i come to picked it up in the afternoon right after i come back from my clinic.

beef tenderloin yukhoe raw korean beef  tartare how to sous vide beef tenderloin

Nice Beef Tenderloin with Nice Marbled FatPattern (Silver Skin On)

Raw beef can be contaminated with pathogenic bacteria and  other parasites, the Enterohemorrhagic E. coli and Taenia Saginata flatworm being of particular concern. In April and May 2011, five people died and more than 35 people were hospitalised after eating yukke (Japanese spelling) made from beef not designated for raw consumption in various branches of a yakiniku restaurant chain in Toyama and Kanagawa prefectures, Japan, with enterohemorrhagic E. coli bacteria found in many of the cases, so don’t make your own yukhoe unless you strickly known the savety ways to prepare and made it. DO NOT TRIMMING/REMOVED ANY SILVER SKIN or sinew before sousvided the beef tenderloin, i’ll explained it later.

sous vide beef tenderloin rare steak tartare raw beef salad yukhoe raw beef steak tartare

Vaccum Packed Beef Tenderloin for Sous Vide Using Ziplock Plastic Bag & Water

To reduce the risk of eating raw beef, i decided to sousvide or slowly pasteurized the beef in a low temperature to kill the pathogens. Sous-vide French for “under vacuum” is a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bath or in a temperature-controlled steam environment for longer than normal cooking times for p to 96 hours, in some cases; at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 50°C (131 °F) to 60 °C (140 °F) for meats and higher for vegetables. Since this is sort of-sousvide, the beef tenderloin is vaccum packed with ziplock manually without any vaccum machine bu simply submerged the ziplock package under water partially to remove the air pocket and then zipped the package silicone seal once the air removed.

sous vide beef tenderloin rare how to slow cook beef filet mignon korean yukhoe steak tartare

Sous Vide (sort of-) using RIce Cooker without Lid, The Temperature fluctualed 50-52 C

I’m using my old rice cooker (warmer mode) for this sort of-sous vide cooking. As you can see from the photograph, my waterbath temperature was 51.8°C and it actually fluctuated from 50-52°C if i did’t put the lid, just perfect temperature for sousvide beef tenderloin for very rare or simply pasteurized it. The heat source is from the bottom of my rice cooker, so the temperature in the bottom and the surface of the the water bath is different with range about 0.5°C, so it’s necessary to flip it every 20-30 minutes to made it evenly pasteurized. Do not forget to submerged the vaccum packed beef tenderloin completely on the waterbath during the sous vide cooking, put some weight may help.

recipe sous vide beef filet mignon rare tenderloin put ice icy water cold to stop cooking

The Pasteurized-Sous Vide Beef Tenderloin in Ice Water For Suddently Stop The Heat

The sousvide beef tenderloin with ziplock package then transfered into ice water to suddently cooled and stop the pasteurization process. At this stage, the beef meat is needed to be kept in low temperature to prevent the pathogen microorganism from the enviroments contaminated the beef once it cooled and opened from the package. So, keep it cold before  and during the serving.

sous vide tenderloin beef filet mignon recipe raw slow cooked yukhoe korean steak tartare

Sous Vide Beef Tenderloin with Pale Pinkish Color, Wait Until Trimmed!!!

This is the result of 2.5 hours sousvided beef tenderloin, seems pretty pale pinkis and not so appetizing right now, but wait until you slice the beef and see what happen after you pasteurized/sousvide it in 50C. There’s only a little bit of liquid drained out from the sousvide beef, which means the meat moisture is preserved. The sinew or silverskin that covering the beef tenderloin then peeled and all the discolored part of the sousvide beef then removed, you may use this part for other stif fry recipe, but it’s definitely not nice for making yukhoe or Korean style raw beef steak tartare, this is why i told you before to not trimming the beef before sousvide cooking.

recipe beef sous vide tenderloin filet mignon raw steak tartare korean yukhoe

Look the georgeous Core Meat Color, Remove the Discolored Outler Layer with Cold Knives on a Chilled Chopping Board

Eversince my sousvide is definitely not to cook but to pasteurized it, so the result is raw beef but definitely savety to eaten raw, so i decide to use my old rice cookerfor making sous vide beef. My rice cooker can maintain the temperature about 50-52°C without putting it’s cover, just perfect to pasteurized the beef.FDA recomend to sous vide Raw Beef (Tenderloin) for makeing beef tartare  in 50°C for at least 60 minutes and not more than 36 hours, eversince i want to maintain the “rawness” of the beef so i decide to sous vide it for 2 and half hours to let the inner core of the beef reach the target internal temperature for at least 1 hour. This sousvide beef tenderloin method also a confirmation of Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) new regulations  to require cooking the beef surface 1 cm deep to further reduce contamination after the enterohemorrhagic E. Coli  death incidence.

recipe yukhoe korean raw beef tenderloin pear salad

Keep the Meat Cold, using Smaller Ice Water in The Bottom of The Meat Container Bowl

Remember always keep the sousvided “raw” beef tenderloin cold, righ after the silverskin and all the discolored part removed, then clean and chilled wooden chopping board and knive uses for thinly julienned the beef tenderloin. I also put some ice water on a small glass bowl in the bottom of  large bowl (used as a container the beef) to maintain the bowl temperature cold.

yukhoe recipe korean raw beef tartare tenderloin pear seasoning salt gokujang spoy sauce marinated filet mignonThe yukhoe marinade then added into the cold julienned beef tenderloin and then let it marinate at least about 30 minutes in the fridge before served and mixed with other yukhoe compliments; Singo/Asian pear, sesame seed, pine nuts, scallion, and egg yolk

how to make yukhoe korean beef tartare raw tenderloin

Using Mika Plastic Ring for Plating the Restaurant Style Yukhoe

yukhoe korean raw beef seasoned pear sesame oil garlic salad

Yukhoe Recipe (Korea Raw Beef Tenderloin Steak Tartare with Korean Pear Salad) :


  • 500 grams Beef tenderloin
  • 1 Korean Pear
  • Pine Nuts, toasted
  • White Sesame Seed, toasted
  • Black Sesame Seed, toasted
  • Egg yolk
  • 3 bird eye chili pepper, finely chopped #optional
  • Garlic Chives Blossom#optional
  • Shilgochu (Korean chili strand or chili thread) #optional

Yukhoe Marinade:

  • 3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 3 red eye chilies
  • 1 tbs of soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp gochujang
  • 1 tbs of honey
  • 2 tbs of sesame oil
  • and ¼ ts of ground black pepper
  • 4 slices onion
  • 4 spring onions

How to Make Yukhoe:

  1. Put beef tenderloin in a ziplock and remove the air pocket by partially submarging the package in a water.
  2. Put the beef tenderloin in a sous vide waterbath (or rice cooker) in 50 C for about 1.5 hours
  3. Put the sausvided beef in icy water to suddently stop the cooking process, keep it refrigerated.
  4. Trim away any sinew from the beef and thinly slice,pile a few slices at a time and cut into super thin strips.
  5. Place the beef in a cold large mixing bowl.
  6. Crush the garlic, peel and chop the ginger and crush the onion through a garlic press into a small bowl (or all in a pestle and mortar).
  7. Finely chop the spring onions and add to the bowl with the soy sauce, sesame oil, chilli powder and sugar and mix together. Add to the beef and mix well with a spoon
  8. Core and slice the pear into strips, remove the leaves from the Little Gem, wash and dry with a little kitchen paper or salad spinner.
  9. Divide onto four serving plates with a handful of Asian pear on each and the beef on top. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and top each serving with half a shell of quails’ egg filled with the egg

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136 thoughts on “Yukhoe Recipe Plus Korean Restaurant Guide Indonesia-Malaysia Application Review

  1. Your food always looks and sounds so good, and very different from what we have here. This beef dish reminds me of the Steak Tartare we had in Paris years ago, very good, and yours is very colorful also.

  2. Nice post Dedy. Congrats for your involvement in the Korean food challenge. Your recipe is amazing, so much texture. Great-sounding app – looks really well-designed and easy to use. Glad Sydney is featured, hopefully Melbourne will be next on their list 🙂 We have a beautiful Korean restaurant near our house that fuses US-style cooking and Korean. An amazing combination. It’s here: http://themorethebetter.com.au/about-us/

  3. Korean? My missus and my girl would love this – they’re into everything Korean. Had raw beef in slices at a Japanese place in NZ, served well-seasoned/marinated in some very nice sauce – stunning!

  4. Congratulations on getting featured in the food challenge! So exciting! I like beef and steak…but I don’t like steak tartare. I don’t know…I think it’s just the taste 🙂

  5. I love the stylish presentation but as said before, we don’t eat beef, so no comments on the taste. Thanks for the infor on the Korean restaurants. I now have more choices on where to dine and enjoy Korean food.

  6. Korean food is so popular in the USA now – you see lots of Korean dishes in restaurants. I do not know if it is all very authentic, but it IS delicious! =) Your dish looks beautifully presented, as always. YUM!

  7. Hi Dedy:)
    I think it’s wonderful that Korean food is getting the world wide attention it deserves. When I lived in New York it was readily available. Unfortuntately where I live now it is not. I just have to attempt to make it at home when I crave it, lol…

    I love the way you pasteurized the meat. What a novel idea. Better safe. Your dish looks as delicious as ever. I would feel safe just having a little taste.

    Thank you so much for sharing, Dedy…

  8. Wow Dedy, you always come with amazing recipes…I yet have to try anything close to this…looks and sounds delicious!
    Hope you are enjoying your week 🙂

  9. What a gorgeous and mouth watering dish. Didn’t know I can do my own pasteurizing at home! Thank you so much for sharing the method and I can’t wait to try this.

  10. Hi Dedy,your posts and recipes are such a huge inspiration for us….we learn loads of new things every time we visit it….this salad looks absolutely beautiful ,elegant and delicious….a winner for sure,thanks 🙂

  11. I enjoy appetizer like the one you’ve prepared & this looks like a teaser, Dedy! I usually use a flan ring for assembling my starters & yours look handy too 😀

  12. Dedy – the app looks wonderful, as does the yukhoe! I want to try the yukhoe, soon. We can easily get freshly slaughtered beef here, too. This is beautiful and I bet it tastes amazing, too!

  13. Gorgeous! Artistically presented, definitely the first class. I love to mimic this plating sometime in future. Sounds so delicious too. I enjoyed the restaurant guide…it looks like very fancy Korean restaurant.

  14. Your yukhoe looks amazing! Love your plating 🙂 I had it once at a Korean restaurant before, but was too scared to eat it all because after all it’s raw beef haha. Sous vide sounds like a perfect solution for making it at home though!

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