Recipe Stir Fried Razor Clams with Oyster Sauce (Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala Sajian Sedap_)

recipe stir fried razor clams oyster sauce bamboo clams jack knive clams garlic ginger chili wok fried recipe

Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram (Stir Fried Razor Clams with Oyster Sauce)

Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala Sajian Sedap (Stir Fried Razor Clams with Oyster Sauce) is featured in IDFB Challange  Kreasi Dapur Bersama Sajian Sedap. This event is a presented by Indonesian Food Blogger incoorpotared with  Sajian SedapSajian Sedap.Com is a collaboration website of Sedap Megazine and Saji Tabloid which provide many selection of trusted and tested recipe from all over the world including authentic recipe from all of ethnic cuisine throughout Indonesian archipelago; from Sabang to Merauke. You can also download the E-Magazine of Saji/Sedap in  Newsstand like Scoop, Wayang Force, SCANIE, Indobooks, SPEEDUP, or Mahoni.

indonesian food blogger challange kreasi dapur bersama sajian sedap

resep kerang bambu saus tiram oyster sauce razor clams stir fried bamboo clams jackknife clams Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala Sajian Sedap

Sajian Sedap is one stop culinary website, it’s provide may selecion of culinary reviews,kitchen dictionary, cooking recipes, tips and tricks. You can even enter all the ingredients you’ve got in your fridge and search the suitable recipes within your ingredients, isn’t that really great ??? I mostly grab my gadget to browsing on Sajian Sedap just before going to slept for the next day menu inspiration. Mostly my Authentic Indonesian Cuisine Recipes refers to Sajian Sedap. I really got to ensure that the recipes that i shared about Indonesian cuisine is as closed as possible to the authentic version. Here several recipes that i refers from Sajian Sedap:

recipe bamboo clams oyster sauce stir fry razor clams chinese style jackknife clams Gould's razor shell

Stir Fried Bamboo Clams with Oyster Sauce, Chilies, Garlic and Ginger

Today i’m gonna review one of the recipe that fetured on Sajian Sedap; Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram or Stir Fried Bamboo/Razor Clams with Oyster Sauce and the result is obviously  damn delicous dish!!!

recipe razor clams stir fry oyster sauce jackknife clams chili garlic ginger scallion parific razor clams

Stir Fried Bamboo Clams with Oyster Sauce ala Sajian Sedap

Eversince all the recipes on Sajian Sedap is already tested, all you’ve got to do is to reference on it. This stir fried bamboo clams in oyster sauce or kerang bambu saus tiram recipe is so easy and straight forward to replicate in my own kitchen. Taste is a about personal preference, it’s not a rocket science, so be creative and adjust the ammount of  ingredient what you’ve like more or what you didn’t like based on the recipe on Sajian Sedap. I love everythings hot and spicy, so i put lotta more chilies and less water that made the sauce os kicking savoury, hot and spicy with a little bit thicker consistency. Seafood is always be great with garlicky and gingery flavour, so the ammount of garlic and ginger just perfect, a little bit more may overpowering the natural sweetness of  the razor clams meat. Thanks to Sajian Sedap now i know that the sesame oil is better be added just before the dish done because heat might ruined it. Well, once again i said that cooking is about a passion to learn more and more, fail once then fail in a better way next times. You won’t realize that you’ve got better and better on your cooking skills. .

recipe stir fried razor clams chinese style oyster sauce bamboo clams jack knife clams Gould's razor shell

Razor Clams in Spicy Oyster Sauce

razor clams recipe how to clean pacific razor clams bamboo clams jacknife clam discard mud green

Asian Razor Clams a.k.a Bamboo Clams, Jackknife Clams, Razor Shell Fish, Kerang Bambu, Kerang Satang, or Lorjuk

This is Asian razor clams (Ensis directus) a.k.a bamboo clams, Atlantic jackknife clams, or razor shell fish. In Indonesia we used to called razor clams as kerang bambu or lorjuk or kerang satang. The shape this shellfish bearing a strong resemblance to an old fashioned straight razor or a segment of bamboo. Kerang bambu considered as delicacy and cooked in many different ways, usually flash high heat cooking to prevent is overcooked simply Deep Fried Battered Razor Clams Tempura (Kerang Bambu Goreng Tepung) is delicious. Beside stir fried in oyster sauce, you can cooked razor clams or bamboo clams into; Kerang Bambu Saus Singapura (Singapore Chili Sauce Razor Clams), Kerang Garang Asem (Sour and Spicy Razor Clams Wrapped in Banana Leaves), or  Woku Kerang Bambu (Spicy Stewed Bamboo Clams).

tips how to clean razor clam cook atlantic jackknife clams razor clam clean mud razor clams

Remove the Greenish and Yellowish Digestive Parts of Razor Clams

recipe how to cook razor clams boiled blanched blanch jackknife clams bamboo clams

Blanched Razor Clams: Boiled 15 Seconds then Submerged into Icy Bath to Stop The Cooking Precess

This is how to cleaning raxor clams;  clean and brush throughly the outside shells of razor clams to remove any debris and mud staining and let it soaked in freshwater for about 20 minutes and let the siphon spitting water and clean itself. After snipping the tip of the neck (siphon) or the funny looking muscle tissue that look like my 1 years old lil nephew pecker, cut open the body from the base of the foot to the tip of the siphon with scissor. Remove anything that coloured other than creamy white, discard the greenish and yellowish digestive system and scrub it gently followed by rinsed it under running water to remove any excess debris, mud and sand.

boiled razor clam jackknife clams bamboo clams how to boil  pacific razor clam cleaning tips

Blanched Razor Clams, Seems Like My Little 1 Year Old Nephew Pecker! LoL

This is how you par-boiled or blanced the razor clams before using it in any cooking recipe. This steps made you more easy to clean the razor clams further. Bring enough water to completely submerged the razor clams into hard boil with your largest stove and then put the razor clams on the bubling water. Turn of the heat and let the razor clams sit ther for about 15-30 minutes until wringkled a little bit, put the blanched razor clams in icy water to suddently stop the cooking process otherwise your razor clams will be overcooked and turn into very chewy and rubbery.  Why you should blanched the razor clams before cooking it? it will removes the fishy aromas and then you can easily cleaning it further to remove any remaining stain on it once it blanched. Now you’re razor clams is now clean and ready too cook in any kind of recipes.

recipe razor clams oyster sauce stir fry bamboo clams jackknife clams pacific clams chili ginger chili chinese stylestir fried razor clams oyster sauce jack knifes clams chinese style wok fry razor clams garlic chili gingerThis stir fried bamboo clams or Asian razor clams in oyster sauce is easy and quicky, you can prepare it in less then 10 minutes and happily feed about 2-4 person, but honestly i can barely finished it myself. This chinese style wok fried razor clams is one of my big sister ngidam or craving wish while her pregnancy and i’m very happy to fulfilling it unless my future nieces or nephews gonna be drolling all the time.

razor clams oyster sauce stir fried with ginger garlic chili pacific razor bamboo clams chinese style

razor clams oyster sauce recipe stir fried bamboo clams jack knife clams razor shell chinese styleRazor Clams Stir Fried with oyster sauce, chilies, garlic, ginger is Damn DELICIOUS. Perfectly cooked razor clams texture is tender and sliglly chewy and it’s taste similiar like a big squid or cuttlefish. You can puchased it alive in the seafood stalls, please visit chinese fresh market nearby your town. Asian supermarket usually provide a vaccum packed frozen razor clams is a great deal too to give this recipe a try!

stir fried razor clams oyster sauce garlic ginger bamboo clams Gould's razor shell jackknife clams recipe

Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala SAJIAN SEDAP

Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala SAJIAN SEDAP

Stir Fried Razor Clams or Bamboo Clams in Oyster Sauce

Bahan-bahan (Ingredients)

  • 400 gram kerang bambu, direbus (Razor Clams or Bamboo Clams, par-boiled)
  • 1 sendok teh air jeruk nipis ( teaspoon of lime juice)
  • 1 sendok teh garam ( teaspoon of salt)
  • 1 buah bawang bombay, dipotong panjang (onion, julienned)
  • 2 siung bawang putih, dicincang kasar (cloves of garlic, roughly chopped)
  • 1 buah cabai merah, diiris serong (red cayenne chili pepper, croswisely cut)
  • 1 buah cabai hijau, diiris serong (green cayenne chili pepper, croswisely cut)
  • 2 cm jahe, diiris korek api (ginger, julienned)
  • 2 buah cabai kering, dicincang kasar (dried chilies, roughly chopped)
  • 2 sendok makan saus tiram (tablespoons of oyster sauce)
  • 1/2 sendok teh minyak wijen (teaspoon of sesame oil)
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam (teaspoonfull of salt)
  • 1/4 sendok teh bubuk merica (teaspoon of white peppercorn powder)
  • 100 ml air (water)
  • 3 tangkai kucai, dipotong-potong 2 cm (garlic chives, cut into 2 cm long segment)
  • 2 sendok makan minyak goreng (tablespoons of vegetables oil)

#scallion or garnish

Cara membuat (Instruction)

  1. Lumuri kerang dengan air jeruk nipis dan garam. Diamkan 15 menit. (Drizzle the razor clams with lime juice and salt, let is stand to marinade about 15 minutes)
  2. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih, cabai merah, cabai hijau, jahe, dan cabai kering sampai harum. (Heat up the vegetable oil in the wok pan, stir fried the onion, garlic, red and green cayenne chilies pepper, ginger and dried chilies until fragrance)
  3. Tambahkan kerang. Aduk rata. Masukkan saus tiram, garam, merica bubuk. Aduk rata. (Add the razor clams, stir and then seasoned with oyster sauce and white pepper powder, stir it evenly)
  4. Tuang air. Masak sampai bumbu meresap. Masukkan minyak wijen. Aduk rata. (Add the water and let it cooked until the seasoning penetrates the razor clams, pour the sesame oil and turn off the heat)
  5. Sajikan kerang bersama taburan kucai. (Served the stir fried razor clams with oyster sauce with the garlic chives)

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39 thoughts on “Recipe Stir Fried Razor Clams with Oyster Sauce (Resep Kerang Bambu Saus Tiram ala Sajian Sedap_)

  1. I have never seen razor clams here in Santa Cruz , you have to up north on our pacific coast to get them. Thanks for telling us how to prepare them properly . Your recipe looks great, I love to have some for lunch.

  2. I love clams with the oyster sauce, and your recipe brought back many memories of me eating them in Malaysia. In Malaysia we call them la la 😀

    When you fail cooking one dish, the whole dish doesn’t taste good, must be hard to finish eating it 😀

  3. I love razor clams. They’re harder to find around here. With oyster sauce and a little heat, I can see these being miraculously delicious. I seriously love the way you eat!

  4. I have tried fried razor clams before in a restaurant and it was rather chewy….very disappointing because I love shellfish. It seem that you cook clams perfectly. And the presentation is superb!

  5. I always like the look of razor clams. And this is an interesting way to try them, and one that’s new to me. Really nice — thanks.

  6. I remember we used to eat razor clams all the time when we would go out to dinner at the Chinese restaurant…haven’t had it in years now though. This is classic and looks magnificent!

  7. It seems to be quite involved preparing and cooking razor clams. I have only had them once in a restaurant but they were delicious. Your beautiful photographs and explanations make this dish achievable, the flavours also are a credit to you 😀 This is a really classy dish.

  8. Never have I cooked the clams though have eaten, cooked in a similar style just as your inviting one. Love the different flavours in this dish.

  9. “lourjuk” mostly Surabayanesse (Istilah maksa utk orang Sby ..hihihiih..) of my favorite shellfish. When I was a kid I lived in kenjeran area, “hunting this lourjuk is my play time because kenjeran beach was my backyard at that time :). You make it looks delicious with this recipe . love it!

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  11. “Turn of the heat and let the razor clams sit ther for about 15-30 minutes until wringkled a little bit, put the blanched razor clams in icy water to suddently stop the cooking process otherwise your razor clams will be overcooked and turn into very chewy and rubbery.”

    You mean 115-40 seco0nds!

  12. “Turn of the heat and let the razor clams sit ther for about 15-30 minutes until wringkled a little bit, put the blanched razor clams in icy water to suddently stop the cooking process otherwise your razor clams will be overcooked and turn into very chewy and rubbery.”

    You mean 15-30 seconds!

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