Resep Palumara Ulu Juku, Spicy Red Snapper Fish Soup Recipe with Tomato, Chilli, Tamarind, Lemongrass and Turmeric-based Seasoning

palumara red snapper fish head soup turmeric yellow ikan bumbu kuning

Palumara Spicy Red Snapper Fsh Head Soup with Turmeric-based Broth (Ikan Kuah Kuning)

Palumara ulu juku is a savoury light turmeric-based fish (head) soup that not really popular in Indonesia. Palumara in Makassar natives language refers to a soup dish while ulu juku means fish head. Palumara is a light and refreshing turmeric based fish soup with a pleasant hot, spicy, and tangy broth but not as kickin as Fish Head Asam Laksa (Malaysian Spicy and Sour Noodle Soup with Grouper Fish Head). Palumara is a popular soup across southern Sulawesi (Celebes) island, especially in Makasaar and Palu. Palumara ulu juku origin is not really known, but it well know  as ikan kuah kuning or yellowish turmeric-based broth fish soup.

resep palumara makasar ikan kakap ulu juku

Resep Palumara Ulu Juku Khas Makassar dan Palu

This spicy red snapper fish basic  broth seasoning was chilli, garlic and shallot.  Asam jawa (tamarind) paste and sometimes belimbing wuluh (bilimbi) or asam potong (garcinia) added to give a tangy or sour after taste. Kunyit (turmeric) root and leaves is one of the most important ingredients for palumara broth,it gives vivid yellow color and nice scent to melt down the fishy after taste from the broth. Since palumara fish soup recipe is not contain any coconut milk like Gulai Ikan (Indonesian Fish Curry) and Woku Ikan Belanga Khas Manado (Manadonese Spicy Fish Curry Soup).The creamy flavour of palumara ulu juku is purely derived from grounded kemiri (candle nut). You can sautee the spice paste before adding the water if you like, but eversince i concern about my weight issue, i prefer not using any oil within this recipe. That’s why all the ingredientswithin this recipe  is simply boiled.

resep palumara ulu juku palu kepala ikan kakap kuah kuning

Resep Palumara Ulu Juku (Sup Kepala Ikan Kakap Kuah Kuning)

Resep palumara usually using ikan kakap (red snapper), but ikan bandeng (milk fish), ikan ekor kuning (yellowtail) and also ikan kerapu (grouper) is commonly used too. Palumara ulu juku using a rather a large fish head, the caltilagous bone and also soft tissues in the head that slowly simmered in the spicy broth released it’s collagen  and made a rich and naturally savoury broth. This made palumara ulu juku fish soup is special, just perfect to serve in a rainy days from october to march in Indonesia.

spicy red snapper fish head soup recipe tomato chilli lime lemongrass palumara ulu juku

Spicy Red Snapper Fish Head Soup Recipe with Tomato, Chilli, Tamrind, Lemongrass and Turmeric-based Seasoning (Palumara Ulu Juku)

Fish Soup recipe palumara ulu juku sup kelapa kakap

Resep Sup Kepala Ikan Kakap Merah Kuah Kuning (Palumara Ulu Juku)

Palumara ulu juku or spicy red snapper fish soup is a very healthy, refreshing, low in calories but contain essestial protein and amino acid and the most important thing it’s  tasty. Light broth fish soup with many herbs and spice infussion is an Indonesian signture. My asian descent taste buds like almost anyting as long it’s tasty, spicy and preferly hot. Note that tangy or sour is mostly pleasant flavour for any seafood too, including this fish soup.

Resep Palumara Ulu Juku :

(Spicy Red Snapper Fish Soup Recipe with Tomato, Chilli, Tamrind, Lemongrass and Turmeric-based Seasoning)


  • 1 kg whole red snapper fish/or the head (ikan  kakap merah), cut into pieces
  • 2 tbsp lime juice  (air jeruk nipis) for marinade the fish
  • 6 shallots (bawang merah), thinly slice
  • 6 cloves garlic (bawang putih)
  • 2 tomato (tomat), diced
  • 6 red cayenne chilli pepper (cabe merah), crosswisely sliced
  • 3 green cayenne chilli pepper (cabe hijau), crosswisely sliced
  • 1 tbsp tamarind paste (asam jawa)
  • 1 bilimbi (belimbing wuluh), crosswisely sliced
  • 1 turmeric leaf (daun kunyit), tide up or thinly slice
  • salt, sugar, white pepper to taste
  • 2 L water (air)

Bumbu Palumara (Spice paste):

  • 3 shallots (bawang merah)
  • 2  cloves garlic (bawang putih)
  • 2 lemongrass, only using the soft white inner part (sereh)
  • 3 cm turmeric (kunyit)
  • 2 cm ginger (jahe)
  • 3 candle nuts (kemiri)


  • Season red snapper fish with salt and lime juice, let it marinade 30 minutes on fridge, set aside, drained
  • Bring  the spice paste, water  and all the rest of the ingredients (instead the fish) to boil
  • Once the mixture is boiling, add the red snapper fish, bring it to boil again, season with salt, saugar and white peppercorn
  • Simmer and let the broth thicken for about 10-15 minutes
  • Served with daun kemangi (lemon basil leaves)

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30 thoughts on “Resep Palumara Ulu Juku, Spicy Red Snapper Fish Soup Recipe with Tomato, Chilli, Tamarind, Lemongrass and Turmeric-based Seasoning

  1. ku jadi belajar bahan english dimari.. candle nut = kemiri, belimbi = wuluh.. pete = smell bean, dan jengkol apa hayo? kluwek apa hayo? [ku udah punya contekan loh]
    kangen palumara deh, dulu pernah tinggal di makasar.. ini enak dimakan dengan kapurung = papeda = elem kanji.. 😀

    • pete itu stingky bean mbak….
      klo gak salah kluwek itu foodball fruit seed,
      jengkol itu dogfruit klo gak salah
      btw, br tau klo palumara bgini dimakan sama papeda, taunya klo papeda sama ikan ekor kuning kuah kuning…hehehe

      • eh stinky bean ya bukan smell bean.. 😀 iya jengkol dogfruit.. kluwek malah black nut.. foodball fruid seed darimana tuh?
        iya dulu mama bikin palumara gini makannya pake papeda.. kan tetep kuah juga.. ikan apa aja sih, malah di maluku sana pake sirip hiu yang diasap, juga sirip pari gitu.. yang penting kuahkuah aja..
        chef dedyyyy.. i really want to meet you buat masakmasak bareng.. gabrukin bumbu sesuka hati.. dooh kapan dong.. ajak noni jadi pencicip tuh..

  2. If only I could cook like this. I see so many dishes here that I crave and can only get at a really good restaurant. I love dishes with whole fish like this…I can see all the flavor coming from the plate!

  3. Another fabulous looking fish dish. I really adore eating whole red snapper but don’t really prepare it at home. You inspire me that I should try to more often 🙂

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