Stir Fried Rice Vermicelli with Crab (Resep Bihun Goreng Kepiting) ala Dentist Chef

Resep Bihun Kepiting Saus Lada Hitam

rice vernicelli crab stir fry black pepper recipe

Stir Fry Crab with RIce Vermicelli and Black Peppercorn Sauce

Stir fry crab with rice vermicelli or beehoon is a popular chinese (cantonese) style dish. Rice vermicelli or bihun in Bahasa Indonesian are thin noodles made from rice and are a form of rice noodles. Rice vermicelli are a part of several Asian cuisines, where they are often eaten as part of a soup dish, stir fry, or salad. One particularly well known, slightly thicker variety, is called Guilin mǐfěn (桂林米粉), comes from the southern Chinese city of Guilin, where it is a breakfast staple.

rice vermicelli crab recipe stir fry blackpepper

Recipe Stir Fry Crab with Rice Vermicelli in Black Peppercorn Sauce

Stir Fry Mud Crab with Giant Rice Beehoon or Vermicelli in Black Pepper Sauce is called Bihun Kepiting Lada Hitam in Indonesia. Giant Rice vermicelly or Bihun Besar in Bahasa Indonesian are called rice noodle. Rice nooddles are noodles that are made from rice. Their principal ingredients are rice flour and water. However, sometimes other ingredients such as tapioca or corn starch are also added in order to improve the transparency or increase the gelatinous and chewy texture of the noodles.Rice noodles are most commonly used in the cuisines of East and Southeast Asia, and are available fresh, frozen, or dried, in various shapes and thicknesses. In Tamil Nadu and parts of Kerala, Sri Lanka, Laos, Singapore, Malaysia, Idiappam, a type of rice noodle, is usually freshly made at home and tends to be far more tender with distinctive texture, as opposed to the dried form of Chinese noodles.

resep bihun kepiting saus lada hitam enak ala dentist chef

Crab Beehoon or Vermicelly Stir Fry in Black Peppercorn Sauce, Bihun Kepiting Lada Hitam

Along with this stir fry mud crab with rice noddle or vermicelli in black peppercorn sauce recipe, i share several tips and tricks for The tips for cooking rice noodle.  When you stir fry rice noodle, stir it quickly and use a high flame. Throw the rice noodle into wok pan only when all seasoning, seafood, meat  and vegetables cook through. Second, don’t ever over do when stirring rice noodle because it’s fragile and easily break into segment when overcooked.  Then, don’t for get to follow the package instruction when you need to precooked it before stir frying.


Crab Vermicelli/Beehoon in Black Pepercorn Sauce Recipe:

  • 1 med sized crab, about 700 gr, cleaned, drizzle with lime juice, salt and pepper, set aside
  • 250 gr bihun besar/giant  rice vermicelli/ rice noodle, cooked with package instruction, flushed with ice water, drain, set aside
  • 6 cloves garlic, finelly chopped
  • 3 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/2 tbsp chilli flakes
  • 1 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp thai fish sauce
  • 1 tsp tamarind paste *or you can substitude with 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp freshly gronded black pepper
  • salt to taste
  • 1/2 cup water


  1. Drained the crab well, deep fried on smoking hot oil in 3-4 minutes antil nearly done , set aside
  2. Saute the garlic and black peppercorn until fragrant with 2 tbsp oil in the wok pan.
  3. Add chilli flakes, oyster sauce,soy sauce, fish sauce, tamarind paste and some saltt.
  4. Add the crab, saute about 1 minutes. Add the water and bring to boil
  5. Simmer until the sauce is thicken.
  6. Set your flame  as the biggest as possible, quickly throw the rice noodle in.
  7. Stir it quiqckly about 1 minutes, don’t overdo it
  8. Serve immediately with crispy shallot and spring onion springkled above.

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