Indonesian Food Festival at Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang

restoran cerenti grand zury bsd city hotel nusantara food festival

Indonesian Food Festival at Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel.

In saturday night (15/08) i had an invitation to join the Nusantara (Indonesian) Food Festival  in Grand Zury Hotel BSD City. Actually i was invited by the event coordinator Arie from Catatan si Goiq, after some weekend brunch at Signature Restaurant Kempinski Hotel Indonesia we rushed our cab to meet at FX Sudirman where the Luxury shuttle van picked us. Me and several food blogger then had a one our drive to BSD City.

Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD Hotel

Celebrating the 70th Indonesian Independence day on 17 Agust 2015, Cerenty restaurant bring the authentic Indonesian dishes into their buffet menu. The restaurant interior also decorated with red and white and many Indonesian Flag to remember the fallen heroes.

Roby Mardeta Executive Chef Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel

We are kindly welcomed byGrand Zury BSD Hotel Executive Chef Roby Mardeta. He is such a humble and warm person, expertised for years or experience in proffessional kitchen, he kindly explained all the Nusantara Food Festival Buffet menu to the starving and curious foodies attended at the event.

Lets begin to explore the Menu of Cerenti Restaurant Indonesian Food Festival!

The Appetizer

tahu gimbal fried tofu peanut sauce kacang tanah Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang

tahu gimbal bumbu kacang tanah pecal gado gado grand zury bsd city hotel

Chef Roby served Tahu Gimbal and Pecel as the appetizers. Tahu Gimbal is an Indonesian street food from Semarang, Central Java. Tahu gimbal is consist of shrinp fritter that cut down into bite pieces, tofu, beansprout and then drizzled with sweet savoury peanut sauce. Pecel is a mix of vegetables that dressed with the same peanut sauce just like Tahu Gimbal

The Main Course:

nasi kuning tumpeng Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Chef Roby Had a Nasi Kuning Tumpeng. Tumpeng is a Cone shaped yellowish rice mountain that served with  vegetables and meat in the bottom. The rice is basically colored and flavoured with turmeric based seasoning and cooked with or without coconut cream.
nasi goreng kampung fried rice spicy chili grand zury bsd city
The other rice dish is plain steamed rice and Nasi Goreng Kampung. A spicy kind of fried rice that resembles of Mother’s home cooking to let the Hotel’s guesses felt comfort & homey while staying and dinning at the hotel. The spices and the hotness of the kampung fried rice is quite kicking with generous ammount of chopped chilies, my Indonesian licking very lovin it!
mie goreng jawa yogyakarta javanese stir fry noodle with kecap manis sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
This is Mie Goreng Yogya, a stir fry noodle with kecap manis or Indonesian sweet soy sauce. I recently had 2 Days 3 Night culinary adventure in Yogyakarta and i pretty sure this Mie Goreng Yogya is quite authentic; kids and those who can’t handle spicy food must be lovin. A little bit attention is the amount of oil using to stir fry the the noodle, it’s a little bit oily or greasy for my licking.
rendang daging sapi padang beef rendang curry Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Beef Rendang Daging from the Sumatra Island, this is the highlight of the whole menu for me, the beef is cooked for 4 hours until the spices and the coconut milk caramelized until dark brown and rich rendang spices. I guess it’s worthed since Chef Roby invited the native rendang cook from the Minangkabau Land in West Sumatrab to get the authenticity of the rendang.  Check Dentist Chef Indonesian Beef Rendang for the authentic recipe.
terik ayam semarang yellow chicken curry Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
 Terik Ayam  from Semarang, a yellowish kind of Opor or thick chicken curry. Terik Ayam is cooked in so rich spices and coconut broth and usually shredded into ieces over nasi uduk or coconut milk enriched steamed rice, but today the chicken cut into individual pieces.
Tahu Aci tegal deep fried tofu stuffed with tapioca fish Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Tahu Aci Tegal, a lovely side dich made of deep fried tofu stuffed with tapioca and fish paste batter. Lovin it hot and fresh from the deep fryer, never served it cold unless you had a hard and very chewy piece of tahu aci.
Tumis Genjer Oncom pedas yellow sawah lettuce stir fry grand zury bsd
Tunis Genjer Oncom Pedas. Genjer (Limnocharis flava), yellow sawah lettuce  or yellow burr head lettuce is not a common veggies served in a Hotels restaurant bufffet so i appreciate the effort of Chef Roby and team to represent the Indonesian culinary treasure. The tumis genjer is cooked into perfection with nice charred shallots, garlic and green chilli flavour on it.
ikan bakar woku menado spicy grilled fish Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Ikan Bakar Woku Menado from the Sulawesi Island is a lovely rich spicy dish from Minahasa Descent Culinary.  The fish fillet mixed with rich and spicy seasoning with fragrance kemangi or lemon basil leaves on it. The spices for woku ikan in authentic menado or Minahasa cuisine  is used to be sauteed until a little bit undercooked with pungent raw chilies flavour (local called “langu”) but the Woku ikan by chef roby spices is tad overcooked or sauteed until well done, maybe he adjust the flavour to the common Indonesian licking that didn’t like “langu” flavour. Chef Roby using gindara fish or Pacific black cod fish fillet for this recipe, i wish he used our local fish instead to support our local firsherman. To get the authentic recipe; ypu can check Dentist Chef Ikan Woku Belanga Recipe.
soto betawi cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd
Soto Betawi is the only soup dish we had tonight. Soto Betawi is  Jakarta’s treasure of mild spiced beef soup with fresh milk dressed broth. Authentic Soto Betawi using Minyak Samin or ghee butter for the soup but Chef Roby decided not because he want the soup healthier and taste lighter.
soto betawi jakarta spicy beef soup milk cerenti restaurant hotel grand zury bsd
The Soto Betawi served inthe soup station with variety of condiment; cubed potato’ tomato, scallion, bawang goreng deep fried shallots, and kaffir limes wedges. You can choose the beef for the soup, either the lean topside or fatty brisket, i choose both for my soto betawi and i let the staff prepare the soup for me.
cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd smoking area ourdoor berbeque station
Cerenti Restaurant in Grand Zury Hotel also had outdoor dining area for the smokers. The restaurant barbeque and grill station also located in the outdoor area, you can choose your selection of fresh beef, chicken and fish  to cooked and the staffs gladly prepare it for you!
fresh dory fish fillet grille hotel buffet Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
ayam bakar ungkap bumbu kecap hotel buffet grand zury bsd
sate maranggi beef satay kecap manis javanese skewered beef sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel TangerangSate Maranggi is the highligh of the barbeque station tonight. Sate Maranggi is skewered beef satay from Purwakarta, West Java. Sate Maranggi made of cubed beef of mutton meat marinated in kecap manis (sweet soy sauce) and cuka lahang or traditional rice vinegar that made it taste sweet and tangy. Sate Maranggi drizzled kecap manis, chopped green bird eye chili & red shallots.
sate maranggi semarang grilled beef skewer satay kecap manis sweet soy sauce Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The Sate Maranggi is well marinated and spiced with nice beefy flavour on it. Chef Roby using local breed cattle for this recipe so the  beef meat is quite chewy even the overall rate is still nice.
grilled dory fillet ikan bakar dori kecap manis Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The chicken and the dory fish fillet is also grilled into perfection, nice, tender and not overcooked. The grilled chicken called ayam unglep bakar, the chicken is cooked priorly  with it’s natural juices and spices, so the grilling is basically to reheat it before ready to be served and eaten. The grilled dory fish fillet goes well with Sambal Colo-Colo.
indonesian sambal variety Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Moving to the sambal station; Chef Roby present variety of Sambals from all over the Indonesian Archipelago. The sambal galore consist of Sambal Cabe Ijo (green chili) from West Sumatra, Sambal Terasi (Fermented shrimp) from West Java. Sambal Matah (Shallots & Chili) from Bali Island, Sambal Colo-Colo (Chopped Sambal with Kecap manis) from Molluccas Island,  and Acar (Pickled Cucumber with Green Bird Eye Chilies). They all taste really good!!!
sambal ijo green chili sambal Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
The Sambal Cabe Ijo caught my attention because it’s using udang rebon or tiny little dry shrimp on it. It’s very lovely and unique because the sambal taste briney and had the natural sweetness of the sea.
masakan indonesia cerenti restoran grand zury bsd city hotel
This is my plate, a little bit of this and that ended with a lot !!! This damn delicious dishes is worthed the effort of one hell of 30 minutes cardio workout thou, lol

 The Dessert;

indonesian dessert sweet bites kue tradisional jajan pasar Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Chef Roby bring the Jajanan Pasar or selection of Indonesian sweet bites that used to be sold in the Traditional market, hence the jajan pasar or literrary translated as market snack name derived. Jajan pasar started from variety of pudding, cake and beyond.
wedang cerenti restaurant grand zury bsd
This is Wedang, a Javanesehot and sweet beverage native to the Sundanese people of West Java, Indonesia. Wedang Bajigur made of coconut milk and Palm sugar  with a little bit hint of of ginger and pandan for flavouring and some a small pinch of salt to improved the taste. The wedang served with deep fried peanut and sliced kolang-kaling or arenga palm fruit.
colenak tape uli ketan bakar tape ubi singkong Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Colenak, a traditional dessert made of tape or fermented cassava that grilled or pan fried until a little bit charred or had brown caramelized skin served with unti or palm sugar swetened dessicated coconut tat cooked slowly until a little bit caramelized too. The colenak is beautifully plated with dots of strawberry syrup.
This is
dessert western hotel restaurant buffet Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
tropical fruit buffet hotel Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel Tangerang
Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD City Hotel also served several kind or western and International sweet bites at the event, otherwise you can choose fresh tropical fruit to finished your damn delicious Cerenti Restaurant Grand Zury BSD Hotel buffet dinner!!!
Indonesian Food Festival Buffet IDR 150.000/nettCerenti Restaurant – Grand Zuri BSD City
Jl Pahlawan Seribu Kavling Ocean Walk
Blok CBD Lot.6 BSD City. Serpong
Tangerang Selatan 15322, Banten- Indonesia
Phone : +62 21 2940 4955

Dentist Chef 7 Days Sunpride Fruit Diary and Beyond, A Journal of Healthy Fruitarian Lifestyle for Better Living

sunpride buah segar fresh everydayDo  You Want to be Healthy ??? Become FRUITARIAN with SUNPRIDE !!! EATING FRUIT MORE and MORE

Eating Fruit Provides Health Benefits

The nutrients in fruit are vital for health and maintenance of your body. The potassium in fruit can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type-2 diabetes and other cardiovascular diseases and any degenerative disease. Eating fruits may also reduce the risk of developing cancers, kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss as you age.To get the most benefit out of your five portions of fruits should include a variety of fruits. This is because different fruits contain different combinations of fibres, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, so then you won’t be lack one of them.

Fruit is Nutritious and Damn Delicious!!!

Dietary fiber – Important to help reduce blood cholesterol levels and may lower risk of heart disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Also important for proper bowel function. Potasium – Important to help combat high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. May also reduce the risk of developing kidney stones and help to decrease bone loss. Vitamin C – Important for growth and repair of all body tissues and keeps teeth and gums healthy. Provides antioxidant defense against infection and disease. Folate (folic acid) – Helps the body form red blood cells and helps reduce the risk of birth defects. Phytonutrients work synergistically with the vitamins, minerals and fiber in whole fruits to help reduce disease risk.

SUNPRIDE INDONESIA, PT. Sewu Segar Nusantara a leading Indonesian fruit comapany as a member of the flagship investment group Gunung Sewu Kencana,  expertise in the fresh fruits and agribusiness sector. Sunpride brand is a very popular brand across the country, even spreading the wings throught out the world by promotingthe best Indonesianl local tropical fruit product. Current brands within the company’s portfolio include Zespri of New Zealand, Pink Lady of Australia and Conference Pear of Belgium.  The company focuses on the production, distribution and marketing of locally grown as well as imported fruit. Working alongside local farmers, Sewu Segar Nusantara has developed stringent quality control measures which are trusted and relied upon by over 1,000 retailers.

Indonesia’s distinct market segments are each covered through the brands of Sunpride, Sunfresh and Sweety which enjoy significant brand awareness as a result of SSN’s pioneering efforts in promoting fruit as part of a healthy diet using innovative marketing techniques. Each brand is recognised for consistency in quality, taste and freshness achieved through tireless research into storage and packaging methods.

Why your DENTIST ask you to EAT FRUIT More and More ?

An apple won’t replace your toothbrush, but biting and chewing an fruits stimulates the production of saliva in your mouth, reducing tooth decay by lowering the levels of bacteria. Eating more fuits also stimulate the growth of teeth, jaw and any musculoskeletal tissues and prevent the teeth malposition and/0r third molar (wisdom teeth) impaction because eating less fiber food (soft food) deteriorate the growth the jaw and made the space of alveolar bone is insufficient for the third molar (wisdom teeth) to erupt.


pisang sunpride cavendish
SUNPRIDE Giving the best from A to the Z to asure you’ve get the best fruit you’ve ever taste!!!
Do you think that the popular smooth and flawless Sunpride Banana is imported fruit ??? SO DO I, Well we all WRONG because Sunpride Banana is locally grown in Lampung, so it’s actually product of Indonesia!!!
pisang sunpride
How did they create the perfect piece of Sunpride Banana ??? One hell of a perfection and precisious job from selecting the best cavendish banana speciment to grown, growing the banana in the best farm land, handling the fruit carefully by covering each of the banana comb to prevent the banana fruits bruising, protecting from sunlight and any pests, this methods creating a perfect smooth banana skin.
pisang cavendish sunpride 1
The Sunpride banana harvest period is divided per block, 1 bunches of bananas that had been wrapped the cut, then hung on the rail, to be brought to the packing house, using rail prevent the banana bruised compare to the conventional method transporting the whole banana comb manually that requires staging the banana comb so then the bottom part of the banana supporting the weight the upper part of the banana and got bruised. The bruised banana skin may not effect the banana flesh inside, but it affect the color of the banana skin into dark black.
sunpride cavendish banana
In the packing house,Sunpride banana cleaned, the paper that used to covering each comb relaced with padding foam. The banana then grading into sevral categories, grade A (7.5 inches lenght) for export (sold as several International brand like Victory Brand in China). The grade B banan sold in Indonesia as Sunpride banana.
SO, If SUNPRIDE take care our banana with PERFECTION, i think there’s no flaws to untrusting any SUNPRIDE fruits!!!

Journey of 7 Days Sunpride Fruit Diary:

My Sunpride  daily fruitarian is always starting with Sunpride Cavendish Banana, raw without any addtitional flavour and a single portion of  apple, pear or other fruits to replace breakfast. I also had brunch with fresh or cooked fruits appetizer as a snack. The luch i had is usually have about a 600 calories portion of carbs, protein and veggies, then ended with fresh or cooked fruit dessert. About i had a single portion of fresh SUNPRIDE fruits then the dinner i dad got less than 500 calories of carbs, protein and veggies. I never had any dessert for dinner, only simple fresh or cooked SUNPRIDE fruits appetizer.


sunpride pisang cavendish banana


Sunpride cavendish banana is the most popular products you may known, but Sunpride actually had several varieties of banana; local varieties of bananas and plantain available like Pisang mas, Pisang Tanduk, Pisang Ambon, Pisang Barangan, Pisang Kepok & Pisang Raja Bulu.

pisang sunpride cavendishWhy eating banana is important ???

Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for sure. Bananas help overcome depression due to high levels of tryptophan, which is converted into serotonin, the happy-mood brain neurotransmitter. Banana also provide energy punch and sustain your blood sugar, Thats why i always starting a day with eating banana EVERYDAY. Banana protect against muscle cramps during workouts and nighttime leg cramps by eating a banana. .Counteract calcium loss during urination and build strong bones by supplementing with a banana

pisang cavendish sunpride

pisang cavendish sunpride singke and availabkleSunpride even provide a SINGLE and AVAILABLE banana, which is sold in a minimarket or small store nearby everywhere, even in my clinick there’s three modern mini market and tey all provide a single pack of banana. So if you in a hurry and forgot to consume your banana, you can get is easily then.

sunpride pisang cavendish single bananaEversince my father diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, i got my wake up call because i got sll the predispotition factor to become a diabetic patient too because i’m 60 pounds overweight of healthy Body Mass Index (BMI). There’s nothing better way to reduce my weight and body fat ratio than excersising and follow a healthy dietary plants. Nowdays i  replace my snacking with fruits. I get more fibers with comsuming fruits to felt stuffed because i can’t skipping meals, so i eating a single banana 3 times a day, in the morning, on the brunch  and after dinner. Mostly plain and withoud any other additional ingredients.

Don’t worry, you can be creative with banana, you can made almost anything with it;either raw or cooked;

A. Raw Sunpride Cavendish Banana

toasted bread banana nutella topping breakfast whole wheat bread choco hazelnut butter with sunpride pisang cavendish roti tawar panggang

Lovin Sunpride cavendish banana all the way, i used to eat it wat at least twice a day; early morning to starting a day and the night before i go to sleep. In the morning i used to be creative, serving the Sunpride cavendish banana with toasted bread & some choco hazelnut butter. A quiky damn delicious breakfast to starting a day!!!toasted bread banana nutella breakfast chocolate banana whole wheat breadB. Cooked Sunpride Cavendish Banana

resep pisang caramel sunpride cavendish banana blogging competitionThis is pisang karamel saus kopi luwak or caramerlized Sunpride cavendish banana with civet coffee caramel sauce. I made the pisang karamel with  selecting the medium ripe Sunpride banana, sliced it horizontally into three parts with the same thickness. I melted some butter and heated it in a non sticky fry pan then seared the banana for about 2 minutes until nice caramelized and gonden brown. I also wrapped some banana with puff pastry and baked it until the pastry nice browned and pluffy.

sunpride pisang cavendish banana caramel civet cofee

The pisang karamel or caramelized banana then drizzed with genuine Indonesian civet coffee caramel sauce and creamy vanilla bean fla. I arranged the caramelized banana in a serving plate to made it look fancy and add some dry raisin, dry cranberry, truffled cookies, tpasted almond and some candied mustard flower.


nanas honi sunprideWhy Eating Pinneaple is Important ?

Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of  pineapples decreases the risk of obesity and overall mortality, diabetes, heart disease and promotes a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy, overall lower weight.  A higher intake of pinneaple has also been shown to decrease risk of and progression of age-related macular degeneration. Also of note, a high potassium intake from pinneaple is associated with a 20% decreased risk of dying from all causes.

nenas honi sunpride nanas madu manis tanpa garam tidak gatalSunpride Honi Pinneaple DO NOT NEED SALT to washed it before eaten because it’s had LOW CALCIUM OXALAT. Calcium oxalate is a byproduct that majorly stored under thescally skin of the pinneaple. Calcium oxalate is low irritant to mucous membrane like mouth and throat. Calcium oxalate content made the common pinneaple need to be netralized and washed with salted water before eaten unless you gonna felt itchy and burned in your mouth and throat.

nenas honi dentist chef

SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple is taste crisp, sweet, refreshingly a little bit tangy. The size is bigger than common pinneaple. The Honi pinneaple skin is regularly flat so then peeling off the skin is much more easier than common pinneaple. The hard brown spot is not puncturing too deep into the inneaple flesh so no need to remove too much good flesh when you peel SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple.

You felt that skinning pinneaple is quite an effort??? No need to worry no more.  SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple is very easy to cut open and served!!!

How to cut open and served SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple :

sunpride nenas honi nanas madu

Place the pineapple on side down then use a cutting board or other cutting surface, cut the crown and the stem off. Stand the pineapple up on one end, using a sharp chef’s knife, cut the pinneaple in the middle.

sunpride nanas honi manis cara mengupas

Cut the half part SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple in the middle using very sharp knife, do not pushed it to harder uness the fuits will be bruised.

sunpride nenas honi

Remove the SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple stalk in the middle, you can use this part to flavouring stock or using the extract juice for tenderizer beef, chicken or any tough meat.

cara mengupas nanas honi sunpride nenas honi batu manis sweet pinneaple

Cut the quarte part SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple in the middle using very sharp knife, do not pushed it to harder uness the fuits will be bruised.

nanas madu sunpride nenas honi honey pinneapple sweet how peel

Slice the skin off the sides of SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple , horizontallly cut as thinly as possible. Leave as much flesh as you can remaining on the pineapple; the sweetest part of the pineapple is the most outer flesh

how to peel pinneaple cut off pinneaple from skin

Vertically cut SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple as thinly as possible or closer to the skin without remaining the brown spot attached. Leave as much flesh as you can remaining on the pineapple; the sweetest part of the pineapple is the most outer flesh

sunpride nanas honi nenas madu cara mengupas

VOILA your SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple is ready to be served!!!

Sunpride nenas honi nanas madu manis

You can get the instruction how to open SUNPRIDE HONI Pinneaple in the labels too:

cara memotong nanas honi

Any IDEAS using SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple ?

grilled haloumi cheese pinneaple canapeGrilled Pinneaple served over grilled haloumi cheese canape.  Greece hard cheese is best for grilling or barbequing, serving it with charred grilled pinneaple is one hell of damn delicious ideas. Salty, briney paired with sweet, caramelized and a little bit tangy SUNPRIDE Honi pinneaple, DAMN DELICIOUS!!

haloumi cheese pinneaple grilled appetizerI’m Using blowtorch flames to caramelized the outer layer of the haloumi cheese and the SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple but you can using grill or pan for browning the outer layer. The pinneaple and the haloumi cheese is better be sprayed with avocado oil or olive oil for better caramelizing.

appetizer haloumi cheese grilled pinneaple charred

NEver throw the Middle stalk of the SUNPRIDE Honi Pinneaple, save it for later because you can use it many ways. This is Pindang Ikan Palembnag, a spicy, hot and a little bit sourish broth fish soup from Palembang, South Sumatra. You can use the pinneaple middle stalk to flavouring the spicy fish soup broth.

pindang pegagan palembang ikan patin gabus pindang tulang toyota agya blog contest

You can extract the pinneaple juice and using it to marinade, flavouring and also to tenderizing any hard or tough meat. Beef shank need to be soaked about 6 mours prior to cooked and steak cut need less than 30 minutes. Pinneaple contain Bromelain that can breakdown the tough collagen fibers in the meat to made it a tender steak you’ve ever taste.

sous vide beef steak veal sirloin calf striploin spicy rendang curry sauce


C. Guava (SUNPRIDE Crystal Guava)

sunpride jambu kristal tanpa biji

Why Eating Guava is Important ?

Guava is also known as Asian apple.  Guavas are one of the richest sources of vitamin C, containing four times the vitamin C content present in oranges. A single, medium-sized guava offers two times the daily requirement of vitamin C, a vitamin that is closely associated with improved immunity and protecting you against common infections and pathogens.

sunpride crystal guava seedless jambu tanpa biji kristal

The health benefits of guava include the treatment of diarrhea, dysentery, constipation, cough, cold, skin care, high blood pressure, weight loss and scurvy.Guava also has white or maroon flesh and lots of small hard seeds enveloped in very soft, sweet pulp. It is eaten raw (ripe or semi-ripe) or in the form of jams and jellies.The role of guavas in immunity is also attributed to its anti-inflammatory action and its ability to inhibit inflammatory molecules like prostaglandins released in autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis so guava is really good for elderly peop

sunpride jambu kristal gualva crystal

Sunpride Crystal Guava is also sold as Sunfresh brand,  this guava is really honest because it’s really seedless. the flesh is crisp and tender in the same time. thaste very sweet, refreshing and juicy, totally scrumptious!!!

Any Idea using SUNPRIDE Crystal Guava ???

guava chili salsa grilled fish tilapiaI like to using fresh crisp guava to serving my fish. I added it into chili sambal or chili salsa to give a nice crisp and refreshing texture. Today i served my grilled tilapia fish with Sunpride Crystal Guava chili salsa.

ikan nila bakar sambal jambu biji mujair salsa cabe jambu guava salsa chili grilled tilapia fishgrilled tilapia fish spicu chili guava salsa

Just like the pinneaple, you also can using the Sunpride guava juice for marinating and flavouring tough cut of meat before barbequing or grilling it. Lovin it for my steak too.


D. Papaya

sunpride pepayaSunpride provide two varieties of papaya; Hawaian and Californian. they all taste delicious sweet, crisp and juicy Sunpride Californian and Hawaian Papaya along  Cavendish Banana is my staple daily fruit, i really like enjoying papaya raw in the lunch, especially in the hot days.

Why Eating Papaya is Important ?

Papaya is considering the healthiest fruit on earth. Papayas offer not only the luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics, but are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid; and the minerals, potassium, copper, and magnesium; and fiber. Together, these nutrients promote the health of the cardiovascular system and also provide protection against colon cancer.

gohu pepaya california sunpride

Gohu, a pickled papaya from manado or Minahasa descent people (North Sulawesi), a briny and spicy pickled young and half ripen papaya similiar to asinan,  acar or another name for pickle in Indonesia or Som Tam from Thailand.

Gohu pepaya muda sunpride papaya pickled unripe spicy chili vinegarI DAMN LOVIN GOHU, especially on my brunch break in beetween patients in my clinic. The refreshing sweet, crisp Sunpride Californian Papaya that sliced thinly in a briney pickled broth that flavoured with chilies, spices, bakasang (fermented shrimp paste), cakalang fufu (smoked skipjack tuna) and some rice vinegar, DAMN DELICIOUS!!!

gohu pepaya manado pedas sunpride papaya california

In addition, young and unripe papaya contains the digestive enzyme, papain, which is used like bromelain; enzyme found in pineapple, to treat sports injuries, other causes of trauma, and allergies and you can using it as a tenderizer for steaks or any tought meats.

E. Melon.

sunpride melon

Sunpride provide several kind of melon; Rock Melon, Honey Melon, Golden Melon. One cup of diced melon (about 156 grams) contains 53 calories, 0.3 grams of fat, 13 grams of total carbohydrate, 12 grams of sugar, 1.4 grams of fiber, 1.3 grams of protein, 106% the daily value for vitamin A, 95% vitamin C, 1% of calcium and 2% of iron needs. A one-cup serving also provides 5%, or more of the daily value needs for vitamin K, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, magnesium and potassium.

Why Eating Melon is Important ?

Melon contains an abundance of antioxidants including choline, zeaxanthin, and beta-carotene, all of which provide protection against a range of diseases and conditions from the common cold to cancer. Melons are high in essential vitamins and minerals. They contain almost no fat or saturated fat, making them an excellent choice for snacks or a side dish.

Any Idea using Melon ???

melon wrapped prosciuttoI like using melon as a starter or appetizer, i’m using two kind of melon; the orange color the rock melon and green golden melon or golden melon. I’m using my dendeng danging kambing or dendeng domba (lamb or goat prosciutto) to wrapping the lamb and then secure it with toothpick, voila, your fancy Melon and Prosciutto appetizer done in a secon!!!

melon wrapped prosciutto appetizer sunpride melon

sunpride melon prosciutto wrapped yellow melon appetizerSUNPRIDE Rock and Honey melon taste delicious thats for sure, i really love the crisp, tender and bouchy texture when you chew it and the flesh oozing the fresh sweet juice, totally DAMN REFRESHING!!!

sunpride melon appetizer prosciutto wrap


F. SUNPRIDE Watermelon (Semangka)

sunpride semangka

Why Eating Watermelon is Important ?

Sunpride Watermelon. One cup of diced watermelon (152 grams) contains only 43 calories, 0 grams of fat, 2 milligrams of sodium, 11 grams of carbohydrate (including 9 grams of sugar) and 1 gram of fiber. One cup of watermelon will provide 17% of vitamin A, 21% of vitamin C, 2% of iron and 1% of calcium needs for the day. Watermelon contain citrulline is converted to arginine in your kidneys, and not only is this amino acid important for heart health and maintaining your immune system, but it has been researched to have potential therapeutic value in over 100 health conditions

Do you know watermelon s contain 92% water, so i guess it’s right to put “water” on watermelon. Lovin this in a very hot days as a snack, watermelon can refreshing my mind to get me back 100 percent afterlunch, lol

Any idea using watermelon ???

smoked salmon bruschetta watermelon bacon cheese crispThis is SUNPRIDE watermelon bruchetta with some savoury touch, Lovin the texture of crispy oven toasted baquette bread topped with crisp, sweet and refreshing brightly red watermelon.  I add some salted Beef Bresaola that crisp up priorly and some Hot Smoked Salmon as a topping.  To made the watermelon bruschetta fancy even more, i put some parmigiano reggiano cheese crisp over it and some fresh greeen sweet basil leaves to add color and flavour.

watermelon brucchetta smoked salmon bacon parmigiano reggianno sunpride semangkaDay 5

G. Dragon Fruit

buah naga sunprideSunpride dragon fruit is an extremely beautiful fruit that has dazzling flowers and an intense shape and color. The dragon fruit is usually a dark red color, although some types of this fruit are pink or yellow. The skin of the dragon fruit is a thin rind. The skin is usually covered in scales, and the center of the fruit is made up of a red or white, sweet tasting pulp.

sunpride buah naga dragon fruit smoked scallop

Why Eating Dragon Fruit It’s Important ?

Eat dragon fruit as a good natural source of anti-oxidants which help to prevent the dangers of free radicals which can cause cancer and other undesirable health detriments.The number, quantity, and variety of antioxidants in dragon fruit like  phytoalbumins and flavonoids which are highly valued for their antioxidant properties.

Dragon fruit help to lower blood glucose levels in type 2 diabetes. Studies also suggest that the the glucose found in Dragon fruit aids in controlling the blood sugar level for diabetes patients. Dragon fruit helps in digestion. Because of the richness in fibers, Dragon fruit aids in the digestion of food, Studies also suggest that Dragon fruit promotes the growth of probiotics.

scallops cold smoked appetizer dragon fruit sunpride

I like eating SUNPRIDE dragon fruit for it’s taste and texture. Lovin to made some fancy appetizer with dragon fruit. the tiny black seed on dragon fruit made it fancy for presentation. I served my dragon fruit finger food with some cold smoked scallops and gourmet popcorn shoots.

cold smoked scallops appetizer dragon fruit

H. Kiwi

sunpride golden kiwiSUNPRIDE in collaboration with Zespri Kiwi provided green kiwi and golden yellow kiwi. Golden kiwi got more soft and sweeter flesh compare to the green kiwi, my grandma really lovin it because she cn enjoy it even without her denture,lol

sunpride golden kiwi recipeWhy Easting Kiwi is Important ?

Kiwi got with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, the bright green flesh of the kiwifruit speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad. Packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, the bright green flesh of the kiwifruit speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad. Kiwi can protect DNA in the nucleus of human cells from oxygen-related damage. Since kiwi contains a variety of flavonoids and carotenoids that have demonstrated antioxidant activity, these phytonutrients in kiwi may be responsible for this DNA protection.

Enjoying just a couple of kiwifruit each day may significantly lower your risk for blood clots and reduce the amount of fats (triglycerides) in your blood, therefore helping to protect cardiovascular health.My father is a diabetic patients, kiwi is a very diabetic friendly fruits because kiwi is in the ‘low’  glycemic index, meaning it does not raise your blood sugar quickly. It has a glycemic load of 4 which means it is safe for diabetics.

Any Idea using Kiwi ?

kiwi banana smoothiesI love eating kiwi directly, but i love to have some smoothies too if i got bad mood, lovin to blended golden kiwi with some yogurt and banana then staging it with some choco nutella or hazelnut butter banana smoothies. I add some slices of fresh kiwi and then finish it with some vanilla syrup infused basil seed.

choco banana kiwi smoothies

I .Sunpride Apple

sunpride apel grannysmith apple recipe freshSunpride provide local (Malang apple) and imported apple (Grannysmith etc). Sunpride apple always be packed the best way to ensure the customers got the best quality of apples.

Why Eating Apple is Important ?

Have you heard “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, yes you may but what makes this fruit so special? What health benefits are associated with eating apples?

Eating apple could keep Alzheimer’s away and fight the effects of aging on the brain. Apples are good for neurological health. The fruit contains an antioxidant called “quercetin” which reduces cellular death caused by oxidation and inflammation of neurons. Apples also reduce your blood pressure, prevent galstone, detoxify the liver, boost the immume and also avert the hemorrhoid.

I like to eating apple raw or cooked, mostly on dessert, but if you like apple also contain quercetin  that can be used tp tenderize any tough meatjust like pinneaple or papaya.

Any Idea Using Apples ?

sunpride apel malang pie karamelThis is apple pie using caramel topping and tenpeh flour crust, I also added shredded julienned gouda cheese over the aplle pie.

apple caramel pie civet coffee

apple pie with civet coffee caramel creamDAY 6

J. SUNPRIDE  Pear ( Singo Pear)

sunpride singo pear korea pirSunpride provide three kind of pear; Golden Pear, Singo Pear and Conference Pear Truval. Lovin the size of the pear, which is big and plumply, The texture is crisp with sweet and refreshing taste. The SUNPRIDE pear aslo packed and secured individually with foam net to prevent it frum bruiosing from transporting before handed to the customers, one of the reason that i told you before to trusting SUNPRIDE fruits.

sunpride singo pear

Why Eating Pear is Important ???

One medium-sized pear contains 5.5 grams of fiber toward your daily goal of 21 to 38 grams. When you eat plenty of fiber, your digestive system works the way it’s supposed to. Fiber helps your body absorb the vitamins and minerals from your food. It also helps prevent and relieve constipation and can keep you from developing painful hemorrhoids as well.

For nutritional reasons, we’re often advised to consume the skins of fruits. However, it’s less often that research provides strong evidence in support of this advice. Recent studies have shown that the skin of pears contains at least three to four times as many phenolic phytonutrients as the flesh. These phytonutrients include antioxidant, anti-inflammatory flavonoids, and potentially anti-cancer phytonutrients like cinnamic acids. The skin of the pear has also been show to contain about half of the pear’s total dietary fiber.

Any Idea Using Pear ?


yukhoe korean raw beef pear salad marinade gochujang soy sauce, chili sesame oil pine nuts

yukhoe raw beef tartare tenderloin sousvides asian pear beef salad

This is Yukhoe or Korean Beef Tartare that served with Raw Julienned Singo Pear. The Beef tenderloin is raw but not that raw because it’s priorly “pausterized” in sous vide method using ziplock bag and rice cooker waterbath in controlled temperature.

yukhoe korean raw beef seasoned pear sesame oil garlic saladThis is the same Korean Yukhow or raw beef tenderloin tartare with diced korean singo pear,  gochujang chili sauce, sesame oil, pine nuts, and raw quail egg yolk. The spicy Korean beef tartare also dressed with chopped chili, black sesame seed, crispy garlic, garlic oil, and chives blossom.

pan fried foie gras recipe goose liver wine poached pearsThis is wine poached Conference Pear Truval that served with Pan Fried Foie Gras or Goose Liver with balsamic vinegar glazed that ethically raised.

Day 7

K. Baby Pacitan Orange (Jeruk Baby)

jeruk baby pacitan sunprideThis is Sunpride Baby Orang(Jeruk Baby) or Pacitan Orang, a local product fron Pacitan, East Java. The orange named after baby orange because Indonesian baby can handle this orang sweet taste.

sunpride jeruk baby pacitan manis keprok

Why eating orang is Important ???

Eating an orange a day is a good idea got thousand of reason why,  they are low in calories but full of nutrients, orange promote clear, healthy skin and can help to lower our risk for many diseases and conditions as part of an overall healthy and varied diet.An orange has over 170 different phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoids, many of which have been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties and strong antioxidant effects. One orange provides 130 percent of your vitamin C needs for the day!

Oranges also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium and copper. Because of their high vitamin C content (over twice the daily need) oranges are associated with boosting the immune system. Oranges also contain choline, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids. Choline is an important nutrient found in oranges that helps with sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline also helps to maintain the structure of cellular membranes, aids in the transmission of nerve impulses, assists in the absorption of fat and reduces chronic inflammation. Zeaxanthin and carotenoids have antioxidant effects and have been shown to have an inverse relationship with overall cancer rates and prostate cancer in particular.

Any Idea Using Orange???

Sous vide salmon stuffed with tofu prange lemon sauce with black rice salad chayote shoots winged bean sous vide carrot orange pulp bean sproutLovin to served orange pulp with seafood like seabass, salmon , scallops, lobster, prawn etc. The sweet and tangy refreshing orange can be bursting out like a caviar if you pairing it with savoury dish to create a next level of taste.

salmon orange sauce sous vide salmon fillet stuffed tofu seared trout red rice salad chayote shoots sprout

sous vide salmon recipe orange lemon sauce tangy trout rolled stuffed salmon tofuLovin to make an orange sauce for salmon like the picture of my Rolled Salmon Stuffed with Bean CuredBeside using the orange in a sauce, you can use it as a marinade because the acid can be tenderized any tough meat too.

L. Grape

anggur sunpride red globe grapeGrapes make a great snack and can also be used to make juices, desserts, salads and main dishes. These versatile fruits provide a number of essential nutrients and their phytochemicals may provide the health benefits of potentially lowering your risk for heart disease and cancer, although further research is needed to verify these positive effects, according to the American Cancer Society.

Why Eating Grape is Important ?

Grapes contain powerful antioxidants known as polyphenols, which may slow or prevent many types of cancer, including esophageal, lung, mouth, pharynx, endometrial, pancreatic, prostate and colon. The flavonoid quercetin in grape  is a natural anti-inflammatory that appears to reduce the risk of 
atherosclerosis and protect against the damage caused by low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol.

Any Idea Using Grape

recipe eel fillet rolled sous vide fish stuffed chorizo mashed purple yam, carrot balsamic reduction micro herbs bottarga crusted fish fillet
Bottarga Crusted Saffron Infused Eel Fish Fillet Rollade Sous Vide with Spanich Chorizo, Basil and Cheese Stuffing, Served with Mashed Purple Yam, Sous Vide Carrot, Beluga Caviar and Balsamic Reduction. The fillet of swamp eel stuffed and rolled then packed with lemon juice, spices & extra virgin olive oil, vaccum packed in ziplock then slowly cooked until tender and succulent in a low temperature beer cooler waterbath (about 40-42°C) for 45 minutes, drained from the bag and rolled in grated bottarga then seared with blow torch until the bottarga crust got toasted and slighly browned in all surfaces and then served with tangy Homemade Balsamic Vinegar Reduction.
sous vide eel fillet rolled fish fillet stuffed saffron chorizo bottarga crusted
rolled fish fillet eel recipe fish fillet sous vide roll stuffed chorizo cheese basil slow cooked
This is just the part of my 7 Days Fruit Diary with SUNPRIDE INDONESIA, So far, my fruitarian diary with SUNPRIDE is quite good, in the past 3 months i can constantly and slowly  reduced my weight without feeling starving because i had SUNPRIDE fruits everyday. I felt more energetic like never before, performing several teeth extraction surgery is not made me lose my breath no more.


Have your own fruitatarian journey with SUNPRIDE FRUITS INDONESIA

Hot Smoked Mackerel Pike Fish (Sanma or Pacific Saury Fish) with Japanese Sansho Peppercorn

smoked mackerel fish sanma fish mackerel pike sansho pepper pacific saury boneless fillet hot smokeHot Smoked Mackerel Pike with Sansho Peppercorn Seasoning.Very fresh mackerel pike fish or sanma or pacific saury fish butterflied from the belly side, cured with Japanese sansho pepper then hot smoked grill using indirect smoke heat from charcoal grill. Simple method bring a cheap fish into the next level of taste.

smoked mackerel fish hot smoke grill mackerel pacific saury pike mackerel sanmarecipeMackerel Pike or Sanma (Pacific Saury) is a poor man’s salmon fish, simply because it’s delicious, loaded with nutritional value and also cheap. One serving of mackerel pike or sanma (100 gr) cooked in dry heat cooking like  grilled or baked contains 1400 mg DHA, while in the same amount (100 gr) of grilled farmed atlantic salmon contains about 1500 mg DHA, So the  nutritional amino acid od sanma fish is slighly lower than salmon fish, what a great deal!!! Sanma fish is the best option for baby food for brain and nerve tissues development. Sanma fish  it’s much more cheaper than regular salmon while the DHA is slighly lower than the salmon. Sanma fish is a very good choice for feeding the adolesences and toddlers.

recipe hot smoked mackerel fish fillet pacific saury japanese sanma pike mackarel Making hot smoked mackerel pike fish is begin with the selection of the fish first; make sure  you choose the the fresh fish as possible. Check the fish is smells fresh, the gills is still dark red, the eyes is clear and the meat texture is bouchy (bounch back when you gently pressed it with fingers), if one of this criteria jeopredized, throw it away because it’s not good for you. Any kind of fish suitable for this hot smoking recipe, so be experimental about it and feel free using your local fish product.

recipe hot smoked mackerel pike sanma pacific saury fish recipeMackerel Pike is quite bony fish, so i guess it’s better be deboned before hot smoked. To filet or remove any bones from the mackerel fish, first you made insicion in the middle of the belly, remove the innard. Carefully cut the mackerel back bone from the middle of the viscera, as close as possible to the bone to save the meat then cut away the backbone and left the tail behind for presentation. You can see the instruction how to butterfly the roundfish from the belly side

how fillet mackerel remove bone fillet sanma fish butterflied round fich pacifuc saury fillet recipeThe ribs bone and some of the tiny bones in the middle of the mackerel pike fish filet can be removed with plier. I like my smoked mackerel fish fillet attached with it’s tail and head because hot smoking made it crisp and delicious. Do not throw away the backbone because you can seasoned it then Deep Fried Fish Back Bone and have your extra little snack.

smoked mackerel fish grilled pike mackerel sanma japanese pacific saury sansho pepperI love smokey flavour, one of the comforting zone for me. Smoked mackerel is one of the oldest way to preserved extra harvest in the season. A number of wood smoke compounds act as preservatives. Phenol and other phenolic compounds in wood smoke are both antioxidants alongside other formaldehyde, acetic acid, and other organic acids,, which slow rancidification of animal fats, and antimicrobials, which slow bacterial growth.

recipe hot smoked mackerel sanma fish sansho pepper smoked pike mackerel fish pacific sauryMaking hot smoked fish is easy, after you clean and debones the fish fillet, seasonen and cured then dry the surface, now  you need to inisiate the fire first and let the block of dry wood turned into charcoal first.  Never let the fire had any contact with the meat you want to hot smoked, not grilled or barbequed the fish so you should keep enough distance beetween the fish fillet with the firing wood.

how smoked mackerel fish wood chips hot smoked sardine fish bonelesssanma fish sansho peppercorn japanese pike mackerel hot smoked pacific saury fish fillet boneless - CopyYou want to hot smoked fish, so keep the distance beetween the fire and smoking agent to the metal rack for hanging the mackerel fish. Once the wood turend into red charcoal, you can put it in the smoking chamber or a simple grill  like me.  Put the mackerel fish fillet in a metal net with at least 25 inches from the charcoal, you want the smoke that cooked the mackerel fish, not the direct heat from the charcoal.

hot smoked mackerel fish grilled smoke sanma recipeNow we smoking the mackerel fish fillet, once your charcoal is ready and nicely firing out, now let’s begin  to make the smoke, shall we ??? After the charcoal is firing out, you need to put smoke agent like soaked wood chips over the charcoal to let the smoke start generated. The other method to generate smoke is using fresh green leaves by laying it over the charcoal and let the smoke coming by to cooked the mackerel fish.

recipe mackerel fish hot smoked pike mackarel samna pacific saury grill wood chips

Hot smoking fish process is between 165 and 185 Fahrenheit (73-85C) and this temperature is definitely cooked the fish. Hot smoking exposes the foods to smoke and heat in a controlled environment. Although mackerel fish that have been hot smoked are often reheated or cooked, they are typically safe to eat without further cooking. Within this temperature range, fish are fully cooked, moist, and flavorful, if you let the temperature raised more than 185 °F (85 °C), the smoked fish will shrink excessively, buckle or even burned.

hot smoked fish fillet mackerel pike pacific saury sanma

 Hot Smoked Mackerel Pike Fish (Sanma) Recipe:

  • 2 large Mackerel Pike Fish, Sanma or Pacific Saury Fish, gutted, cleaned, patted dry, set aside
  • Curing for Mackerel Pike Fish : salt, sugar, white pepper & sansho peppercorn powder
  • wood block, for making charcoal (you can use charcoal )
  • woodchips, soaked in water for 10 minutes for generate the smoke

How to Make Hot Smoked Mackerel Pike Fish (Sanma):

  • Cut open the sanma fish stomach and take out the guts
  • Wash the sanma fish under a cold  running water, rub  and clean the reddish black part in the center of the cavity  below the back bone
  • Butterfly the fish from the belly and revove the pin bones with clean tweezer or pliers, you can see the instruction how to butterfly the roundfish from the belly side
  • Pat dry the excess moisture using kitchen paper
  • Mix the mackerel pike fish fillet with the curing ingredient, let it rest in fridge for at least 12 hours, discard the dripping liquid, patted dry.
  • Once the mackerel pike fish is already cured, the texture will be firmer and the color turned darker
  • Hung or exposed the meat with cured mackerel pike fish fillet, let the it the outside layer form a dry pellicle before hot smoking process
  • Meanwhile, fire the wood block or charcoal until ready, put the wire netat least 45 inches above the charcoal, so the direct heat won’t too much contact the mackerel pike fish (you want the heat of the smoke touch the mackerel fillet)
  • Scatter the soaked woodchips or sawdust, springkle with a little bit of water if necessary, let the smoke released
  • Put the mackerel pike fish fillet above the wire net, do not overloded and kept some space beetween the meat so the heat of the smoke have a greater contact with the fish
  • Keep the heat constant, let the smoke generate gently, ass more soaked wooodchips if necessary and cooked the meat until dry and the internal temperature reach 160 F (70 C), it takes above 20-30 minutes for 1 inch thickness mackerel fillet with gentle heat hot smoke

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Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan & W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla (Sticky Rice with Coconut Milk Custard)

ketan srikaya glutinous rice pandan coconut milk custard pudding sticky rice puding santan pulutKetan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis PandanFla Vanilla W’dank Bajigur, a lovely Takjil W’dank Bajigur dessert from Palembang which derived from Srivijaya-Malay cuisine. Ketan means glutinous rice and srikaya or srikayo or sometimes also called sarikaya means coconut milk custard, so ketan srikaya is savoury glutinous rice pudding topped with sweet custard made of egg yolk and coconut milk. Srikaya is coconut custard usually flavoured with pandan leaves extract to give a nice green color & distinct pandan fragrance.

takjil wedank bajigurKetan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan is participating in blogging competition #TakjilWDankBajigur held by W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari. Glutinous rice  that priorly cooked with salt and coconut milk topped with coconut cream custard is definitely suits for my Moslem friend to recharge the body energy after more than 12 Hours of fasting.

glutinous rice coconut milk custard ketan srikaya coco cream vanila sauce pandan custard bajigur wedang nutrisari w'dankKetan sarikaya usually served in festive occation like wedding ceremony and also as a takdjil or break fasting dessert in the Ramadhan or Moslem fasting month here in Palembang. Ketan srikaya even one of the hantaran or a staple gift that given by the groom’s family to the bride’s family before the traditional Palembangnese wedding ceremony held.

ketan srikaya sticky rice pudding coconut milk custard wedank bajigur nutisari vanilla sauceresep ketan srikaya w'dank bajigur resep takjilKetan Srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan is my creation, instead using traditional pandan flavoured for ketan sarikaya, i also infused Wedang bajigur into the custard, so the custard had two different flavour; wedang  bajigur and pandan which is combined very well into upscale comforting duo. The fla also made from W’dank Bajigur that i’m infused with some genuine Indonesian vanilla bean.

ketan srikaya sticky rice topped coconut milk custard pandan wedang bajigur vanilla fla sauce w'dank nutrisariMy Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan served with W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla. My srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur custard is had two different color, the green is consist pandan extract flavour and the brown one contain W’dank bajigur. I try to layered the pandan and bajigur custard for a presentation purpose, you can create your own invention; marbled, overlapping or what ever technique you want, even you can pour it all the way as you wish.

ketan srikaya palembnag sticky rice pudding coconut milk custard saus wedang bajigur vanillaThe glutinous rice or sticky rice for the base or coconut cream custard usually savoury. The sticky rice cooked in thin coconut milk or santan with addition some salt to improved the taste. So the glutinous rice base for ketan srikaya Takjil W’dank Bajigur  cooked into slighly cooked first before flatened and pressed into the steaming mold for making ketan srikaya.

Nutrisari Wedang Bajigur w'dank indonesian traditional pandan santan coconut milk drinkNutrisari W’dank Bajigur launched on may 2013 to promoting the Indonesia traditional hot baverages in a sachet, simply to let the customer easier to access and made it what ever and when ever they want.Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur  is the brand  of modern healthy instant wedang bajigur drink that achived Cultural Award from Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia for preserving and promoting Indonesian Tradition and Cultures.What i really love the most about Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur, it’s LESS CALORIES then regular beverages, so don’t bother of it’s gonna ruined your perfect body image. Once pack of Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur contain only 80 kcal compare to the other junk beverages with tons of preservatives and other things you won’t known about which also contain double amount of calories then Nutrisari W’dank Bajigur.

vanilla bean coconut fla wedang bajigur nutrisari w'dankThis is the vanilla bean bajigur fla made of W’dank Bajigur. I made the bajigur vanilla fla using genuine Papua Island organic vanilla bean that i dissolved with water, W’dank bajigur and some maizena, simmer with a very gentle stove until slighly bubbly and thicken a little bit. The W’dank Bajigur vanilla sauce then ready to served with the Ketan srikaya once it chilled in the refrigerator.

coconut custard brulee blowtorch caramel sugar coco cream custard ketan srikaya pandanWant to upgrade the ketan srikaya ??? i put caster sugar over the the coconut milk custard then blowtorched it until caramelized and turn into browned and slighly burnt caramel crust. This simple cream brulee method made the coconut custard fancy and delicious even more, the burnt caramel give extra crisp texture into the ketan srikaya.

Sticky rice coconut pandan milk custard glutinous rice ketan srikaya puding wedank bajigur nutrisariThis is coconut cream creme brule with pandan and bajigur flavour.  Crème brûlée also known as burnt cream, crema catalana, or Trinity cream is a dessert consisting of a rich custard base topped with a contrasting layer of hard caramel. This torched caramel brulee coconut custard cream & glutinous rice puding is best served chilled.

coconut milk custard pandan caramel creme brule ketan srikaya wedank bajigur

I love savoury sweet on my dessert, so i also add some fine grain salt when i put the caster sgar before i blowtorch it until it caramelized. the interaction of salt and caramel is amazing, more than umami, salted caramel over ketan srikaya a.k.a coconut cream with pandan and bajigur flavoured custard is totally worth the effort!!!

pandan coconut milk custard sticky rice puding glutinous rice cream brulee caramel topping blowtorchThe key to make this smooth and silky coconut custard is the temperature of the steaming, use gentle medium flames as the custard set and cooked slowly. Too high heat will made the coconut custrd expand and let the water contest expelled from the stable custard and turned ito spongy and bubbly custard which had not nice texture. Also do not forget some cloth to cover the steamer to prevent the water dripping ruining your cucunot custard.

coconut custard pandan creme brule sticky rice pudding blowtorch caramel castor sugar

resep ketan srikaya pandan wedang bajigurSAVETY PRECAUTION!!!

You need to know about any food ingredients before you try to cooked it. W’dank bajigur contain Aspartam, aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener used in foods and beverages in more than 90 countries around the world, so Aspartam is TOTALY SAVETY for FOOD. The deal about aspartam is when you want to cooked it using heat, DO NOT COOK or HEATED ASPARTAM OVER 100ºC !!!

Dr. Roberts states in his book, Aspartame Is it Safe? said that exposing aspartam in prolonged high heat (MORE 100ºC) will  derived Diketopiperazine, a toxic metabolite that you don’t wanna know about, but the point this is bad for your health. beside, cooking aspartam too long resulting in a loss of sweetness, therefore, aspartame is not recommended for use in recipes requiring lengthy heating. It may, however, be added at the end of the cooking cycle in some recipes. SO you ONLY CAN WET COOKING ASPARTAM like Boiling, Steaming, Poaching,  and i’m NOT RECOMMENDED DRY COOKING ASPARTAM (conducted heat more than 100ºC) like baking, deep frying or grilling.

ketan srikaya sticky rice topped coconut milk custard pandan wedang bajigur vanilla fla sauce w'dank nutrisari

Recipe Ketan Srikaya Pandan W’dank Bajigur (Glutinous Rice with Coconut Milk Custard Recipe)

Ingredients :

A. Sticky Rice Layer

  • 300 gr glutinous rice/sweet rice, soaked for 1 hour, drained
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • 1 pandan leaves, tide a knot

B. Pandan Srikaya Custard (Green Layer)

  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 2 tbsp sweet condensed milk
  • 1 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • salt to taste
  • organic pandan leaves extract

C. W’dank Bajigur Srikaya Custard (Brown Layer)

  • 2 Sachets W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari
  • 3 egg yolk
  • 1/2 cup castor sugar
  • 1 tbsp all purpose flour
  • 2 tbsp sweet condensed milk
  • 150 ml coconut milk
  • salt to taste

Directions :

A. How to Cooking Glutinous Rice

  1. Steam rice until half-cooked. Remove from steamer. Set aside.
  2. Mix coconut milk, salt and pandan leaf, stir well, bring to a boil. Remove from heat.
  3. Add coconut milk to the half-cooked rice. Stir until absorbed.
  4. Put the rice sticky back on the steamer. Steam for 30 minutes unti nearly done and cooked.

B. Mixing Coconut Custard

  1. In a separated bowl for the pandan and bajigur custard, mix all the coconut milk custard ingredients, you can processed it in the blender too to prevent any lump
  2. Sieve the coconut in a siever, set aside

C. Making the Pandan & Bajigur Ketan Srikaya

  1. Preheat the steamed in a medium heat, put some cloth to prefent the dripping water drop into the custard batch
  2. Put the cooked glutinous rice in the bottom of heatproof ramekin bowl, condensed it then pierced with fork a little bit in the middle to make the custard sticking well over the glutinous rice.
  3. Pour a quarter part of the pandan custard (A) then cover it to steam for about 3 minutes until the custard is set, then pour another quarter part of the W’dank Bajigur custard (B), let it steam for another 3 minutes and so on until all the custard set
  4. Chill and refrigerate the Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan, served with W’dank Bajigur Vanilla fla.

Recipe W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla:


  • 2 Sachets of W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari
  • 300 ml water
  • 1 tbsp corn flour
  • 1 vanilla bean, scrapped

How to Make W’dank Bajigur Vanilla Fla:

  1. Whisk W’dank Bajigur Nutrisari,vanilla bean,  water and cornflour in a mixing bown until smooth and no lump
  2. Put the mixture into heavy bottom sauce pan, simmer down with very gentle heat, keep stirring
  3. Once the fla mixture is slighly bubbly and thicken, turn off the heat and transfer the fla to refrigerator to chill
  4. Swrved the W’dank BajigurVanilla Fla with Ketan Srikaya W’dank Bajigur Lapis Pandan


Recipe Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

recipe beef confit recipe how to braised beef brisket in duck fat fork tender melted confit poitrine de boeuf

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

Beef Brisket Confit Served with Gravy, Sauteed Spring Vegetables & Popcorn Shoots. A chunky single portion of beef brisket, cured or seasoned with spices then cooked ala confit using duck fat and rice cooker for 24 hours then flash seared with blowtorch flames. The result of perfectly cooked beef confit method is obviously the most moist, fork tender &  renderred beef brisket you can imagine.

Recipe beef confit sauteed vetetables gravy french style blowtorch seared beef

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

confit de boeuf poitrine  Beef brisket confit duck fat recipe

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

Confit (pronounced “con-fee”) is a classic of French culinary method of cooking for various kinds of food that have been submerged in oil or animal fat for both flavour and preservation. Sealed and stored in a cool place, confit can last for several months. Confit is one of the oldest ways to preserve food, and is a speciality of southwestern France.

Confit beef brisket in duck fat tender meat gravy sauteed spring vegetables gourmet popcorn shoots microgreen sweet corn

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

confit de boeuf beef brisket confit french recipe

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

Beef confit  maybe not as popular as duck confit (confit de canard) or goose confit (confit d’oie), but any kind of meat can be prepared this way; chicken, pork, seafood etc, you named it. This far i’ve made Homemade Goose Confit, Homemade Duck Confit , Homemade Turkey Leg Confit & Homemade Crayfish Confit, i even made Homemade Quail Confit with very tough egg laying quail that not raised for it’s meat and yet it resulting  a fork tender, moist and delicious quail meat i’ve ever taste compare to other coventional cooking method. So, the toughest the meat the better for confit cooking.

confit beef sauteed vegetabes bell pepper eggplant carrot chayote pumpkin brown gravy sauce

Perfectly cooked Beef Brisket Confit; Moist, Fork Tender & Delicious!

beef confit duck fat slow cooked beef brisket rice cooker

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf with Rice Cooker

CONFIT is NOT DEEP FRYING, that’s the basic information you had to know first. The difference beetween CONFIT & DEEP FRYING it the TEMPERATURE;  confit done in 70-90ºC while deep frying in much higher temperature than confit (about 170ºC). COnfit most likely using animal fat (mostly duck), but these day people even used vegetables oil and even some infused oil. Beef confit is best done in 65-90ºC duck fat, the rules of making beef confit is simple, simply completely submerged marinated or cured beef brisket in 90ºC rendered duck fat for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours minutes depending the size and the toughness of the beef confit, the lower the oil temperature the longer the period of confit cooking. Try my method of making beef cooking using rice cooker (or slow cooker), simply put tconfit the beef brisket in 90ºC (very gentle simmmer) for about 30 minutes or so then finished confit the beef brisket it in the rice cooker or slow cooker for another 12 to 24 hours.

Confit Beef Brisket recipe poitrine de boeuf gravy sauce sauteed begetables using rice cooker

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

Beef Confit tender meat brisket slow cooked in duck fat oil

Moist, Tender &  Succulent Beef Brisket Confit

If you want to make beef confit, DO NOT LET THE CONFIT BATCH BOILING, make sure it’s very gentle simmer and only one tiny bubbles comes out once at a time. If you let the beef confit batch boiling or you simply want to rushed the cooking process you will ruined your beef confit and resulting a dry, tough and very flaky meat.  Boiling confit batch oil temperature made the natural juice or water content in the beef meat boiled and evaporates, thus made the beef confit meat dried and tough even more. The oil or fat temperature for making beef confit is just enough to break down the beef meat collagen into gelatine without much drying (boiling) the water contents on it. So, basicaly the temperature and the period is the difference of deep frying and confit, confit is prolonged cooking in oil in a low temperature while deep frying is flashed dehydration cooking in oil in a high temperature.

confit poitrine de boeuf beef brisket duck fat oil served with sauteed spring vegetables gravy

Confit Poitrine de Beouf

Confit Poitrine de Beouf is the French name for the beef brisket confit. Traditionaly, beef confit is served during the winter because human body need more fat in our daily diet intake to encounter the cold climates. Beef confit can be served many ways, usually with simple carbs like mashed potato or mashed celeriac, but it’s common to to served beef confit with tender stewed navy bean like the way i served my Braised Lamb Shank.  many people also concern about the duck fat that used in confit, my sister even colled me insane simply judging the ammout of rendered duck fat i’m using thou, never mind!. You should know that DUCK FAT is HEALTHY FAT, packed with many mono unsaturated fatty acid that actually keep you away from any cardiovascular disease. Even the rendered duck fat is healthy, doesn’t mean it didn’t contain high calories, so be wise for what you eat, i recommended that confit dish is served once or twice a week maximum.

recipe confit beef brisket popcorn shoots microgreen yellow sweet corn sauteed vegetables gravy

Confit Poitrine de Beouf

Now shall we make the beef brisket confit ?

recipe confit beef brisket rice cooker duck fat slow cooked cured beef cured seasoning

Beef Brisket Confit in Duck Fat Using Rice Cooker

First, rubbed the beef brisket with salt, herbs and spices then then refrigerated for up to 24 hours, do not forget to cover it with plastic cling wrap or even better vaccom packed it to prevent oxidation and discoloritsation. Salt-curing the beef meat prior to confit cooking acts as a preservative and flavour infusion. Prior to cooking, the spices are rinsed from the cured beef meat, which is then patted dry. The meat is placed in a cooking dish deep enough to contain the meat and the rendered duck  fat, bring it to 90 C and let it gently simmer for about 30 minutes then placed in a rice cooker container and finished to confit the beef brisket for another 24 hours. Once again, when you simmer the cured beef brisket,  the confit batch should not be hard boiling, but only very gently little bubbles once at a time allowed.

blowtorch seared beef confit de beouf pan fried seared beef cooked in oil

Searing the Beef Brisket Confit with Blowtorch

The beef confit is done in one more important step; searing. You can heat up about 1 tablespoon of duck fat in a pan and heai it up until slighly smokey. Carefully browned and seared the tender beef confit with the fat cap side down first until the beef fat is rendered  golden brown first then finished to seared the beef brisket confit all over. I like to sear my beef brisket confit with blowtorch, way more efficient and easy to do. You can served the beef confit with gravy and anything you want.

how to confit beef brisket de boeuf confit with duck fat oil served with spring vegtables gravy

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

French recipe beef confit poitrine de boeuf recipe

Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf, Served with Sauteed Spring Vegetables, Gravy & Popcorn Shoots

Sauteed spring vegetablest that i paired for serving the beef brisket confit is very simple. I cut eggplant, chayote, pumpkin, celery, red bell pepper, green jalapeno pepper & some carrot into bite pieces then sauteed until slighly browned with the duck fat from the beef confit. Without adding any broth i had quite strong beefy flavour infusion from the duck fat itself.

popcorn shoot corn sprout microgreen sweet corn yellow baby popcorm shoots

Popcorn Shoots or Microgreen Sweet Popcorn: Tender, Crisp, Sweet & Refreshing Delicacy!

This is popcorn shoots or microgreen sweet popcorn  that i’m using a as a garnish for serving my beef brisket confit. Popcorn shoots is simpy made made like conventional planting, but WITHOUT any sunlight exposure what so ever. The yellowish popcorn shoots is tender, sweet and taste amazing, like delicate raw sweet corn. Popcorn shoots is considered as a pricey gourmet food ingredients, so i guess home grown popcorn shoots is worth the effort.

beef brisket confit de boeuf tender moist meat fork flaky gravy sauteed vegtables

Recipe Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf

Recipe Beef Brisket Confit Poitrine de Beouf :


  • 1 kg Beef Brisket, cut into 4 equally portion (250 gr each)
  • 3 cloves garlic, finely choped
  • 3 sprigs thyme, roughly chopped
  • 1 sprig of rosemarry, roughly chopped
  • 1/2 tbsp whole juniper berries, crushed
  • 1 tsp freshly grounded black pepper
  • salt & peppercorn to taste
  • 2 tbsp smoked paprika powder#optional
  • 1 tbp powdered bbq seasoning#optional
  • 6 red chilies pepper, finely chopped#optional
  • 10 cups (2 L) rendered duck fat
How to Make Beef Brisket Confit:
  • Mix salt, garlic, thyme, rosemarry and the rest of the seasoning together, spread evenly over the beef brisket, wrapped it with cling wrap or vaccum packed it to prevent oxidation and discoloration, marinate it overnight.
  • Rinse off marinade from the beef brisket gently, you want some of the spices remaining stick in the beef brisket, dust with extra peppercorn powder if needed
  • Cover the beef brisket with duck fat in a sauce pan and bring it to 90 C or very gentle simmer and only tiny little bubbles comes out once at a time, let it confit for about 30 minutes
  • Transfer the duck fat and the marinated beef confit batch into  a rice cooker ot slow cooker container,  cover and let the beef confit finished for another 12 to 24 hours.
  • Once the beef brisket confit is fork tender, pat it dry (you can refrigerate the whole beef confit batch to make it more easy to remove the beef confit from the duck fat)
  • Pan fried the fat cap  beef brisket confit until crisp and browned or seared it with blowtocrh, served the beef brisket confit with sauteed summer vegetables

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Salmon Marinated in Saffron Curry (Sous Vide) Served with Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Spicy Vegetables Curry)

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Salmon Marinated in Safrron Curry with Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Vegetables Curry with Chayote, Green papaya, Pumpkin & Chayote Shoots)

Salmon with Spicy Saffron Curry over Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Spicy Vegetables Curry). Filet of Norwegian salmon fish, marinated in coconut curry spice paste with saffron, slowly cooked in low temperature sous vide waterbath than served in a bed of vegetables curry.  This is a healthy, tasty and elegant salmon dish, packed with bursting flavour, contain high protein, fibers and nutritional values. If you want the salmon fish & vegetables curry contain less calories you can use skim milk or less fat yogurt instead of coconut milk or cream for it.

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Salmon with Saffron Curry, Served in a Bed of Spicy Vegetables Curry

Saffron with Salmon Fillet, hmm Saffron made everything cooked with it more delish and fancy right ? so saffron and salmon isn’t it’s sounds tempting already ?  The saffron curry paste for marinating the salmon fish is similiar with my Indonesian Beef Rendang spice paste, but i replacing the turmeric with saffron thread. Using genuine Spanish saffron for my salmon fillet curry sous vide bring the simple dish to the next level of taste.

genuine spanish saffron recipe

Genuine Saffron Saffron for Best Color & Fragrance

salmon saffron curry sous vide recipe trout salmon fillet marinated beer cooler waterbath

Salmon Sous Vide with Georgeous Spanish Saffron Curry Paste

I’m using beer cooler & ziplock bag for my sousvideurried salmon fillet, just like my previously Sous Vide Eel Fillet Recipe and Sous Vide Salmon Fillet Stuffed with Tofu Curd Recipe. Instead of beer cooler, any kind of heat insulating chamber is good to go for sous vide fish fillet; thermos, dewar flask or vacuum flask, as long the chamber is big enought to completely submerging the entire salmon fish fillet and also mantaining the waterbath temperature for extended periods of time.

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Sous Vide Salmon Fillet Saffron Curry

Sous-vide is French term for “under vacuum”, a method of cooking food sealed in airtight plastic bags in a water bathor in a temperature-controlled steam environment for longer than normal cooking times for up to 96 hours, in some cases; at an accurately regulated temperature much lower than normally used for cooking, typically around 40°C (104 F) t0 45°C (113 F) for fish,  50°C (131 F) to 60°C (140 F) for meats and higher for vegetables.

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Curried Salmon Fillet Sous Vide with Saffron & Spicy Vegetables Curry

Sous vide salmon curry or other fish fillet with beer cooler is a very simple; simply fill up your beer cooler with water just a couple degrees higher than the temperature you’d like to cook your food at (to account for temperature loss when you add cold food to it), seal your food in a plastic ziplock bag, drop it into the beer cooler waterbath, and close your beer cooler until your food is cooked. You can simply adjust the temperature to your preference with hot water after the waterbath temperature drop about (1-2)°C after 20 minutes soaking your salmon fillet, that’s why it’s better you use a good insulating beer cooler. Yup, it is that simple!!!

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Salmon Marinated in Saffron Curry & Vegetabled Curry

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Salmon Marinated in Safrron Curry with Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Vegetables Curry with Chayote, Tofu, Tempeh, Green Bean, Green Papaya, Pumpkin & Chayote Shoots)

The best ingredients for low temperature sous vide salmon is sashimi grade salmon or vaccumed packed and flash frozen salmon fillet because the low temperature waterbath (40-50C) in sous vide method won’t killed all kind bacteria spores or parasit, especially this salmon fillet served in mi cuit or french style half cooked, so i suggest this low temparature salmon sous vide should never be served to immune compromised individuals like baby, elderly or pregnant woman. like i mention before, low temperature cooked salmon need prolonged period of cooking, so it won’t reach the savety zone without compromising the texture into mushy mess.

salmon curry sous vide beer cooler recipe saffron marinated coconut milk curried trout fish fillet

Barely Cooked Salmon Saffron Curry “mi cuit” or “half cooked” in French

The salmon fish fillet saffron curry cooked in 45°Celcius beer cooler waterbath for 45 to 60 minutes maximum until it mi cuit or French style “half cooked” salmon with succulent, tender and a little bit flaky. Loot at the color of the saffron curry marinated salmon fillet above, it’s moist, orange and barely cooked. The sous vide method retains the salmon fillet vibrant orange color, its briny juices, and produces a soft texture and nothing like tough, dry, greyish, and flaky fish in agressive high heat traditional cooking.

salmon spicy coconut curry saffron chili turmeric

Salmon curry saffron sous vide chayote shoots curry sayur lodeh

Georgeous Vibrant Yellowish Orange Color of Low Temperature Sous Vide Salmon in Saffron Curry Paste

Never cooked the salmon fillet in sous vide low temperature waterbath more than 60 minutes because it will compromised the salmon texture into mushy and losen it’s succulent texture. The maximum temperature for cooking salmon in sous vide is about 55°C because higher temperature will be contract and expelled the water content within the fish flesh and made the salmon become dry and too flaky.

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Crispy & Crackling Pan Fried Salmon Skin

I fried the salmon skin until crispy and crackling. To make a stunning presentation of straight fried crispy salmon skin is easy, first you should have a scalled salmon skin and a non stick fry pan. Heat a little bit avocado oil on non sticky pan than seared the scale side down of the salmon skin, just before the salmon skin wringkled, i put some flat heavy goods (porcelain ramekin, small caseroll, etc) over the salmon skin to press the skin down and prevent it wringkled. Let the salmon skin pan fried slowly until crispy with a very gentle heat. Don’t forget to spray some oil too on the surface of the heavy thing you put over the salmon skin to prevent the skin sticking. Once the salmon skin scales side is crispy, you need to flip it out and finish to crisp up the other side.

spicy curried salmon fillet saffron chili turmeric coconut milk marinated trout fish fillet sous vide

Salmon Sous Vide with Sayur Lodeh Pedas

Sayur lodeh is an Indonesian vegetables in coconut milk curry, a herritage of Javanese cuisine. The coomon vegetables for sayur lodeh ingredients are young green jackfruit, eggplant, chayote, melinjo beans, pete or green stinky beans and leafs, long beans, green chili pepper, tofu and tempeh, which cooked in pale white coconut milk soups. This sous vide salmon curry served with sayur lodeh vegetables curry inspired by Chef Degan from  Letter D Cuisine & Bar Jakarta, he served the sous vide salmon mi cuit in a bed of white curried sayur lodeh and then served with some culinary foam made of the sayur lodeh broth.

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SalmonSous Vide with Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Vegetables Curry with Chayote, Tofu, Tempeh, Green Bean, Green Papaya, Pumpkin & Chayote Shoots)

My sayur lodeh pedas consist my absolute comfort vegetables with is chayote, chayote shoots and pumkin. I also add some diced young green papaya on it. The spice paste for sayur lodeh recipe contain shallot, garlic, candlenut, coriander, kencur or sand ginger powder, dried shrimp paste, salt and sugar. The redish-yellowish sayur lodeh is made with ground turmeric (or saffron) and chillies pepper , that’s why the additional name pedas or “hot” derived from.

salmon spicy curry with chili saffron turmeric chayote long bean pumpkin shoots

Recipe Salmon Fillet Saffron Curry (Sous Vide with Beer Cooler & Ziplock Bag), Served with Sayur Lodeh Pedas

Recipe Salmon Fillet Saffron Curry (Sous Vide with Beer Cooler & Ziplock Bag) :

  • 1 Pound (500 gr) skinless salmon fillet, cut into 2 portion
  • 1 tbsp saffron curry spice paste (the spice paste recipe HERE)
  • 1/4 gram genuine Spanish saffron, crushed with mortar & pestle a little bit
  • 1/2 tbsp kaffir lime juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 30 ml extra virgin olive oil
  • Ziplock plastic bag

Garnish : Poached chayote shoots, crispy salmon skin & confit cherry tomato

How to Make Sous Vide Salmon with Saffron Curry Paste:

  • Season the salmon fillet  generously with kaffir lime juice, saffron curry paste, salt, and pepper, rubbed the seasoning and let it sit marinated in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  • Springkle some more genuine Spanish saffron until it covering the salmon fillet generously
  • Put the saffron curry marinated salmon fillet in a ziplock bag and then pour the olive oil
  • Submerged the ziplock bag in the water partially to pushed the air out ouf it.
  • Secure the ziplock seal once the air removed from the bag
  • Place ziplock packed saffron seasoned salmon fillet  in the preheated beer cooler  waterbath in 45°C (i assume the temperature will drop to 40C after a couple minutes the salmon fish added)
  • Let it sit in the waterbath for 1 hours, put some weight to let the bag completely submerged.
  • Take away the sous vide salmonfish fillet bag from the beer cooler waterbath, set aside until it reach room temperature
  • Pop out the sous vide salmon fish fillet from the ziplock bag, patted dry a little bit, keep it warm until served
  • Served the the Saffron Curry Marinated Salmon Fillet Sous Vide with Sayur Lodeh.

Sayur Lodeh Pedas Recipe (Indonesian Spicy Curried Vegetables)


  • 1 tbsp vegetables oil
  • 1 cup diced chayote
  • 1 cup chayote shoots
  • 1 cup diced tofu
  • 1 cup diced tempeh (optional)
  • 1 cup green bean (cut into 3 cm )
  • 1 cup diced young green papaya
  • 200 ml coconut milk
  • 1 L chicken or vegetables stock
  • 1 dried Indonesian bay leaves (daun salam)
  • 400ml can coconut milk
  • 1 lemongrass, bruised
  • 1 tbsp palm sugar

Sayur Lodeh Spice Paste:

  • 6 cloves red shallots
  • 3 cloves ginger
  • 1 tsp corriander
  • 3 red chilies pepper
  • 1/4 tbsp cumin
  • 3 cm turmeric
  • 3 cm galanggal

How to Make Sayur Lodeh Pedas (Indonesian Spicy Curried Vegetables)

  • Heat up the vegetable oil in a wok pan, saute the spic paste until fragrance
  • Put the lemongrass & bay leaves into the spice paste and continue to stir another 2 minutes
  • Pour the vegetables broth, the coconut milk, tofu, tempeh and the rest of the vegetables (except the chayote shoots) into the pan
  • Boil and simmper until the vegetables in throughly coked & tender
  • Just before serving, add the chayote shoots and heat a little bit unil it cooked
  • Served the Sayur Lodeh Pedas with Sous Vide Salmon Fillet Marinated in Saffron Curry Paste

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