Peanut Crusted Roasted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter

stuffed beef terderloin spinach mozarella cheese chorizo peanut crusted whole beef tenderloin

Peanut Crusted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter , Served with Roasted Jalapeno Pepper Sauce

Peanut crusted beef tenderloin stuffed with spinach, chorizo, mozarella cheese and spicy gorgonzola blue cheese butter. This recipe is inspired by a from my friend Liz Berg of recipe, Gorgonzola Mushrooms Stuffed Beef Tenderloin Recipe. Instead using crumbled gorgonzola cheese, i add my homemade spicy gorgonzola butter recipe with basil, chili and caramelized shallots for this recipe. Spinach stuffed tenderloin with peanut and mustard crust is looks so fancy and elegant dish, even sounds quite an effort but actually you can easily apply this recipe in your very own kichen. Try this spinach, cheese and chorizo stuffed roasted whole beef tenderloin with crusted peanut layer to impressed your relatives in a special occations gathering party or even on  romantic candle light dinner with your girlfriend, just make sure that she isn’t some sort of tree-hugging vegan chicks.

Recipe peanut crusted beef tenderloin stuffed spinach mozarella cheese chorizo gorgonzola filled whole tenderloin

Peanut Crusted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter , Served with Roasted Jalapeno Pepper Sauce

peanut crusted tenderloin oven roasted whole beef tenderloin

Crispy and Crunchy Peanut Crusted Roasted Beef Tenderloin

Peanut crusted tenderloin is the first seducing layer on this dish. The peanut is lighly toasted and roughly chopped,  covering all over the whole beef tenderloin. The peanut crusted spinach stuffed beef tenerloin then popped in into the oven and roasted until got a crusted and nice golden brown color. You may combine or adjust the peanut with your favourite nuts for this recipe, instead peanut, you can use walnut, almond, cashew, Macadamian or Brazilian nuts, or any available nuts nearby your place. Just like my Pistachio Nuts Crusted Lamb Rack with Feta Cheese and Spinach Stuffing Recipe, the crusted nuts layer need some bonding agent to made it stick better to covering the beef tenderloin surface. I’m using a mixture of honey mustard and egg yolk as a glue for the peanut crust layer.

Spinach Stuffed Beef tenderloin fillet filled with cheese gorgonzola butter chorizo sausage

Fully Loaded Butterflied Beef Tenderloin with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter

Now were talking about the stuffing for the whole beef tenderloin, just look at the photograph and you can tell me all the goodness loaded on the butterflied tenderloin. The stuffing for the whole tenderloin is sauteed spinach with garlic and basil, sliced genuin Spanish chorizo, thick sliced mozarella cheese and sliced gorgonzola blue cheese butter. I spread the ttuffing evenly, but not covering about 1 inch from the edge of the flatened beef tenderloin. I did this to k kept the stuffing inside the denderloin and not burst out when you roast in in the over. DO NOT OVERFILLED the beef tenderloin, too much filling might made the stuffed tenderloin explode out from the tenderloin, eventhough it won’t ruined the taste but it’s won’t be plateable.

spinach stuffed roasted beef tenderloin whole beef filet peanut crusted gorgonzola chorizo stuffing

Spinach and Cheese Stuffed Beef Tenderloin, Totally Seducing!

You can adjust the stuffing for the tenderloin as your licking preference, other delicious veggies stuffing for beef tenderloin could be caramelized onion or cabbage, sauteed kale or swiss chard etc.  Plenty of cheese selection instead of mozarella may loaded in to stuffed the beef tenderloin, soft cheese is preferred becauce it’s easier to melt; goat cheese, feta cheese, camembert, brie etc. Another  savoury kick beside chorizo is bacon, anchovies or other dry cured meat or sausage. A few slice of butter added to kept the beef tenderloin stuffing moist and flavoursome.

recipe beef tenderloin stuffed with spinach mozarella cheese gorgonzola whole tenderloin roasted peanut crust

 Stuffed Whole Beef Tenderloin with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter , Served with Roasted Jalapeno Pepper Sauce

Tenderloin is tenderloin and it’s literrary because tenderloin not much taking effort for the cow’s movement. Beef tenderloin cut is lean and least affected by the fat marbling grading, you should check the cross section of grade 3 marbling point tenderloin to grrade 12 marbling point wagyu tenderloin, you’ll find not much different on the ammunt of of white fat distributes between the muscles on it.  This makes the cheap tenderloin is just as tender as the insanely pricey wagyu tenderloin. The difference between the  pricey beef tenderloin such as US Black Angus, Wagyu, Kobe etc from the cheap ones is on the flavour, the pricey beef might be take from a cattle that feed with best selection of whole grain, corn, nuts, fresh grass and stuffs, this made the the meat is got more complex flavour. For any stuffed beef tenderloin recipe, i suggest you choose the regular tenderloin. Regular beef tenderloin is preferred since we add another flavour into it, while the pricey gourmet tenderloin is already flavoursome, lighly seasoned and seared in a sizzling hot skillet is just perfect to prepare it.

whole beef tenderloin recipe stuffed with spinach cheese

Whole Beef Tenderloin

roasted whole tenderloin recipe stuffed with spinach gorgonzola blue cheese chorizo beef filet

Medium Done Roasted Spinach Stuffed Beef Tenderloin with Peanut Crusted

I like my oven roasted whole beef tenderloin with spinach, cheese and chorizo stuffing served medium done. Medium done whole beef tenderloin means the internal temperature when you put the meat temperature gauge in the middle of the thickest part must reach at least 145-155F or about 63-68°C. This temperature enought to melt the blue cheese butter stuffing and also soften the mozarella cheese and the internal meat slighly pink and lighly firm. Your roasted tenderloin would be a fest with the crunchy peanut crust, gooey melted mozarella cheese with a burst of melted spicy gorgonzola cheese butter flavour and it’s all rolled in a tender and juicy beef tenderloin. Just look into the photograph of sagital section of my spinach and cheese stuffed beef tenderloin above, it’s all perfect if you ignored my lack of knive skills.

Recipe Stuffed Beef tenderloin with Spinach cheese chorizo peanut crusted beef loin

My Plate of Medium Done Roasted Beef Tenderloin

Recipe roasted tenderloin with mozarella cheese melted stuffed beef filet spinach gorgonzola butter chorizo

My sister’s feast: well done Roasted Beef Tenderloin with Spinach Stuffing and More Melted Mozzarella Cheese and Toasted Peanut

My sister is pregnant and i insist that she never ever eaten any soft of medium rare or even medium done meat, including this seducing roasted whole tenderloin with peanut crust and cheesy spinach stuffing. So please, to ya’ll mommy to be, stop bitching about pleasing your taste buds, i’m pretty sure you didn’t want to risk your baby with parasites or food poisoning from unsufficient cooked meat either. I even cooked my Balinese Style Grilled Baby Back Ribs Recipe until well done for her.  So then to served this tenderloin well done for my sister, i put the leftover toasted peanut in the bottom of the pan, then put the sliced spinach stuffed tenderloin on top of it and put extra mozarella cheese to cover it, popped it into the oven and broiled until the cheese melted and slighly charred. I eat a tiny bite of the well done tenderloin and it’s incredibly quite moist and tender, i guess the stuffing really paid an effort on it.

roasted beef tenderloin stuffed with cheese spinach beef filet loin peanut crust

Peanut Crusted Roasted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter, Served with Roasted Jalapeno Pepper Sauce Recipe

The roasted whole beef tenderloin with spinach, cheese and chorizo stuffing served with roasted jalapeno pepper sauce. The basic recipe is the same with my previously Roasted Bell Pepper Sauce , i just replace the same amount of sweet bell pepper with deseeded jalapeno pepper. You can enjoy it with any carbs, Mashed Potato, Mashed Sweet Potato, Truffle Oil and Dill Mashed Potato, Saffron Infused Mashed Potato, or even Deep Fried Spicy Cassava, but i prefer mine with red rice salad.

Peanut Crusted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola ButterRecipe :

  • 1 whole beef  tenderloin (about 1-11/2 kg)
  • 1 tbsp mix herbs (rosemarry and thyme)
  • 1 tbsp Homemade Garam Marsala
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp olive oil for pan searing

Peanut Crusted Roasted Beef Tenderloin Recipe:

  • 200 gr peanut, lightly toasted and coarsly chopped
  • olive oil spray
  • salt and pepper to taste

Mustard Coated Beef Tenderloin Recipe:

  • 1 tbsp dijon mustard
  • 1 egg yolk, mixed well as a glue for the peanut crust layer

Spinach and Cheese Beef Tenderloin Stuffing Recipe:

  • 200 gr spinach, sauteed with oil and basil until all excess moisture evaporated, finely chopped
  • 100 gr mozarella cheese, cut into thick julienne cut
  • 1/2 chorizo, thinly sliced
  • 50 gr Homemade Gorgonzola Blue Cheese Butter

How to Make Peanut Crusted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola ButterRecipe :


  • Clean and then pat dry your whole beef tenderloin, remove the fat and silver skin (thin, pearlescent membrane running along top of tenderloin)
  • Rub half of the spice and herbs to the beef tenderloin, marinade for about 2 hours in the fridge,
  • Preheat oven to 200°C
  • Pat dry the beef tenderloin, carefully butterfly the beef tenderloin and then flatened with meat hammer or use the dull side of your knive.

butterflied beef tenderloin flatened loin stuffed cheese spinach chorizo

  • Season the flatened or butterflied beef tenderloin with the remaining half of the herbs and spices.

recipe beef tenderloin flatened stuffed with herbs spinach cheese blue cheese butter and chorizo rosemarry

  • Spread the sauteed spinach and basil over the butterflied beef tenderloin, and then  arrange the sliced chorizo, mozarella cheese  and Homemade Gorgonzola Blue Cheese Butter over it. let the stuffing didn’t touch about 1 inch from the edge.

Beef Tenderloin Stuffed Spinach Mozarella cheese chorizo blu cheese butter rolled

  • Gently fold and roll the beef tenderloin, make sure all stuffing are sealed with the tenderloin meat

stuffed beef tenderloin with cheese spinach gorgonzola mozarella chorizo rolled whole beef tenderloin

  • Tide the spinach and cheese stuffed beef tenderloin with butcher twine

Tide up stuffed beef tenderloin with string rolled whole tenderloin

  • Meanwhile, heat up the olive oil in the cast iron pan until smoking and sizzling hot
  • Sear the rolled whole beef tenderloin  all over the surface to sealed the juice and fixed the spinach and cheese stuffing

Seared Beef tenderloin stuffed spinach cheese chorizo sausage filled beef loin

  • Let the pan seared whole beef tenderloin rest for about 5 minutes

seared whole beef tenderloin stuffed with spinach mozarella cheese gorgonzola rolled beef loin fillet

  • Discard the butcher twine from the stuffed beef tenderloin and pat dry from the dripping a lil bit more

rolled beef tenderloin remove string stuffed spinach

  • Smear the pan seared whole stuffed beef tenderloin with the mustard coating glue

mustard coated beef tenderloin peanut crusted beef fillet

  • Dip the seared and stuffed beef tenderloin into the lighly toasted peanut mixture

recipe peanut crusted beef tenderloin mustard coated beef fillet

  • Make sure all over the surface of the beef tenderloin covered with toasted beef tenderloin

peanut crusted beef tenderloin recipe mustard coated beef fillet

  • Spray evenly the peanut crusted layer with good quality olive oil, put it into the preheated oven

oven roasted beef tenderloin whole peanut crusted stuffed with spinach cheese chorizo

  • Let the the spinach, cheese and chorizo stuffed beef tenderloin roasted until the internal temperature reach about 65°C for medium done, this take about 30-45 minutes, depend on the size fo your beef tenderloin
  • Take out the pean ut crusted beef tenderloin and stuffed with spinach, cheese and chorizo from the oven, let it reast for about 5 minutes until the meat absorb the dripping evenly
  • Carefully crved the roasted stuffed beef tenderloin and served it with ROASTED JALAPENO PEPPER SAUCE

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53 thoughts on “Peanut Crusted Roasted Whole Beef Tenderloin, Stuffed with Spinach, Mozarella Cheese, Chorizo and Gorgonzola Butter

  1. Wow this is a serious meal! Chorizo and gogonzola butter…so rich and wonderful. It’s like all of my favorite flavors in one bite. You’re an amazing cook!

  2. Very nice esp those ingredients stuffed inside the tender beef. Taste? Sorry I can’t comment because as said before, I’ve never tasted.

  3. Everything is so beautifully presented! Your sister’s feast with the spinach looks like something I would really enjoy! I don’t eat beef much, but everything looks so beautiful. Wonderful post, thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Oh and oh and oh once again!! It looks delicious and you know what, this one is pretty easy to make. I make something similar, will have to post it at some point. You’re an absolute genius! Have a lovely weekend 🙂

  5. Lovely, Dedy. Beef and smashed peanut all around it, that is something new, never heard of that. Chorizo? I like eating it but a lot of the time chorizo is very processed and that’s not good for you. But anyone who cooks me this dish will certainly impress me since I like my meat 😀

  6. What an absolutely gorgeous beef tenderloin stuffed with so many wonderful flavors. Great step-by-step tutorial that is easy to follow and very helpful. Your photos are amazing. I just want to reach into the screen and help myself.

  7. That looks so yum! And you rolled it up so perfectly! (I think the roasted jalapeno sauce looks even nicer than the beef though! Hehehe. And I bet it would match with all sorts of different meals! 🙂

  8. Love Liz’s blog and great choice of recipe. The plating and look is gorgeous and there are so many great tastes here.

  9. Everything you make looks so spectacular! And this dish tops many of them. Really good — lovely flavors, and just fun to look at. Thanks.

  10. OMG Dedy, I have thought is crusting beef tenderloin with peanuts…I must tell you, it sounds and looks delicious!
    I love the pictures as well…enjoy the rest of your week 😀

  11. Pingback: Stuffed Beef Tenderloin | Czech in the Kitchen

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