Braised Shark Fin & Fish Maw Soup in Superior Stock Recipe

braised shark fin soup chinese shark fin fish maw fish stomach

Braised Shark Fin & Fish Maw Soup in Superior Stock

Shark fin is one of the most luxurious ancient chinese culture delicacy, even the shark fins itself had a bland taste. Properly cooked whole shark fin had a nice texture, a combination of slippery, crunchy and smooth. Shark fin cooked in double boiler; the shark fin and another soup ingredients placed in a porcelaine jar and thighly closed to seal the moisture, alumunium foil will help for this purpose. T presciouse parcell then either steamed or boiled for several hours. The indirect heat make sure the gelatin and another protein slowly releares and intens the nice umami flavour. Living in indonesia is kinda hillarious, Contrary to the fact that Indonesia is one of the biggest exporting country of shark fin, finding a fine quality of dried whole prepared shark fin is not that easy. In Jakarta, you can purchase it in Glodok, pecinan or china town of Jakarta. I purchased this little piece of shark fin for about 20 USD for 3 pieces of medium size whole processed shark fin.

shark fin recipe braised soup fish maw oyster sauce

Braised Whole Shark Fin and Fish Maw Soup in Superior Stock

In shark fin soup, the fins themselves are virtually tasteless, it can absorb the flavour from the surrounding. Thats why usually shark fin cooked with superior stock containing, chicken, pork, ham, dried scallop and mushrooms to intense the flavour. The taste comes from the soup. snappy, gelatinous texture”. Most westerners’ reaction to eating shark fin for the first time is that it has almost no taste. However, texture is prized as much as taste in Asian cuisine. I choose trusted and ‘green’ shark trader, they use all parts of the shark, not just finning it and discard the entire carcass to the sea. The shark skin and the liver sold to a cosmetic manufactors for it’s collagen and essential oil extraction. The flesh used  for making siew may, fish balls and another fish paste product. Good quality shark fin did’t smells peroxide or other chemical, but it’s still normally fishy. The color is usually pale yellowish, never choose the purely white color because it’s blanched with high consentration of hidrogen peroxide.

resep hisit sirip hiu sup sirip ikan hiu shark fin soup

Angsio Sup Hisit (Sirip Ikan Hiu) dengan Hipio (Perut Ikan)

Angsio Hisit (Sirip Hiu) dan Hipio ikan Malong is the indonesian name for this recipe. Slightly different from making shark fin soup, braised shark fin is usually thicken right after double boiled for few hours. Beside, i usually use premium soy sauce, oyster sauce and mushrooms sauce too to the broth for double boiling. Before cooked  the dried processed shark fin, i used to soak it overnight in a fridge. I dis the same manner for the fish maw. I use the malong (Gnathophis mystrom) fish maw/stomach, this pricey fish maw did’t require deep frying prior to cooking.

braised shark fin soup fish maw hipio soup

Double Boiled Braised Shark Fin and Fish Maw 

Braised Whole Shark Fin with Fish Maw Recipe :

Ingredients :

  • 2 medium size whole processed shark fin, soaked overnight in the fridge, drained
  • 1 malong fish maw, soaked overnight in the fridge, drained
  • 3 cloves garlic, bruished
  • 3 dried hioko/ chinese mushroom, soaked, drained, thinly slice
  • 1 1/2 tbsp premium oyster sauce
  • 1 tsp premium mushrooms sauce
  • 1 tsp premium soy sauce
  • 2 cm ginger,  bruised
  • 1 stalk spring onion
  • 1 tsp corn starch, dissolved with 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tbsp sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp ang ciu/rice cooking wine
  • 1,5 L Superior Stock

How to Cook Braised Dried Abalone in Superior Stock :

  • Heat up the 1 tbsp sesame oil in a heavy bottom sauce pan, let it browned a little bit
  • Put the sliced mushrooms, spring onion and ginger, saute about 2 minutes
  • Pour the superior stock,  Add the soy sauce, mushrooms sauce, oyster sauce , cooking wine, soaked shark fin and fish maw, bring it to boil
  • Pour all ingredient is a porcelaine jar and seal it with the cover
  • Put the covered porcelaine jar in a steamer, steam it for about 2-3 hours untill the fish maw is tender (or you can put the covered jar in partiallly boiling water)
  • Carefully strain the solid ingredient, discard the mushrooms, garlic and ginger
  • In a clean heavy bottom sauce pan, boil the liquid until reduced into quarter
  • Add the shark fin and fish maw
  • Nearly done, thicken the gravy with dissolved corn starch
  • Served it immediately

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Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp with Crispy Butter Cereal or Oatmeal

Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp with Crispy & Buttery Cereal or Oats

Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp with Crispy Butter Cereal or Oatmeal Recipe

Salt and pepper mantis shrimp with crispy butter cereal or oast is actually a fusion of salt and pepper mantis shrimp recipe with butter garlic and cereal mantis shrimp recipe.  Salt and pepper recipe is a popular Cantonese style seafood preparation for shrimp, soft shell crab or mantis shrimp. Salt and pepper shrimp is  not only popular  in China and Taiwan, but also in Singapore, Malaysia and  Indonesia. The mantis shrimp is usually batterred and then deep fried until golden brown. Right after the oil is spilled out from the wok pan and remind some of the oil, the minced garlic is slowly stir fried with low heat until it’s got crispy and nice golden brown to enhance the flavour. Freshly grounded black peppercorn added to the wok pan and then a pinch of salt springkled  for the taste. This is the basic recipe for making salt and pepper mantis shrimp. But actually i’ve never seen any of this kind of simple preparation, the chef is usually added chopped chilli, ginger, spring onion and chinese five spice  or ngo-hiang powder to make it fragrance  and taste rich even more.

mantis prawn with salt and pepper butter garlic recipe

Mantis Shrimp with Salt, Garlic, Chilli, Pepper and Crispy Butter Cereal Recipe

Butter cereal mantis shrimp or prawn is also cantonese style seafood preparation. The basic ingredients is butter, cereal or oatmeal or havermout, garlic, chilli and one of the most important ingredients is curry leaves. Yes, you’re right, i think this dish won’t be authentic without the fragrance of curry leaves. Since, both salt and pepper and butter cereal recipe is got the same cooking technique; slowly stir fried with a low heat until all ingredients got crispy, i think why didn’t i put alll of them into one plate. This is absolutely a must try recipe, i put my reputation for the guarantee.

mantis prawn shrimp deep fried with butter garlic cereal salt and pepper

Butter Garlic Cereal Mantis Shrimp with Salt, Chilli and Pepper

I put my personal licking twist too to the recipe. Instead of using only black peppercorn, i use szechuan peppercorn to make some kick’in to the dish. Both black and white sesame seed that i added  to this mantis shrimp or mantis prawn recipe make some nutty flavour. For making a hillarious and hectic aromas, i add a thinly slice of lemongrass. I guess that your kitchen will be smells like heaven when you making this dish.

butter garlic mantis shrimp salt pepper mantis prawn

Butter Cereal Deep Fried Mantis Shrimp with Salt, Chilli, Pepper and Curry Leaves Recipe

How to preparing  and cleaning the mantis shrimp or mantis prawn???. This may be your first question when you handle this unusual sea creatures. Just like a shrimp, you should discard the vein in the back, you could simply cut the back shell to expose the meat and then make a tiny incission along the back or the tail and then pull out the vein easily. Some people like to cut the swimming leg on the tail, but i prefer did’t since it’s would be taste great and crispy after deep fried. After springkled with salt and pepper, you can dredge it with a little bit of flour to seal the exposed mantis shrimp tail meat. This is needed to prevent the meat got overcooked after the cooking processes.

resep udang ronggeng lada garam udang lipan cereal butter  sauce

Udang Ronggeng Goreng Gandum Mentega dengan Lada Garam

Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp with Crispy Butter Cereal is called Udang Lipan or Udang Ronggeng Goreng Gandum Mentega dengan Lada Garam in Indonesia. This dish is best served immediately and eaten when the cereal is still crispy. You can simply reheat it in a wok pan with low heat until the  cereal is got crispy again. But usually this dish gonna be gone as quick as flicking your finger.

Salt and Pepper Mantis Shrimp with Crispy Butter Cereal or Oatmeals Recipe:

mantis shrimp salt pepper mantis prawn butter garlic

Salt and Pepper Shrimp with Crispy Butter Cereal Ingredients

Ingredients :

  • 1 large (about 500 gr) mantis shrimp (Udang Ronggeng/Udang Lipan)
  • 1/2 cup oatmeals or cereal (Havermut/Gandum)
  • 2 tbsp butter (Mentega)
  • 3 cloves garlic (Bawang Putih), finely chopped
  • 1 sprig curry leaves (Daun Kari/Temurui)
  • 6 or more bird eye chilli pepper (Cabe Rawit Merah), deseeded, chopped
  • 3 or more green chilli pepper (Cabe Hijau), deseeded, chopped
  • 2 cm ginger (Jahe), finely chopped
  • 1 lemon grass (Sereh), thinly slice
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper (Lada Hitam)
  • 1/4 tsp freshly ground szechuan peppercorn (Lada Sicuan)
  • 1/2 tbsp black sesame seed (Wijen Hitam)
  • 1/2 tbsp white sesame seed (Wijen Putih)
  • ½ tsp chinese five-spice powder (Bumbu NgoHiang)
  • Sea salt (Garam) to taste
  • Tapioca Flour (Tepung Tapioka/Sagu) for dredging the mantis shrimp
  • 1 tsp lemon juice (Sari Jeruk Lemon) for marinating the mantis shrimp
  • Vegetable oil (minyak Goreng) for deep frying and stir frying


  • Clean and prepare the mantis shrimp * following the descriptios above 
  • Season with a pinch of seasalt, black peppercorn and lemon juice, let it marinade for 10 minutes
resep udang ronggeng udang lipan

How to Cook Mantis Shrimp: Marinade with Lemon Juice, Salt and Pepper

  • Drain the mantis shrimp and gently dredge it with tapioca flour, make sure the exposed mantis shrimp tail meat ic fully covered.

    mantis prawn shrimp recipe

    How to Cook Mantis Shrimp: Coat with Flour

  • Deep fried the mantis shrimp until it’s got nice golden brown color
deep fried mantis shrimp prawn crispy

Deep Fried The Mantis Shrimp

  • Drain the mantis shrimp and spill out the oil and remain it about 1 tbsp for stir frying
  • Heat up the remaining oil, add the butter and let it completely melted
  • Stir fry the garlic, ginger and lemongrass with low heat until nice golden brown
  • Add the chillies, sesame seed, cereal and curry leaves, continue to saute until the curry leaves got crispy
  • Add the deep fried mantis shrimp, season with black peppercorn, szechuan peppercorn and seasalt
  • Tossed it until all the ingredients mixed well and the cereal is got nice golden brown color
  • Just before serving, turn off the heat and add the five spice powder
  • Serve it immediately

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Mantis Shrimp with Black Pepper Sauce Recipe (Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam)

mantis shrimp recipe black pepper mantis prawn

Mantis Shrimp with Black Pepper Sauce Recipe

Mantis shrimp or mantis prawn is exotic edible sea creatures that rarely seen on my daily menu. Mantis shrimp had several name around the world, it’s called Udang Ronggeng (It moves similiar to Ronggeng dancer) , Udang Sentadu or Udang Lipan (It looks like a centipede) in Indonesia. In Japan, mantis shrimp called shako (蝦蛄),in Italia, it’s called Canocchie, in Vietnamese it’s known as tôm tít or tôm tích, (攋尿蝦, Mandarin pinyin: lài niào xiā, modern Cantonese: laaih niu hā)”pissing shrimp” and in Philippines, the mantis shrimp is known as tatampal, hipong-dapa or alupihang-da ga.

mantis shrimp mantis prawn

Mantis Shrimp, Mantis Prawn

udang ronggeng udang lipan alupihang daga

Udang Ronggeng, Udang Lipan, Udang Kertak, Alupihang Daga, Shako

Foraging over Jakarta’s Muara Angke fish market driven me to a mantis shrimp on a large icy batch that looks like a giant bugs for me. The seller convinced me that the mantis shrimp are as fresh as possible by picking one of the mantist shrimps arm, squeese out the meat and eat it like a sashimi. Well, the tricks works for me. Since my nephew told me to bargain it radically due to the sellers incorrect weight scale, i can take it home for about 5 USD a kilo (not true weight though) from the first 7 USD offer.

udang ronggeng muara angke udang lipan

Udang Ronggeng at Muara Angke Fish Market

resep udang ronggeng saus lada hitam masak udang lipan

Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam

How to cook mantis shrimp ??? thats’s what i thought right away when i purchased it in Muara Angke Seafood Market, Jakarta. Internet search calls for either boiled, roasted, deep fried, stir fried or even eaten raw as sashimi. I choose too stir fry the mantis shrimp with humbe black pepper sauce to let the sea bugs introduced to my taste buds. How does mantist shrimp taste like ??? i think it’s similiar to lobster and prawn, but the texture is more like a crab since it fleshy and  stick’in to the shell.


Mantis shrimp meat taste almost like a lobster ! Sweet, Firm and Succulent !

how to cook mantis shrimp prawn

Tiny Mantis Shrimp Clawn Meat

You can deep fried the shrimp for about one minute or even two, before tossing is with the sauce, but i did’t since i like to simply stir fry it first with a little of oil and cooked it in the blackpepper sauce. This is the secret how to cook mantis shrimp to prevent it got overcooked.


Resep Udang Ronggeng Saus Lada Hitam (Recipe Mantis Shrimp in Black Pepper Sauce)

Mantis Shrimp in Black Pepper Sauce Recipe :

  • 3 udang rongeng/mantis shrimp (about 1 kg),cut into 3 segment,  cleaned throughly, drizzle with a little of lime juice, drained
  • 1/2 bell pepper, jullienned
  • 1/3 tsp freshly grounded  black peppercorn
  • 1/4 small onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 tsp of oyster sauce, i use Lee Kum Kee Brand
  • 3 cloves garlic , chopped
  • 2 cm ginger, finelly chopped
  • a pinch of salt and sugar to taste
  • 2 tbs of premium light soy sauce
  • 1 tsp of chinese cooking wine
  • 1 tsp kecap manis/sweet soy sauce
  • 1/2 tsp corn flour, dissolve with 1 tbsp water
  • 1 tsp of sesame oil
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil for stir frying
  • 1/2 cup water
  • shaved spring onion for serving

Instruction How to Cook Mantis Shrimp on Black Pepper Sauce :

  • Heat up the vegetable oil in a large wok pan, saute the garlic, ginger and the onion until slightly brown
  • Add the grounded black peppercorn and mantis shrimp, stir fry another 2 minutes
  • Add the oyster sauce, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sweet soy sauce and water to deglaze the bottom, stir well and close with glass lid and bring it to boil
  • Nearly done, add the sesame oil and dissolved corn flour to thicken the sauce
  • Serve black pepper sauce mantis shrimp with shaved spring onion

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Hot and Spicy Chilli Crab Recipe (Resep Kepiting Saus Padang)

spicy chilli crab recipe singapore chilli crab

Hot and Spicy Chilli Crab Recipe

Chilli crab is a popular  dish preparation for crab . This hot and spicy chili crab are considered as Padangnese or Minangkabau descent style for it’s kick’in spicy and hot taste. Just like BEEF RENDANG, the chilli crab spice paste contains a dominant chilli flavour. Mud crabs are commonly used and are stir-fried in a semi-thick, creamy, hot and savoury tomato and chilli based sauce. Padangnese chilli crab are slightly different with the relatives, a Singapore style chilli crab.  Despite its name ‘chilli’, Singapore style chilli crab is not a very hot and spicy dish.  The other difference is the Padangnese style chilli not contain  shrimp paste but turmeric, candle nuts and chilli paste.

singapore chilli crab recipe step making chilli crab

Hot and Spicy Chilli Crab Recipe (Resep Kepiting Saus Padang)

Kepiting Saus Padang or Padangnese Style Chilli Crab is a very popular dish among seafood restaurant through out Indonesia, especially chinese restaurant. The chef usually boiled the crab with ginger and lemongrass or deep fried it before tossed with the spicy sauce.  Don’t you ever espect to order kepiting saus padang in a Padangnese Restaurant since it’s won’t be available. To make it even more fragrant, i love to add some  curry powder to the dish. A little touch of thick coconut milk added to make a creamy sauce. Instead serving with a deep fried mantau or buns, the Kepiting Saus Padang is served with steamed rice.

chillli crab recipe make hot spicy crab

Recipe Hot Spicy Chilli Crab in Padangnese Style

This  Indonesia chilli crab got a little of my personal twist. I use a sliced tomato and green chillies to make it refreshing even more. Beside tomato puree, i use a ripe torch gingger pods that called as buah cekala, kecombrang, kincuang or sambuang in Minangkabau or Padangnese descent language. You should crack open the torch ginger pod and mashed the black seed innard with water, then strain it through a fine sieve. The torch ginger pods and flower are essential ingredients to to make a Arsik Ikan or Indonesian (Batakness) Spiced Fish with Torch Ginger and Szechuan Peppercorn.

chilli crab recipe spicy crab hot spicy crab

Recipe Crab in Hot and Spicy Chilli Sauce

I was so damn lucky to had the blue crab or flower crab since this is the last stock in the market this weeks. I like this crab for it sweet and succulent meat eversince i made Seafood Paella and Steamed Blue Crab in Green Chillies. This crab is worth for the price since literrary i had to struggling around a bunch of  jolly mommy with the same interest to purchasing the flower crab. This blue crab is the biggest i ever seen, about 2-3 for a kilo and it’s very cheep too. I purchased 3 blue or flower crab weighted around 1,4 kilos for about 6 USD.


Chilli Crab Recipe :

  • 2@500 gr crab, cleaned, remove the gills
  • 1 large tomatoes, deseeded, roughly chopped
  • 1 large tomatoes, pureed
  • 3 green chillies, crosswisely slice
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup tomato ketchup
  • 4 tbsp hot chilli sauce
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 2 kaffir lime leaves
  • 6 torch ginger pod or buah asam cekala, cracked, dissolve with water and strained
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 3 tbsp oil

Chilli Crab Spice Paste :

  • 6 red cayenne pepper or chillies
  • 6 bird eye chillies (or more for more hot taste)
  • 8 shallots
  • 6 cloves garlic
  • 3 cm turmeric, grilled, peeled
  • 4 candle nuts, toasted

Instruction :

How to Make Chilli Crab:

  • Season the crab with salt and lime juice, deep fried for two minutes with large flame ( i prefer not doing this for a less calories)
  • In a large skillet , heat up the oil over medium-high heat. Saute the spice paste until the oil separated int he edge of the skillet.
  • Add the green chillies, tomato puree, kaffir lime leaves, curry powder, coconut milk, tomato ketchup, and chilli sauce.
  • Add the crabs and the torch ginger infused water , bring to boil in a large flame.
  • Adjust the taste with salt and pepper
  • Just before finished cooking, add the chopped tomato
  • Serve with hot steamed rice.

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Braised Beef Oxtail with Red Wine, Tomatoes and Carrot

braised oxtail recipe stew oxtail tomato red wine carrot

Braised oxtail with red wine, tomato and baby carrot!

Braised oxtail in a kick’in tomato soup! the answer that i said once my mom asked what i’m craved before my thesis examination. Braised beef always comfort my days. Melted and tender meat with a rich broth can save me from my nervous and forgot a little about the exam that  i’m gonna facing up that days.My family is a big oxtail lover and we used to had a clear oxtail soup or semur buntut (oxtail soup with sweet soy sauce). We usually cut  it one and a half inches thick and slow cooked it until the meat is suckable instead of chewable.

 braised oxtail stew oxtail tomato

Well, actually the braised oxtail in rick tomato broth or sup buntut bumbu tomat are really works for me. Thanks God that i passed the test with honour. I’m officially become a dentist co-assistant and need to catch up my clinical requirement for next two years to become a professional dentist. Wish me luck within my dental college clinical courses program.

resep sup buntut sapi sop buntut enak

Sup buntut sapi dengan bumbu tomat

I you want to make a rich and a deep tomato broth, you should use sun dried tomato. I use my unblanched homemade sun dried tomato, that’s why the broth got rather dark color. Becarefull when you pour the dark soy sauce into the soup since i pour it without spoon.  This made the broth ever darker.

Braised Oxtail Recipe :


  • 1,5 kg oxtails
  • 1 pack baby carrot (about 250 gr)
  • 2 large tomato, deseeded, pureed
  • 50 gr homemade sun dried tomato, soaked in hot water, processed
  • 1/2 cup canned  tomato pasta
  • 5 cloves garlic roughly chopped
  • 1/2 cup shiitake mushrooms, cut in half
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 1 tsp dark soy sauce
  • 4 cups water
  • 4 Tb dark brown sugar
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 4 cm ginger, bruised
  • 5 cloves garlic roughly chopped
  • Salt and black pepper to taste
  • 2-3 dried chilies (optional)


  • Heat up 1 tbsp oil in a heavy-bottom braiser over medium-high heat, brown both sides of oxtail, drain excess oil and set aside
  • Saute the garlic, ginger, star anise until slightly browned
  • Put the seared oxtail back in the skillet and add the dried chillies andthe shiitake mushrooms, continue saute another two minutes
  • Pour the tomato puree, sun dried tomato and tomato pasta until the water content are reduced
  • Pour the red wine, water and the rest of ingredients, bring to boil
  • Set your stove into a lowest and simmer until oxtails are tender for about 2 hours
  • Add the carrot 30 minutes before finish cooking
  • Check to see if additional water is needed during braising process
  • Seasoning with more salt is recommended when finished
  • Serve with deep fried shallot
braised oxtail with couscous

i served the braised oxtail with couscous

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Braised Beef Shank in Chinese Hot and Sour Soup (Sup Sapi Asam Pedas) ala Dentist Chef

braised beef shank recipe hot and sour beef

Braised beef shank in hot and sour soup

Nothing possibly better than a tender braised beef meat and a melted bone marrow in a cold and rainy days. Chinese hot and sour soup is one of ancient secrec that belived to booster your imune system and warmed the digestive system through a hard winter. There’s several repices for hot and sour soup available, but i thing this version is really suits for my licking. This hor and sour soup maybe similiar to PINDANG, a hot and sour soup from South Sumatras Province with a little tangy flavour from a sweet soy sauce. PINDANG got the sour from tamarind paste instead of black vinegar, but actually i use both of them within this soup. Another popular braised beef recipe from Indonesia is SEMUR, a tangy sweet soy sauce braised beef with a lot of  spices.

bone marrow soup beef shank braised recipe hot and sour beef

Chinese Hot and Sour Soup Beef Shank with Bone Marrow

When you dealing with beef shank, choose the beef shank that contains more meat attached to the femur bone. Since the braised beef shank meat will shrink in the cooking process. Choose the bone-in shank with similiar size for similiar doness.  Always put the marrow bone facing up to prevent it melted and dissolved during the process. I got the bone-in beef shank in traditional butchers, note that the bone cutting is ir i regular, hehehe. But brought it amazingly cheap, 3 beef shank with sufficient meat still attached and weighted about 4 kilos for 15 USD.

resep sup sumsum sapi tulang sumsum sop asam pedas sapi

Resep sup sumsum sapi asam pedas

Braised bone-in beef shank is called SUP SUM-SUM SAPI ASAM PEDAS or hot and sour bone marrow soup in Indonesia. Instead of the meat, the focus on the dish is the bone marrow. This soup is popular in North Sumatra  Province. Bone marrow soup or Sup Sum-Sum Sapi usually serve with a large dingking straw or sedotan to suck the bone goodness.

hot and sour beef soup recipe beef shank

Tender beef shank with melting bone marrow in Chinese Hot and Sour Soup



Chinese Hot and Sour Beef Soup Recipe:

  • 4 kg bone-in beef shank or 1,5 kg beef meat (knuckle)
  • 1 tsp tamarind paste
  • 2 tbsp chinese black vinegar
  • 10 chillies or more
  • 1 tsp brown sugar
  • 3 cm ginger
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 3 kaffir lime leaves, deveined
  • 4 lemongrass, bruised
  • 2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
  • 6 cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 1 ripe tomatoes, deseeded, diced
  • 6 beef cups stock/water
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • lemon basil leaves for garnish

Hot and sour soup spice paste :

  • 10 shallot
  • 12 garlic
  • 6 red chillies cayenne pepper
  • 6 or more cabe rawit or birds eye chillies
  • 4 cm ginger
  • 3 cm turmeric
  • salt to taste

Instruction :

  • Season the bone-in beef shank with garam masala, salt and pepper, marinade overnight in the fridge.
  • Heat up 1 tbsp oil  until sizzling hot, sear the shank all over, make sure all surface are throughly seared. set aside
  • Heat up the 2 tbsp oil in a heavy bottom sauce pan, saute the spice paste with a low heat until the spice is throughly cooked. Visual aspect is the key! the oil is slowly separated and formed in the edge when it throughly cooked.
  • Add lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, all tomatoes and the seared beef shankel. Stir another minute.
  • Pour the  stock and put the rest of the ingredients, arrange the beef shank bone marrow facing up, bring the liquid to boil.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer until the hot and sour beef soup broth is thicken about 1-2 hours.
  • Serve with steaming hot rice

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